Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

Perhaps I thought wrong earlier. Was there or wasnt there a centurion around the goo-bath? Wherever she is the room looks pretty small.
Maybe those big cracks in the engine room are simply covering something up, hidden away in the ship from when it was first constructed. I got the sense that Galen was more surprised than simply thinking "uh oh"... as tho it shouldnt be there, even via battle damage. But I could be totally wrong.
I was thinking two things about the FTL Engine Room scene: One) The FTL drive looked like something out of Galaxy Quest. Those spinning reciprocating sleeves would be impossible without CGI. Two) The marks that the Chief is looking at look to me like claw gouges more than cracks. Maybe there's still a Centurion or two from that one raid from Season 1 (or was it 2?) Or some kind of space beastie?

But I do agree that if Galactica had jumped, it might have been too much for that structure, possibly causing the loss of the flagship and all hands on board. That might also mean that for better or worse, Galactica is stuck in the system until repairs can be made.

However, that whole sequence brings up one glaring problem: What kind of engine room is it that no one ever visits? Watching the show Friday night, I got the impression that the FTL drive room is off-limits to personnel (no technicians; no guards; crappy lighting; and large, fast-moving machinery without safety guards). If that's the case, it's no wonder that the damage to the bulkhead wouldn't be noticed. But, is that any way to design a star ship?
I was thinking two things about the FTL Engine Room scene: One) The FTL drive looked like something out of Galaxy Quest. Those spinning reciprocating sleeves would be impossible without CGI. Two) The marks that the Chief is looking at look to me like claw gouges more than cracks. Maybe there's still a Centurion or two from that one raid from Season 1 (or was it 2?) Or some kind of space beastie?

But I do agree that if Galactica had jumped, it might have been too much for that structure, possibly causing the loss of the flagship and all hands on board. That might also mean that for better or worse, Galactica is stuck in the system until repairs can be made.

However, that whole sequence brings up one glaring problem: What kind of engine room is it that no one ever visits? Watching the show Friday night, I got the impression that the FTL drive room is off-limits to personnel (no technicians; no guards; crappy lighting; and large, fast-moving machinery without safety guards). If that's the case, it's no wonder that the damage to the bulkhead wouldn't be noticed. But, is that any way to design a star ship?
There was some bent / warped framework below the cracks or stress fractures. Tyrol was the Chief of the ship before being busted back, nobody took up the slack I guess on checking up on things... and like you say no guards so unless there was a problem nobody might be down there to see...
I got the feeling he snuck into the engine area via the crawl ways. There could be guards just standing right outside the door. Perhaps an adjacent room with people monitoring what is going on. Galen just might not have wanted to test the loyalties of people along the way.

All I can say is that it is a pretty elaborate plan that is at least 30 years in the making. Setting it all up then programming all the cylons to forget. Only the centurians seem to know and they are not talking, but they are doing eye ball scans...
I have a personal theory that Ellen is going to be "ticked" ... how does that expression go? ... "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned ... "

Ellen is going to come back with a vengeance ...
There was some bent / warped framework below the cracks or stress fractures. Tyrol was the Chief of the ship before being busted back, nobody took up the slack I guess on checking up on things... and like you say no guards so unless there was a problem nobody might be down there to see...


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And "Hubby" has a younger model with "a bun in the oven"... ;)

I don't think it'll go that way. They don't have enough time left in the series for an Ellen/Saul shouting match. Besides, they had no clue they were cylons (just the opposite, or so they thought) when he poisoned her.

There might be a little "drama" around the situation, but they really can't afford to spend a lot of time on prediction anyway. ;)
And "Hubby" has a younger model with "a bun in the oven"... ;)

It would be really really fun if it turned out the 6's were first created as some kind of quasi children of Saul and Ellen. :eek:

Oh, and hope the "I remember everything" line isnt going to be the last part of this next episode before the credits roll. They better tell us this Friday what he remembers or else. I also assume what he said means he knows who/what Kara is. The question is whether or not she will ask him or he will tell her.
Could it be that the "end" of Battlestar Galactica will have the Galactica destroyed itself? The people live on ... but the Galactica itself goes "boom" ... kind of like Babylon 5 where with the last episode they destroy the space station ... wait and see I guess ...
I thought that too actually ... everyone was pointing at the Pres ... it will be a sad day though if the Galactica bites it ... the Pegasus definitely went in a blaze of fire and glory ... to be honest, I would rather see the Galactica "retired" in some way ... it would definitely be a fitting end to "Battlestar Galactica". I may even shed a tear or two ... :river

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