Call from Account Specialist re: Yellow Card Killing my 7200


Original poster
May 23, 2004
After years of having Dish fail to live up to their shortcomings and having my Dishplayer 7200 killed by the new yellow smart card, I finally cancelled my Dish Account. (Search my previous posts for a full explanation).

So today I get a call from an account specialist - seemingly to convince me back into the Dish fold. As always I calmly and politely explained that by killing my 7200 it was obvious that Dish was tired of receiving over $100/month since 1997 from me.

She first claimed no knowledge of the 7200's problems with the yellow card, but then came up with the replacement DVR offer. I asked her about the contradiction of "There is no problem, but here's how we want to fix it." I also told her that in my *opinion* the newer DVR's were inferior to what I had and repeated that Dish broke my equipment, which in my mind means Dish doesn't want my money.

Since I really did want to cancel the account, her witty end comment was to harshly remind me that it will cost me $25 to reactivate my account to return to the Dish family.

Way to go Ms. Specialist once again you demonstrated the major complaints about Dish Network that runs throught these forums that customer service, despite what J.D. Powers surveys say, apparently is not a concern. :no
Remember - J.D.Power tells us what the "best" is.

That does NOT mean it's "good", only that it's better than the others.

Sad state of affairs, there, eh?
Whoa! Simon that is a brilliant bit of clarity that is more than scary this morning!


For the record the JD powers award was for customer service... not satisfaction... as in Dish answers more tech support calls.... probably because their stuff breaks all the time
If they offered a 721, for free of course, to the disaffected 7x00ers, it would be a pretty good deal. It is an excellent machine, by Dish standards. Very few little bugs (which means "perfect" in Dish-speak), very nice interface, lightening fast guide, and 2 tuners.

I think the 7x00ers would probably like it.
Yeah, but don't hold your breath.... webtv aside, a 508 is closer in functionality and drive size to the original (actually you get triple the storage capacity).

Going to a 721, a two tuner machine, sounds like an upgrade to me. You might be better served trying to buy one on EBay at a discount instead of trying to get them to upgrade you to receiver with more capabilities.

I gladly took the two 508s for my two 7200s. I never have to see that 20 minute TV Listings download bar EVER again.

Anyone want a WebTV keyboard? $20 plus shipping and it's yours.

CSR Indicates that 61.5 is NOT VOOM SAT !

What VOOM Channels are available?

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