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I'd like to know more about this in particular. I do not believe that any satellite broadcaster doesn't know whether he is broadcasting encrypted or not. Maybe years ago people may have thought that nobody owned the equipment necessary to see their unencrypted stuff, but I find it very hard to believe that this is the case now. If any broadcaster is sending stuff FTa and doesn't realize that it's going to get watched freely by some, then they wont be around long because they are too stupid to remember to not breath when then drink water.

That being said, I don't discuss FTA finds openly out of respect for those who have requested it. MAYBE I would also believe in the purpose behind these requests if I were to be convinced (not by heresay) that this would cause current broadcaster to encrypt.

It was told to me in private, and I am not going to repeat it, nor cite a source. :)
I subscribe to the theory that it may not be scrambled, but if the programmer sees that their programs are being talked about on 4,943 different websites that detail what you need to receive the signal, then the programmer has to do something. If it isn't widespread and publisized, they ignore us, which is what we want.:cool:
It was told to me in private, and I am not going to repeat it, nor cite a source. :)
I subscribe to the theory that it may not be scrambled, but if the programmer sees that their programs are being talked about on 4,943 different websites that detail what you need to receive the signal, then the programmer has to do something. If it isn't widespread and publisized, they ignore us, which is what we want.:cool:
I hear ya.. I just don't believe it. Nor do I believe in the Area51 theories or other "tinfoil hat" theories.. I'll quit worrying about it though because I don't care at all.. and I'd rather not distract from the original purpose of the thread any longer.

I did some research and DMSI has absolutely nothing to do with Access-America. It is owned by a Mr. Ralf Brown of Louisiana. I am not taking sides here but if you make accusation regarding DMSI and Mr. Buckner and now as we find out DMSI has absolutely nothing to do with Access-America other than DMSI is one of the many sponsors of the show that that Mr. Buckner is buying radio time from Access-America owned by Mr. Brown that is going to be aired Saturday, how are we to believe other comments and accusations by you. You state that Satellite Guys will not be censored but then you turn around and tell everyone to boycott their radio show, DMSI and Access-America. I went up on Access-America's site and see that Satellite Guys Podcast has been removed. How is this helping Satellite Guys ? You stated that you talked with the radio host and that he had a good feeling for the FTA hobbists and to give him a chance and then you do a 180 I am baffled ? Is'nt free speech accorded to all ? I agree with Lump's anaolgy of it all. I also have friends in Europe where FTA is more common place and the posting of wild feeds and back hauls are a common thing. So with that in mind why has it not affected the feeds ? Perhaps you should go on their show and explain your points regarding this topic. I would rather hear an intelligent exchange of ideas from 2 individuals with opposing view points than I would reading this stuff. You stated that Mr. Buckner cursed at you and your response was to use the same words back at him, are'nt you both a bit childish for that ? He was wrong for the way he presented himself in that call but you were wrong with your response. This message will no doubt be removed because it does not follow the tribal mentality of others in this forum sometimes.
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I hear ya.. I just don't believe it. Nor do I believe in the Area51 theories or other "tinfoil hat" theories.. I'll quit worrying about it though because I don't care at all.. and I'd rather not distract from the original purpose of the thread any longer.

Not to take sides, because I really don't know.

But being a little bit too careful is almost always better than being a little bit too careless. "Those two jumbo jets *almost* didn't collide," the air traffic controller noted reassuringly during his employment performance review session, regarding a little blip in his record. ;)

Maybe a compromise it to feature channels like "Russia Today" or "RNW 2 (Radio Netherlands English Service)", CCTV9, DWTV (on C-band only IIRC), Mhz Worldview, White Springs TV, and others (many religious stations too) that specifically list their satellite and transponder information and parameters on their website.

I think if the content producers are advertising their presence on FTA on their websites, odds are their motives are either not commercial (perhaps instead political or religious), or if commercial, are aligned with making a profit by selling advertising. In either case, their interest is getting maximum glazed eyeballs affixed to their programs rather than limiting theri viewership via scrambling.

Thoughts? Is it always totally safe to discuss channels if they promote their satellite presence? Or might that encourage some channels (e.g. White Springs TV) to decide they're so successful, that it's time to charge for viewing their content?
I just want to say, I find it interesting that "cryptkeeper" is defending Buckner, and I got this info. Hmmm... Profile is for buckner1673??? Wonder if they are the same person? What do you guys think??? Also, I find no reason to remove his post, just food for thought. Forums - Talk about horror. - View Profile: buckner1673
Date of Birth:
June 9, 1952
The Movie Crypt Keeper
The Movie Crypt ( Of Course)
Travel - Movies - Technology
Web Designer - Videographer
Favorite Horror Movie:
House On Haunted Hill (Vincent Price)

I did some research and DMSI has absolutely nothing to do with Access-America. It is owned by a Mr. Ralf Brown of Louisiana. I am not taking sides here but if you make accusation regarding DMSI and Mr. Buckner and now as we find out DMSI has absolutely nothing to do with Access-America other than DMSI is one of the many sponsors of the show that that Mr. Buckner is buying radio time from Access-America owned by Mr. Brown that is going to be aired Saturday, how are we to believe other comments and accusations by you. You state that Satellite Guys will not be censored but then you turn around and tell everyone to boycott their radio show, DMSI and Access-America. I went up on Access-America's site and see that Satellite Guys Podcast has been removed. How is this helping Satellite Guys ? You stated that you talked with the radio host and that he had a good feeling for the FTA hobbists and to give him a chance and then you do a 180 I am baffled ? Is'nt free speech accorded to all ? I agree with Lump's anaolgy of it all. I also have friends in Europe where FTA is more common place and the posting of wild feeds and back hauls are a common thing. So with that in mind why has it not affected the feeds ? Perhaps you should go on their show and explain your points regarding this topic. I would rather hear an intelligent exchange of ideas from 2 individuals with opposing view points than I would reading this stuff. You stated that Mr. Buckner cursed at you and your response was to use the same words back at him, are'nt you both a bit childish for that ? He was wrong for the way he presented himself in that call but you were wrong with your response. This message will no doubt be removed because it does not follow the tribal mentality of others in this forum sometimes.
Well, if CryptBuckner's show is anything like his grammar, people won't be able to understand it.
FWIW - I ran across the DMSI website as well as the website for this radio network, a while ago, and I actually thought they did have SatGuys' permission to air the podcast, as I can't believe anyone would run a podcast without at least a courtesy email approval first.

I do support SatGuys in this - anything you upload to the web is copyrighted as soon as it's uploaded to a publicly available server. However, you can register the copyright by burning the podcast/website/etc to a CD, then submitting the CD to the Copyright Office with a fee. If someone violates a registered copyright, the penalties are much, much greater than standard (non registered) copyright violations.

Also, while it is slightly disappointing, as a fan of rumors and inside info, to not see what is being found on FTA, I wholeheartedly support the idea of keeping finds private. There is no need to publicize those feeds that do not want the publicity. OTOH, with systems like GloryStar, obviously some do want the publicity, and I say we ought to promote those to help promote FTA in general.

I hope to get into FTA eventually, and I would like there to be the chance of finding my own interesting feeds, and sharing them with the private community of FTA watchers here.
Ok folks...

I think the real Rick Buckner has shown himself here tonight. Its amazing he would come here tonight to defend himself in third person to defend himself instead of acting like a man and doing it as himself.

However because of his actions and words last night, I blamed some people who were associated with Mr Buckner (mostly because Mr Buckner said these folks were more associated with him then they actually were.)

First and foremost to MrTim of DMSI, While I have not talked to Tim yet (although I have tried to contact him) I am now sure that Tim had no idea of what was happening in this entire thing. Tim has always been a supporter of the industry and has gone out of his way to keep this great hobby alive. From what I now understand is that Mr Buckner went to Tim asking him to sponsor his show, Tim being the good guy he is agreed to sponsor the show not knowing really anything about Rick Buckner or his show.

On his rampage phone call to me last night Mr Buckner said that Tim was much more involved wth things then he really was.

It is because of this that I am calling off our SatelliteGuys boycott of DMSI products. Honestly DMSI makes some really good product, their Traxis receivers re some of the most wel made, are one of the few hack proofreceivers and are geared to the true hobbiest.

While I am appologizing here to Tim, I hope he does not consider this my appology, I hope to talk to him about that one to one.

Secondly I would like to appologize to Ralph Brown of Access America. With the podcast fiasco and with what Mr Buckner said about the network I came down on Ralph and Access America. What Mr Buckner said of Access America was also not true, but in my rage to protect myself and my staff from the threats of Mr Buckner I added him into the equasion.

I have just written Ralph wth my apology and hope to help him promote his network soon. Please do not call and bug the other shows about this issue or tie up their lines, if you want to call and bug a show I can think of one, although I am having my doubts that the show in question will make it to air.

By Mr Buckners actions tonight of trying to defend himself as a third party he showed the world what a true nutcase he really is.

If you go back and search for me you will see that I have been doing this stuff now for almost 20 years (GASP YES ITS ALMOST BEEN THAT LONG!) I have always been a supporter of the industry and the hobby. If you know me you know that I am an quiet honest guy who just wants to help others.

While I am not happy with my rampage, I am proud to stand up for our staff. If there is something I believe in and I know I am in the right and telling the truth I will defend myself and or our staff.

I am a SatelliteGuy and I am proud. Thank you for your support everyone, including you Mr Buckner, as you helped show the world what a true loser you really are.
Greetings all, while I can not really add to the piss-fest (screw that a-hole) I can offer a word of wisdom and help. I have had to deal with copyright type things in the past. The people over at ASCAP have been very helpful to me. Call their LA office 323-883-1000. You can talk to them about your podcast and the fact that they are replaying music without consent, retransmission rights, etc. Sometimes they tell me things I dont want to hear, but they are always very helpful in dealing with copyright matters... (and if something is not legit, they will be the first ones to bodyslam the perps)

No Reason for the ASCAP stuff now. Hold off on that. :)

Its not a problem with the network. In fact I had a great talk last night with the owner of the network. You might see some exciting things come down the line from us and them TOGETHER. :D
Please reply by conversation.

wild feeds??

No quality on AMC4

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