Me personally would do 107, 103, 99
I know you mentioned 95 for Equity but since the Equity/RTN splitup there isnt much on there that isnt already somewhere else. They're down to 10 channels on that TP (from 16). What is on there is Daystar, 5 UNivision feeds and a Telefutura. That leaves 3 English channels left.
WMQF & WNGS are on G18
WBIF is now a "This TV" affiliate which (as you posted above) is already on a dish at AMC3 C-Band (and G18)
so I would use 99 for the nets and the feeds (some sports feeds show up there on occasion), 103 for ION and RFD TV and 107.3 for ASN, some French channels and whatever else is up there
105 C-Band is mainly 4DTV stuff
Thanks Iceberg!!
I am leaning heavily in that direction for the reasons you stated above, along with access to all the nets from somewhere besides OTA.
Our local stations have a bad habit of not showing network re-runs and sometimes new episodes of channels I like with local programming or some game etc. It is nice to be able to switch over elsewhere and actually watch the re-run I might have missed the first time around.

I hadn't realized that 93W was down to only three english channels. Hmmm. I swing over there for Daystar on Saturday nights to watch the Gaithers, but like you say, I can get Daystar and the other 3 channels elsewhere.
103W is pretty much a cinch because I can't get ION anywhere else, and RFD moving there pretty much sewed it up.

107.5W ASN is a nice channel, and I will probably settle on it for the final dish.
Thanks again!