Average 622/722 Temperature thread, Is your's Hot?

Allin4greeN said:
I picked up a laptop cooler today... in less than a few hours my Avg Temp dropped 2 degrees... I'm hoping to have similar results to what RandallA has been posting...

What's your Low Temp? That one is the current Temp and mine went from 100 to 78, a drop of 22 degrees. It's been on 78 for a few days so I don't think it will drop anymore. The Avg. has come down from 109 to 100 after one week.

I haven't been able to figure out how to reset the temperatures.
RandallA said:
What's your Low Temp? That one is the current Temp and mine went from 100 to 78, a drop of 22 degrees. It's been on 78 for a few days so I don't think it will drop anymore. The Avg. has come down from 109 to 100 after one week.

I haven't been able to figure out how to reset the temperatures.
My Low Temp is the same as I posted earlier, 111 (previous post). Before hooking up the cooler, all of my Temps were the same except the Avg. For whatever reason, my Avg Temp was 122 before installing the Cool Hub, and after a few hours it dipped 2 degrees back to 120. I know that sounds kinda odd... I guess it's possible my eyes were playing tricks on me... day off, Bombay & Tonic @party... so I may have read the numbers incorrectly, but I could swear that's what I saw...

How many hours did it take before you saw a difference in the Low Temp?

I'm afraid to reset the box to default settings just to clear the Temp gauges. I've got too many settings I'd have to reset...
"I'm afraid to reset the box to default settings just to clear the Temp gauges. I've got too many settings I'd have to reset..."

I don't think it can be done anyways. Well, at least I don't think anyone has done it yet.
Check the temps tomorrow morning, mine went down from 100 to 84 the next morning. Anything around 10 degrees drop in one day I think it's pretty good.

"I had not heard that the "Low" figure was present temp."

That's just my observation. My low went from 100 to 84 in just a few hours and then the average began to come down slowly from 109 to 100. I'm really happy with the results so far.
Doing a "factory defaults" reset will not do anything to the COUNTERS.

The only way *maybe*is if E* could force a counters reset through your R0 & S0 numbers or if your drive corrupted and the 622 re-initialized the drive. (And that is speculation too)

The high/Low and average are simple readings. High temp added to low temp and divided by 2 gives the average temp. I also don't think the low is the present temp. Mine reads what it was when it was first plugged in.

Buy a small apartment fridge and put the 622 inside... :p

Then you could report: HIGH 45', LOW 36' AVERAGE 41. LOL
"I also don't think the low is the present temp. Mine reads what it was when it was first plugged in."

How do you explain my Low temps going from 100 to 78 in about a week then? I saw the temp. drop the moment I put the laptop cooler. BTW, this is on a 625 not a 622 so they may behave differently.

"Doing a "factory defaults" reset will not do anything to the COUNTERS."

Yeap, already tried that.

I think is time to try some water cooling on these receivers. :)
Dirtydan said:
My temp figures don't calculate that way. high 134,low 107,avg 114, that comes to a 120 avg.

Neither do mine. I think the number of days or run time hrs. are included in the formula to calculate the average because my avg. has gradually gone from 109 to 100 in about 7 days.
OK, I ran a little experiment this morning. I had the window open in the LR and put a room fan in front of the 622 all night. When I turned it on at 5:30 it still had 123 for high, 71 for low and 93 average.

I did a forced update(I reset it to update at 5:31 AM) and it brought the new low temp down to 68 and the average to 91. :eureka

So it seems the temperature counter is calculated at the time it does the daily update and also seems to be weighted over several operating days as DirtyDan pointed out. Or maybe over several update cycles. I dunno. :confused:

I'll run it through a few update cycles and see if the numbers change before it gets warm.

*EDIT*6:15AM Another update brought the average down to 89.
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Yesterday (5/18/06) before adding the cooler:

High Temp: 136
Low Temp: 111
Avg Temp: 122

This morning (5/19/06) after adding the cooler:

High Temp: 136
Low Temp: 105 :yikes
Avg Temp: 120

Looks like these temps are moving in the right direction!
Has anyone at E* said what the optimal average operating temperature should be. All of you are buying equipment to cool the system. What if the oprimal running temperature is 120? Then you would all have to buy heaters. Think of the radiator on your car. If the thermostat does not allow the temp to get high enough you get no heat. If it gets too high you motor burns out. The optimal temp is in between. i have seen plenty of electrical equipment that warns you not to use it in cold temperatures.
There's a specified temp. range for any electronic equipment, which I couldn't find in the 622's manual. However, there is no doubt that higher temperature is an acceleration factor in the lifespan of many components. I'm quite sure that taking measures as described in this thread to cool the 622, especially the HDD, to something like room temp. will help increase the life expectancy and reliability. The fact that the unit has its own fan that comes on when it is "too hot" (whatever that threshold is) should be ample proof that it's heat that's the culprit. I'm also quite sure that regarding cooling airflow, more is better in this case...
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Oh, I work with computers and I know hard drives don't like the heat. For that matters electronics don't like heat. The server rooms where I've worked all have A/C set at 68 degrees or less. We rarely get hard drive failures. That's all we're trying to do here, prevent hard drive failures by cooling off the receiver.
Here's a pic taken from E*'s Tech Portal, showing the counters we're looking at. It shows High Temp at 132, Low Temp at 82, and Avg Temp at 123.

I doubt that this suggests the "ideal" or "model" temps... but, I thought it was interesting.


  • diagnostics-count3.jpg
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Hey, RandallA, BTW - I unfortunately ordered 2 of those fan units from SC before I saw your warning. As-of yesterday I still hadn't received them altho' they did acknowledge the order. I'm not too worried (Alfred E. Newman, here!) - I plan to do some customizing with them, so the construction is probably not too much of a factor. As soon as I get the 622 resolved (OK, do I now "own" this one, or is it going back, too?) then I intend to pop the cover and take some temp. measurements all over with my tc meter and rethink the overall cooling strategy from there...
odbrv said:
Has anyone at E* said what the optimal average operating temperature should be. All of you are buying equipment to cool the system. What if the oprimal running temperature is 120? Then you would all have to buy heaters. Think of the radiator on your car. If the thermostat does not allow the temp to get high enough you get no heat. If it gets too high you motor burns out. The optimal temp is in between. i have seen plenty of electrical equipment that warns you not to use it in cold temperatures.

Found this info at

"Most recent IDE hard drives come with internal temperature sensors, and are capable of reporting their operating temperature via SMART; software utilities are available for displaying the temperature of your hard drive. This temperature readout is not very precise, but definitely good enough to give you a hint whether your drive is running too hot or not. Consult the website of your hard drive manufacturer to learn about the maximum operating temperature of your hard drive. Typical maximum temperature range is 50-55°C, with some drives being able to operate at up to 60°C."

50C = 122F
55C = 131F
60C = 140F

Maybe better info would be available from the OEM of the hard drive.
Does anyone know the OEM and model number?


Need advice on HD/ Hopper or something

Test RG6 for 3000Mhz using purchased Hopper

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