IMHO, this is the cost of the rate at which we innovate. Business wants things to change fast to build revenue which is sometimes at odds with the stability users crave. Of course users also want new features and things to look nicer, etc. If users were more sensitive to changes, perhaps big changes like the CUI would cause them to leave in droves, which would indicate to the business that a fast rate of innovation was unacceptable. Then software engineers would have more time to get the software to run correctly and performantly on the older hardware, which has far fewer resources than the platform for which the software was originally designed.
The reality as I see it is the business is going to compete to get new customers and keep existing customers with the minimum investment possible. If they take too long, the risk is someone else will win their customers. If they ship crap because they didn't take long enough, the risk is the customers will leave. The balance point is shipping something as good as possible to attract and keep customers while being not so crappy as to alienate customers. This is the case for almost all software in my experience.
The pace at which this happens unfortunately obsoletes old hardware. It is just a sad fact of life in a technological world.