Attention: We need your help!

Please reply by conversation.
I am not a true FTA guy yet (come on February!), but look forward to earning my membership in the WUT club. I fully support the policy of protecting info about feeds from those who would abuse the information and ruin a good thing.

The first rule about the WUT club... don't talk about the WUT club.
Locked and loaded for bear! :) I'm interested on how this gonna play out now that some emails and phone calls are gonna start flying.
I'm sorry this is happening to Satelliteguys, but I know in the end we will prevail. We always do. :)

If that a$$hole wants to pick a fight, he's going to have to go through me as well. I'm sorry, but no one threatens a fellow staff member like that.

Scott and Iceberg, you have my back as well. Let me know what I can do to help.

If he really wants to get crappy about it, tell him what he wants to do is just like taking an FM broadcast and replaying it without permission.
Just an update:

Last night after going to bed, I got a lot of email of support from many of our SatelliteGuys members. For that thank you!

I have also received some email one from Ralph of the network who is trying to distance himself from the Rick Buckler show. Raplh said in his email that he just sells air time to whoever wants to pay for it. I have no problem with that in addition he admits to broadcasting our Podcast without our permission, but that was a matter that was resolved before and from where I sit water under the bridge. However with that said at this time I will still not permit the promotion of that network here at SatelliteGuys.

I also received a nice note from one of the 3 folks that actually own the network. The email from this individual was very nice and seemed sincere. Because of things going on in my "real job" I have no had a chance to return his call, but I look forward in doing so

Finally the only person I have not heard from is Tim from DMSI, and to me this deeply disapoints me. I really wanted to talk to Tim and let him know how Mr. Bucker was throwing his name around last night on the phone. I have the utmost respect for Tim and to me he has always been one of the biggest supporters of the satellite industry. And to see him attach his name to this piece of trash truely disapoints me.

In talking with others this morning about this it appears that Tim did not know much of anything about Rick Buckler nor did he know what he was getting himself into, it appears that he just knew that Rick was a guy who sell his product and wanted to a radio show and needed a sponsor for his show. Tim being the good guy he was wanted to support the industry and thus once again unselfishly reached into his pocket and helped out.

I don't want to boycott DMSI products as they are some of the best made products on the market, but as long as DMSI continues to support Rick Bucklers show I will have no choice but to ask all 100,000 SatelliteGuys members to not support DMSI or buy products from their retailers.

If I got a note from Tim telling me he has pulled his sponsorship I would happily once again recommend DMSI, but until this happens I can not.

Ultimately what this comes down to is I will not stand for ANYONE threatining me or our staff (especially when someone is just speaking their opinion). If Rick Buckler has a problem with Iceberg then he should have been a man and contacted Iceberg directly. Instead he chose to go on a rampage and ended up everyone who was trying to support him (myself included), while I might not agree with him wanting to talk about "Whats Up There" it is a free country and if he wants to help kill the hobby then god bless him. But I will not be threatened nor will I allow our staff to be threatened.

Scott, any chance of moving this thread to one of the other forums further "up" the webpage? I only happened to notice it here ONLY because I saw your name in the FTA section....which hardly ever happens.

IMO, by moving it, it will certainly bring more attention to this issue. By the way, I'm still laughing over DigiBlurs assertion that a certain scammer from Ohio may be involved. :)
VERY well put Scott

I did send Rick an e-mail last night and asked him why he felt the need to go after you? I told him he could have created a name and PM'd me blasting me. Heck there have been plenty of people that do that already so it wouldn't be new.

I also did post at DMSI's site about my concern of it and the fact that the admin there (who sells DMSI products and was here at one time) doesn't have an issue with it now even though as long as I have known him (going on 4 years) the admin there has always been against posting feeds in an open area. I asked him point blank his opinion.
Now if I remember you from a few years ago even up to last year, you were very adamant about not posting feeds in open areas and protected that. I do that too. Now we have someone who is going to talk about it openly on satellite? Do you find this even the slightest disturbing? Or because DMSI is part of it, it's ok?
he has yet to respond

oh well. Its pretty sad that it takes one goober to ruin the fun
You have my backing also.I see others have turmoil in their lives , I thought all the time it was only me and my life with the problems. When you stand up to be counted it seems to increase the pressure of life. I always say I will stand up and except the problems as they come to me. Paper trails are very important. Please stay united, enjoy each other and above all be polite to each other as you presently are doing. With harmony we can survive, it seems that those in the kitchen are subject to a litle more heat but this is not heat it is what I call plain agitation.:)
It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out.. I just got relatively well thought out response from Tim at DMSI (I'm sure others have got/will get the same/similar) based on my objections to him supporting Buckner. He alludes that there may be more to the story than was presented here, and I'm sure there probably is - no story is really complete without knowing all sides.

I'm not happy with what I hear about Mr. Buckner's behavior. And I'm hoping that DMSI would not support such an individual who behaves in such a manner. However, I'm not sure whether boycotting DMSI will accomplish as much as simply gaining the ear of Tim and asking that he consider not supporting this individual. I do hate to think of hurting Tim's business based on a poor choice of people whom he has promised financial support (I'm thinking.. boy, I guess I've given people money before, and they didn't always end up being the most savory character).

At this point, I'm back on the fence until we see what actually is produced by Mr. Buckner, and also Tim's reaction
(in regards to future support of is show) to any further issues with Mr. Buckner.
Finally the only person I have not heard from is Tim from DMSI, and to me this deeply disapoints me. I really wanted to talk to Tim and let him know how Mr. Bucker was throwing his name around last night on the phone. I have the utmost respect for Tim and to me he has always been one of the biggest supporters of the satellite industry. And to see him attach his name to this piece of trash truely disapoints me.

Hi Scott and forum members. The reason you haven't heard from me is because I was totally unaware of any of this until this morning when I received a call from Mr. Buckner. What he told me was very different from what I read here. Don't take that as taking sides, I'm not. I would not have been aware of your writings here but several good folks called me to inform me. My business keeps my very busy and (I'm sorry to say) I don't get to read your forum as often as I would like. BTW, Scott you do have my phone number and email, you are always welcome to contact me. Actually I think this something we need to discuss in the next few days. I want to learn a little more about Mr. Buckners side of things first.

As for me sponsoring this show in question. It is my understanding that the show would deal with promoting FTA in a positive way. I think everyone knows that FTA certainly needs clarifying to a lot of folks these days. I saw it as a way to possibly help clean up the bad rap that FTA has recently had. Who knew that it would blow up the way it has?

Mr. Buckner never once mentioned to me anything about airing wild feeds, or using someone elses podcast. While I'm not privileged to what Mr. Buckner has planned for his show, I don't believe he has intentions of doing anything that would harm FTA in any way. If I thought differently I would not be any part of the show. Most of you know that I really don't have anything to gain by being mentioned on his show.

I may be wrong but I think this is mostly a case of flared tempers. I think things were said that weren't meant. At least that's what I hope. I say, give it a few days before we all do something that we regret. This is the hobby side of FTA where everyone should get along and help each other.

I will be looking into it more in detail on Mr. Buckners side. I can tell you, he will air with or without me. Don't think for one minute that I am the only sponsor. As always, I am trying to support our industry as best I can.

I don't know Mr. Buckner well. I certainly have known Scott longer and I don't know much about him, although I've always regarded Scott as a friend as I do with most everyone in the industry.

I'm not going to make a hasty decision on this. At my age I tend to not make a quick decision, who knows, it could be my last one ;) But mostly I don't have enough information to make a informed decision.

Now I'm sure there will be a lot of replies to this. Please keep in mind that I visit here about once a week due to my tight schedule.

Thanks for your note, I wanted to call you this morning, but with the "real job" I have been only at my desk three times (this time being the third).

I have zero doubts that you always have the industry and hobbies interest at heart, thats the kind of guy you are.

The ads that have been posted here and other sites about this show contain this warning...

If the Open Discussion of Legal Free To Air Satellite Equpiment and Feeds

In addition in other ads for the network it mentions
"Weekly special reports from such FTA notables as Rick on FTA C & Ku Band Wildfeeds and Backhauls"

But no matter if he talks about wildfeeds or backhauls, thats not my business. I can't stop him, if he wants to possibly ruin what so many of us FTA fans love so much about the hobby, then it's his perogitive, and god bless him.

But you don't call me during dinner swearing at me at the top of your lungs and threaten me or more importantly my volunteer staff because they said something about what this guy is doing. The post from Iceberg which seemed to set him off was this...

Oh nice.....well I guess I lost some respect for that other site...not that I had much to begin with due to them having an open area to post feeds.

I guess I'll listen to the first show just to see what they say

Yup that's it. Is that offensive enough for someone who is supposed to be a host to call someone who has nothing to do with the other persons OPINION to blast him because that person does not like the other persons opinion?

BTW in case you missed it, I kind of stepped in between Iceberg and Rick Buckner tyring to get Rick the benefit of the doubt about his show. In fact here is what I exactly wrote.
I say give em a shot and listen. I don't expect the listenership to be that great that it would cause an issue, including the feeds.

On the Wildfeeds I think its ok as well, its not like a forum where Google indexes every word, so months from now you cant see that (instert network name) aired (insert pro sports game) in the clear at (insert satellite name and transponder info) if you did a search for it. That was one of my concerns (and others) for the Whats Up There Area. Its ok to talk about it but we don't want it indexed by the world so it becomes a permanent record.

In addition most of the feeds they talk about will be in progress or done. I suggest everyone give a listen before making any judgements. I believe something like this could be good for the hobby if done in the correct way.

I talked with the host of the show yesterday and he knows our concerns and actually seems to respect the hobby.

So give it a shot and listen, and listen with an open mind. Thats what I will be doing and I am looking forward to it.

In addition I didn't write it here, but you should have heard him throwing around your name a lot, and he also said twice that it was his network and he could do whatever the F* he want's to do with it.

Do you want to be associated with that Tim? I am asking you as a friend to the Free To Air World to pull your sponsorship of his show.
WTG Scott!

I don't know why this has become such a contentious issue, I thought it was more or less common knowledge that you kept what you find to yourself. I posted a comment in that thread too, and I think that I helped getting the snowball rolling, just in posting my opinion.

I, too, stand by what I posted, believe it forever. However, as Scott and Ice said, they have the right to do whatever they want, but I agree, discussing feeds in the open is the surest way for a FTA dealer to KILL his business, as sooner or later anything worth a damn will be gone. Its been brought to my attention that at least one set of feeds were scrambled becasue of FTA users, and it was CONFIRMED that is was because of FTA users watching, and talking about it in the open.

I won't support it, and I won't support anyone who does. DMS has treated me right with equipment issues I have had in the past, and I would hate to have to discontinue using their products. But I will if I have to.

Rick calling Scott and cursing him out was uncalled for. Very bad form.

As usual, I stand by if needed. Although I am not a staff/mod here, I still am a SATELLITE GUY. :up
WTG Scott!
...Its been brought to my attention that at least one set of feeds were scrambled becasue of FTA users, and it was CONFIRMED that is was because of FTA users watching, and talking about it in the open....
I'd like to know more about this in particular. I do not believe that any satellite broadcaster doesn't know whether he is broadcasting encrypted or not. Maybe years ago people may have thought that nobody owned the equipment necessary to see their unencrypted stuff, but I find it very hard to believe that this is the case now. If any broadcaster is sending stuff FTa and doesn't realize that it's going to get watched freely by some, then they wont be around long because they are too stupid to remember to not breath when then drink water.

That being said, I don't discuss FTA finds openly out of respect for those who have requested it. MAYBE I would also believe in the purpose behind these requests if I were to be convinced (not by heresay) that this would cause current broadcaster to encrypt.
Please reply by conversation.

wild feeds??

No quality on AMC4

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