Got all my needed supplies in finally including the Geosat Pro C-2 Dual Output C-Band LNBFs and the rain stopped and it was warm yesterday and today, so I got started back on my project.
I am on the parking lot now, and will be another day or so, then up on the roof to finish off.
Turns out that the Prodelin does an outstanding job on C-Band with an off-center LNBF.
I have 121W C-Band, 123W Ku, 125W Ku, and 127W C-Band. The Ku signals are outstanding of course, but what surprised me was how well 127W came in being 6 degrees off center. I have LCN Louisiana Superstation at 75% SQ and another transponder on that satellite at 60% SQ.

Everything on 121W comes in decently for me too.
Tomorrow, I am going to try and mount 129W for White Springs on there too somehow even if I have to strap it to 127W.
I need 8 LNBFs on the parking lot to fill out a 1X4 diseqc switch. I have these 4, and one for 107w, and 101/97W on my Geosat Pro dish. so White Springs would make it come to 8 and would be a good fit.
I hope to wrap up this project in a couple of weeks, but I have gotten so slow, that just wiring up the prodelin took me a little over two hours today.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that the Geosat Pro C-2 LNBFs are every bit as good as the CK-1 for signal, and maybe even better. They are doing an outstanding job.
Thanks to SatelliteAV for making them available to us!!!
Here are the pics: