Finally the only person I have not heard from is Tim from DMSI, and to me this deeply disapoints me. I really wanted to talk to Tim and let him know how Mr. Bucker was throwing his name around last night on the phone. I have the utmost respect for Tim and to me he has always been one of the biggest supporters of the satellite industry. And to see him attach his name to this piece of trash truely disapoints me.
Hi Scott and forum members. The reason you haven't heard from me is because I was totally unaware of any of this until this morning when I received a call from Mr. Buckner. What he told me was very different from what I read here. Don't take that as taking sides, I'm not. I would not have been aware of your writings here but several good folks called me to inform me. My business keeps my very busy and (I'm sorry to say) I don't get to read your forum as often as I would like. BTW, Scott you do have my phone number and email, you are always welcome to contact me. Actually I think this something we need to discuss in the next few days. I want to learn a little more about Mr. Buckners side of things first.
As for me sponsoring this show in question. It is my understanding that the show would deal with promoting FTA in a positive way. I think everyone knows that FTA certainly needs clarifying to a lot of folks these days. I saw it as a way to possibly help clean up the bad rap that FTA has recently had. Who knew that it would blow up the way it has?
Mr. Buckner never once mentioned to me anything about airing wild feeds, or using someone elses podcast. While I'm not privileged to what Mr. Buckner has planned for his show, I don't believe he has intentions of doing anything that would harm FTA in any way. If I thought differently I would not be any part of the show. Most of you know that I really don't have anything to gain by being mentioned on his show.
I may be wrong but I think this is mostly a case of flared tempers. I think things were said that weren't meant. At least that's what I hope. I say, give it a few days before we all do something that we regret. This is the hobby side of FTA where everyone should get along and help each other.
I will be looking into it more in detail on Mr. Buckners side. I can tell you, he will air with or without me. Don't think for one minute that I am the only sponsor. As always, I am trying to support our industry as best I can.
I don't know Mr. Buckner well. I certainly have known Scott longer and I don't know much about him, although I've always regarded Scott as a friend as I do with most everyone in the industry.
I'm not going to make a hasty decision on this. At my age I tend to not make a quick decision, who knows, it could be my last one

But mostly I don't have enough information to make a informed decision.
Now I'm sure there will be a lot of replies to this. Please keep in mind that I visit here about once a week due to my tight schedule.