FCC Docket 05-72: Public Comments against sale/transfer of VOOM Licenses

Don Landis said:
I don't believe the FCC will consider that the big company can take away from the little company on the basis of just being bigger which is what each of the 6 respondents in E*'s favor stated as the reason to approve of the transfer.

I submitted comments in support of Echostar and did not use this rationale that a bigger company should be allowed to take away from a little company as a reason to approve the transfer/assignment of frequencies. Please don't post these inaccurate generalizations. Of course Echostar didn't take anything away from Voom LLC, they signed an agreement with Cablevision/ Rainbow DBS to purchase the frequencies, the satellite and the ground station.
justalurker said:
Late filed?

Still accepting through tonight. Why don't you just get VOOM and get it over with. You know you want to do it, if not go away ;-) (jk). I really would like you to stick around so you can see VOOM flurish within the next two years.
rocatman said:
I submitted comments in support of Echostar and did not use this rationale that a bigger company should be allowed to take away from a little company as a reason to approve the transfer/assignment of frequencies. Please don't post these inaccurate generalizations. Of course Echostar didn't take anything away from Voom LLC, they signed an agreement with Cablevision/ Rainbow DBS to purchase the frequencies, the satellite and the ground station.

Show me your post please. I read six in support of E* getting FCC approval based on the fact that this would benefit 11 million people, far more than the VOOM number of 40,000. I just translated that to mean FCC should grant the approval on the basis of bigger is better and felt the FCC would not do it based on that rationale. I agree with JL, the only reason E* would get (FCC approval)the 11 licenses is if VOOM HD LLC fails to be a third competitor. That requires CV to accept their offer to buy it. Unfortunately for E*, the case as stated by Dolan's petition is true that the FCC has set precedent already in denying E* (and D*) 2 of the frequencies for 4 years. Why would they now reverse the decision and allow it plus the others? At best the frequencies would go to open to all auction and maybe E* would be the only real bidder.
I don't know why you didn't state your reason if it was indeed different from big guy vs. little guy. You must have had an equally weak argument not worth repeating here. Just kidding- BTW- I have 4 program services here including E* and Comcast. I just recognize the clear value in Voom for all the HDTV they offer so I have picked sides on this and that side is VOOM. If E* wins and offers all of the VOOM style programming, plus, somehow, acquires programming rights later on from CV on the VOOM originals, then I would be just as happy. Unfortunately, E* has already said in CC that they plan to use the satellite for mostly expanding locals. That won't help most E* subs, including me.
Hmmm. There are now 325 documents on file - it looks like the FCC has accepted comments well after the deadline. In any case, I am interested in reading how Cablevision and/or EchoStar will reply...especially to C. Dolan's petition.
Don Landis said:
I agree with JL, the only reason E* would get (FCC approval) the 11 licenses is if VOOM HD LLC fails to be a third competitor.
I wouldn't say that. I would say that if Voom is not in business the day the FCC goes to make the decision that E* would get Rainbow1. (Especially now, as the only filer that said they CAN use that bandwidth is Voom HD LLC. If they can't keep Voom alive by buying it or at least getting CV to extend the discussions, how can the be taken as a serious entrant into DBS competition?)

There is still the possiblilty that the FCC will decide in favor of E* and CV and permit their transaction, even with Voom HD LLC's opposition.
riffjim4069 said:
Hmmm. There are now 325 documents on file - it looks like the FCC has accepted comments well after the deadline. In any case, I am interested in reading how Cablevision and/or EchoStar will reply...especially to C. Dolan's petition.
The FCC will accept comments as late filed, but as late filed they are usually discounted since the procedure calls for filing by the deadline. Considering comments filed past the deadline does not give E* and CV proper time to oppose the late filed comments. People had a month to file their comments. That's enough.

I too look forward to E*'s and CV's response to the comments.

Here's one comment filed March 25th that the FCC will have to weed out:
Filed on Behalf of: Rainbow DBS Company LLC
Complete Mailing Address:
Natick, MA 01760

Rainbox was in the process of selling the satellite items in question to echostar without waiting for a spinoff company, VOOM HD LLC being given a chance to use/buy first.
VOOM HD LLC is ready and able to take over these frequencies at this time. If you let Echostar have them, you are REMOVING vlid competition from the industry. VOOM HD LLC is a viable 3rd satellite company. In previous filings, the FCC has always sided with increased competition and allowing better/more consumer choices. This is clearly in the best interest of the public.
Please allow them to continue to spin off and grow by allowing them to keep using the DBS frequencies at 61.5 (Rainbow-1).
Obviously a fraudulent filing. No name attached, but certainly NOT from RainbowDBS!

Rainbow DBS's initial response to C Dolan's latest actions can be read here.

Ok, it is Day 222 and this sale/transfer should have been "Fast Tracked" and "Approved" months ago since there was no opposition and no compelling reason for the FCC to drag their feet. I think it is once again time to file our comments with the FCC since they are apparently still accepting them.

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