It has been quite an interesting journey from the beginning, and while "Phase One" will be "complete", I'm sure you'll be thinking of further additions/modifications in the not too distant future (like may be next week)!
You know me way too well my friend!
My wife and I just made a decision to cut back on our 4DTV viewing to using only one receiver. NPS informed me the other day that I could only renew my Fox News Sub one more time, so I renewed one receiver for a year, and am going to sell the DSR-922. So that does free up another C-Band dish already setup on the arc to add another C-Band satellite. More decisions! :yikes: Just have to lay my hands on another C2.
But as of today the main part of the project is finished. I made an un-successful attempt at using one of the dual holders that I got from SatelliteAV, but just couldn't make it work on the Primestar dish. You can see the pics below.
I ended up going the naked route for 99W and my standard holder for 103W. Got excellent signal on both birds.
I included pics of the whole dish farm except the Perfed Birdview. One little piece of it is showing on my left in one picture, but you have all seen it before.
For the record, I now have Dishes and LNBFs pointed at the following satellites:
On the Prodelin Dish:
121W Galaxy 23 C-Band
123W Galaxy 18 Ku
125W AMC 21 Ku
127W Galaxy 13 C-Band
129W Galaxy 27 Ku
Home-Made 6 foot C-Band Dish
107.3 Anik F1 C-Band
Geosat Pro 90 CM Dish
97W Galaxy 19 Ku
101W AMC 4 Ku
Birdview Perforated Dish C/Ku Orthomode Feed
91W Galaxy 17 Ku
91W Galaxy 17 C-Band
10 Foot Winegard Pinnacle Dish C-Band
87W AMC 3 C-Band
10 Foot Unimesh Dish C-Band C only Orthomode Feed
103W AMC1 C-Band
Motorized Birdview Solid Dish C/Ku Orthomode Feed
All other C-Band
All other Ku
7.5 Foot Perfect 10 Dish C-Band
99W Galaxy 16 C-Band
10 foot Perfect 10 Dish C-Band
95W Galaxy 3 C-Band
Primestar 84e Ku Dish 1
30W Hispasat Ku
Primestar 84e Ku Dish 2
83W AMC 9 Ku
89W Galaxy 28 Ku
74W Horizon 2 Ku
Primestar 84e Ku Dish 3 DBS
110W Echo 8 ?
119W Echo 7 ?
129W Echo 5 ?
148W Echo 1 ?
Primestar 84e Ku Dish 4
72W AMC 6 Ku
77W Echo 6 DBS ?
Primestar 84e Ku Dish 5
99W Galaxy 16 Ku
103W AMC 1 Ku
This is the material I have tied up in the project that I can remember:
12 Geosat Pro SL2 Dual Output Ku LNBFs
4 Standard Ku LNBs on the Ortho Feeds
6 Geosat Pro C2 Dual Ouput LNBFs
6 Standard C-Band LNBs on the Ortho Feeds
14 - 4X4 Multi-switches
12 - 1X4 Committed Diseqc switches
3 - Digiwave 1X8 Un-committed Diseqc Switches
Cable boxes
Grounding junctions
Grounding lugs
Approximately 250 snap-n-seal connectors
Approximately 2500 feet Solid Copper core RG-6 Coax
Several hundred Zip-ties with more to go.
Blood, Sweat, and yes a few tears when things didn't go right.
All on 8 C-Band sized dishes and 6 Ku sized dishes. I am counting the Prodelin as a C-Band sized dish.
It has been a wonderful experience working on this project. Those of you who have followed this thread, which I started on January 4 of this year have been on quite a journey with me.
We first started out with just using my Primestar 84e dishes, then the Prodelin Dish came along and changed that strategy somewhat, and then SatelliteAV offered the Dual Output C2 LNBF which again changed the project entirely. But it was for the best, because now I have both C and Ku on Bands non-moving dishes, and I get a good bit of the Arc with them.
I want to especially thank SatelliteAV for their outstanding products. The SL2 Dual output LNBFs, and the C2 Dual output LNBFs are have worked very well for me in this project. And I want to thank Brian personally for making the C2s available to us just in time to get in on this project.
I also want to thank all of you who gave encouragement and advice. While I am thanking everyone, I want to thank Keith Brannen who has always been my mentor in multi-satellite Dishes, Iceberg, and Anole for being my mentors with switches (lots of PMs to Iceberg in the beginning with questions like "How does that 22Khz switch thing work again"), and all the old timers (Gabshere, VoomVoom, Caddata, and Mike Kohl) here who taught me everything I know about receiving satellite signals.
That about wraps up the original project.
I or others would be happy to answer questions if you have them.
Here are the un-successful holder pics for 99-103W:
Here are the successful holder pics for 99-103W:
Here are the Dish Farm pics: