Your quite welcome, this site and people's experiments have always been informative and have given me quite a few ideas, just wish I had some extra dishes (and space to put them)! Your experiment with the Prodelin was definitely a prime example of innovation.
Thanks! The Prodelin was a challenge for me to get the right mix of satellites that I wanted to actually view. The C-Band was the icing on the cake.
I too have also found what others have written and pictures they have posted to be excellent for idea gathering. I may not implement exactly what they have done, but have used their ideas for springboards into my own designs.
As far as the 72 dish, besides 79, you might want to try for 63 on the other side and the SCETV feeds. Unfortunately I don't have an LNB on 63, so have no idea what the signal strength is like (hopefully strong, unlike the RTN feeds on 83), but there's no harm in trying! If I ever get another dish I have been thinking of trying for a 72 and 63 combination (would then mean my 72/74 LNB could be permamently on 74), so will be interested in any results.
I think the signal on 63W is fine, but the programming seems to be primarily PBS, with one channel dedicated to the SC State Government. I might throw on 79W even though there isn't much there as far as permanent channels, or maybe a DBS for occasional feeds from 61.5W. Just don't know, but I'll think of something.
Managed to tune in the 101W-97W dish today.
I bought a Glorystar system (receiver, dish, LNBfs, and installation kit) back in December, got sick around that time and have never finished hooking it up.
Today I put the GeosatPro 90CM dish back on the tuning mount, and tuned it in. I had never tried tuning a dish with dual LNBFs in the same bracket before, and it was a little different for me.

I need to get the proper mast size for this dish. I bought the mount locally, and they were out of the proper sized mast, so I grabbed the adapter you see in the picture which isn't optimal. I also need to shim the mount up a little to get the mast plumb.
I still managed to get KUIL on 101W with a 45% SQ, and the weak TPs on 97W with 60% SQ. All others on both satellites are booming. Once I get the proper mast, and tweak the plumbness, I think the dish/LNBF combo will be excellent.
So by using the SL2 dual output LNBFs, I can use this dish with the Glorystar Receiver as it was bought for, and also use the dish for my total non-moving dish system.
I ran the wire into the building and have the GeosatPRO DSR-100c receiver operational in my showroom finally.
Love that signal meter. Behaves almost exactly like my Pansat 3500 meter, and the numbers are giant and bright on the screen with audible beeps.

All necessary functionality for an old man with fading eyes.
If this receiver was fully diseqc 1.1 compatible, I might buy another couple of them.
I included a screen shot of the meter too.
Here are the pics of the 101W-97W dish and LNBF setup: