FCC: Joint Petition Filed to Deny Assignment of Licenses (Charles F Dolan)

rocatman said:
Based on some of the stories posted in this forum, Charles Dolan has been running Voom the entire time because it was his "baby". Most of the rest of Cablevision was run by his son James Dolan who had more of an interest in Madison Square Garden, the Knicks and the Rangers. When the losses from the Charles Dolan run Voom continued to significantly hurt the Cablevision bottom line and the stock price, the Cablevision board voted it shut it down. I don't understand why a smart businessman such as Charles Dolan would have been shocked by the shutdown action, the writing was on the wall. A smart businessman should have known how the rest of Cablevision Board felt especially about something as prized as Voom appears to be to Charles Dolan. As Chairman of the Board of Cablevision with the power to control the Board, this situation is even more puzzling.

Not sure where your position comes from. It seems that the shut was unexpected. Loosing money would have been no surprise the smart Board Members. They knew the model. Dolan wasn't in a day to day position either. The shift towards Voom in James' Board seems to correspond directly with his Sports deals. James wanted his stock assets and the opportunity to spend down Cablevision value on his teams. Anyway, I don't think Chuck would have been looking for this power grab so soon.
Think of the petition this way, I know it's late and I haven't had my meds yet. The FCC denies the transfer of the 11 frequencies and the 2 STAs, but E* gets the satellite. Rainbow DBS either has to sell the frequencies to VOOM LLC or give them to the FCC. Either way VOOM LLC gets the frequencies as E* can't have them and no one else wants them. VOOM LLC in turn leases the 11 frequencies to E* which pays VOOM LLC's lease on AMC-6.
bryan27 said:
Think of the petition this way, I know it's late and I haven't had my meds yet. The FCC denies the transfer of the 11 frequencies and the 2 STAs, but E* gets the satellite.
STOP. If E* denies the transfer of the 11 regular transponders the deal is OFF. E* keeps their $200 million and CV gets the bird.

Then Voom HD LLC has to come up with the cash (AND get FCC approval for the transfer of licenses) plus meet their other committments to get Rainbow1. Also Cablevision and C Dolan will most likely be sued by E* due to their chairman's interference with the transfer process. More money that Voom HD LLC will have to spend.
bryan27 said:
VOOM LLC in turn leases the 11 frequencies to E* which pays VOOM LLC's lease on AMC-6.
That would be a long shot and grounds for an appeal of the FCC ruling. Voom HD's case for denying E* the use of those 11 transponders is so THEY can use them to provide competitive satellite service. If they fail to provide service on those transponders a complaint could be filed with the FCC causing them to lose the transponders as well. We could have 13 wasted transponders and an unusable satellite at 61.5 if Voom HD choose to lease to E* instead of provide actual service.

The cheapest solution would be to let E* have Rainbow1 and immediately start the move to AMC-6. That would save them $200 million and a lawsuit (which even if won by Voom/Cablevision will cost money). Of course, C Dolan has already shown he isn't on that path ... so expect more operating losses in the future to cover the decisions.

Mtnmanco said:
Ancalagowit81 is a phony and a fraud. In this post he portraying himself as an installer who does 40 VOOM installs a week. In another string he claims he has done thousands of D* installs. BS In a different string he claims to be a D* CSR who is tired of all the whining customers. In reality he is a nut case and "Provocatuer" who dabbles in fantasy. In other recent posts he assumes other ficticious roles either with this user name or another. You can spot him because he has a distictive and unusual writing style. He capitalizes every word.
I agree , all these guys work 5 days a week. 8 hours a day. An install takes about 2-3 hours with travel time. You can do 3 or 4 installs a day. That is 20 a week assuming a 5 day work week. SO HE IS A PHONY. HOW CAN HE DO 40 INSTALLS A WEEK ONLY OF VOOM. How about his 100 D* where does he get time for that assuming he is doing 10 voom installs a day at 2-3 hours a install, not factoring in travel time.

Where do all these Nut jobs come from?
calikarim said:
I agree , all these guys work 5 days a week. 8 hours a day. An install takes about 2-3 hours with travel time. You can do 3 or 4 installs a day. That is 20 a week assuming a 5 day work week. SO HE IS A PHONY. HOW CAN HE DO 40 INSTALLS A WEEK ONLY OF VOOM. How about his 100 D* where does he get time for that assuming he is doing 10 voom installs a day at 2-3 hours a install, not factoring in travel time.

Where do all these Nut jobs come from?

Maybe he is real and 50% drop Voom in 30 days due to his poor installs. If he did 20 good installs maybe everyone would be happy like me
calikarim said:
I agree , all these guys work 5 days a week. 8 hours a day. An install takes about 2-3 hours with travel time. You can do 3 or 4 installs a day. That is 20 a week assuming a 5 day work week. SO HE IS A PHONY. HOW CAN HE DO 40 INSTALLS A WEEK ONLY OF VOOM. How about his 100 D* where does he get time for that assuming he is doing 10 voom installs a day at 2-3 hours a install, not factoring in travel time.

Maybe he owns or manages an installation company and has several technicians working for him.
Or maybe he is a phony @#$$ in here stirring up crap. Which in fact he is. On the flip side I guess who really cares anyhow with VOOM in its downward spiral to extinction in a matter of a couple of months? Once the smoke clears there will be only two DBS choices left, D* & E*. Unfortunate but reality.
Dunno what's the point here but this 'only 3 or 4 is doable' and '2-3 hours per instal with travel' are pretty clueless estimations in urban area.

Here in NYC last year my installer finished within an hour, including travel time (he was in the borough already somewhere else, installing some non-Voom crap.) I remember years ago when my DTv was installed in my old apt in Kensington area of Brooklyn, that was also done under an hour. When I moved here a DTV came out, it was also less than an hour.

This 2-3 hours claim sounds ridiculous in urban areas.
Ok, now that C. Dolan has filed a petition to deny assignment of Rainbow DBS licenses, what the hell is going on behind the scenes: Has a deal or partnership been struck? How will this affect more HD/SD channels, MPEG-4, HD DVR, etc.?
riffjim4069 said:
Ok, now that C. Dolan has filed a petition to deny assignment of Rainbow DBS licenses, what the hell is going on behind the scenes: Has a deal or partnership been struck? How will this affect more HD/SD channels, MPEG-4, HD DVR, etc.?

Obviously if any knows the answer to these questions they are not talking.

I would quess we won't learn anything real until at least after the 4/18 board meeting.

Article : For Dolan, Adelphia is bonanza

Charles Dolan E-mail Response (4/4/05)
