Dear Friends,
Before I start I should warn you that portions of this message will contain strong language. I do apologize but it is there so I can tell you what happened. I urge you to read the entire thing so you know a little about what kind of idiots there are out there in this world. I also urge you to read it and help us take action as we will not be bullied as we were tonight. SatelliteGuys.US works hard to help people learn more about the industry and the hobby that is satellite television.
Yes folks this message is a call to arms of all SatelliteGuys members, we need your help!
I am proud of SatelliteGuys and I am proud of our staff. As you may or may not know our staff is made up of all volunteers who work to help you learn more about the industry and hobby. None of the staff at SatelliteGuys is paid; they do this because they like helping others. I am very proud of our staff.
Late last week a number of members alerted us that an internet & satellite based radio station was airing our SatelliteGuys Podcast. This struck us as odd as no one asked us for permission to rebroadcast our Copyrighted podcast. After making a little fuss over this in this week's podcast the owner of the station (a guy named Ralph) contacted me seeking permission.
He then called me (he blocked his caller ID) and told me that he could use our Podcast as once it was placed online it became public domain. After talking for awhile I agreed he could rebroadcast it as long as the show was not edited in any way and I told him that we could revoke that permission at anytime. Ralph wanted me to pay $100 a month to rebroadcast the podcast and I told him I would not pay and he told me that he would use our Podcast as filler. I talked to him about doing a live show next year and he was receptive to that. Our call ended on a positive note and I emailed him the permission to air the podcast, and included the fact that the show must be run unedited and that we could revoke permission to rebroadcast the SatelliteGuys Podcast at anytime. Things were good. I was actually excited about the idea of doing a live national call in talk show about SatelliteGuys.
A few hours later I got another call (once again the caller ID was blocked) this one from a person named Rick Buckner, I personally did not know who this guy was but he wanted to talk to me, he was really gruff and annoying but he wanted to tell me that even though he's competing with me that he wished no hard feelings. He told me about his show and we talked a bit about satellite radio and the now dark W0KIE radio network, which I was a part of in the early days of Satellite.
We also discussed the fact that his show would generate some controversy here as one of its main focuses is to tell folks what's up there on Free To Air. To many new Free To Air (FTA) hobbyists this is a major no no, as many of these FTA lovers fear that all the special in the clear wild feeds (such as sporting events) would get scrambled. He explained to me his take on it and I had no problem with his opinion, and quite frankly if he wants to piss of the true die hard FTA folks then let him, it's not my place to tell him what he can and cannot do. After 17 minutes on the phone with Mr. Buckner I wish him well with his new show and we ended our call.
Tonight while eating dinner with my family my phone rang again, the number on the caller ID displayed (000) 012-3456, even though I was eating I answered anyways as I was waiting for a call from one of my contacts at one of the Satellite Companies.
I answered and it was Rick Buckner who before I could really even start saying anything to me started "muther f**king" me because he was unhappy about something that SatelliteGuys staff member Iceberg said in a message here at SatelliteGuys about the fact that his show was going to spill the beans on whats really up there for Free To Air hobbyists. I tried to explain to Mr. Buckner that anything that Iceberg says or anyone else says here at SatelliteGuys is there own opinion, and as long as their opinion is on topic and not illegal then we have no issue with it. Rick Buckner did not even pay attention to a word I was saying and then went on to say (and while I am quoting here, it is not a direct quote, but is the quote as I remember him saying it) that he "has a lot of friends in the industry and if Iceberg does not watch out he will not be doing anything online again." That threat set off my fuse, I told Mr. Buckner that if he has a problem with Iceberg to take it up with Iceberg, with that (he was still swearing up a storm in the backround not even paying attention he was saying that the new network was his and he could do whatever he wanted with it.) I told him to "go f**k youself" and hung up on him.
I am sorry I will not take that kind of talk about my staff or any of my members, nor will I let someone talk to me like that, especially when I am in the middle of eating dinner with my family. Iceberg is entitled to his opinion and I am not Iceberg, if you have a problem with something that Iceberg said then take it up with him.
Mr. Rick Buckner is trying to silence opinions of folks here at SatelliteGuys and I will not have it.
We as SatelliteGuys members can not take crap like this from ANYONE. This new "Access America" Network is currently sponsored entirely by Tim Hienrichs DMSI of Georgia. And while I like Tim I must urge all SatelliteGuys members to not buy any product from DMSI or any of DMSI's resellers. (DMSI does not sell directly to consumers, they only sell through dealers. DMSI imports and sells such Free To Air equipment such as the Traxis Free To Air receiver line, and the Trimax Satellite Meter) A list of those resellers can be found at DMS International Links Page.
We must drive home the point that a**holes (my opinion of course) like Rick Buckler cannot walk all over us.
We urge Tim Hienrichs to pull his sponsorship of this show and network. We also urge SatelliteGuys members to email Tim and let them know that they are not happy.
In addition the network is seeking money to continue operating, we urge you not to give money to this operation.
SatelliteGuys.US is compiling a list of all shows on this new network, with this list we will be compiling a list of all the call in numbers used by these shows and will urge all SatelliteGuys members to call into these shows and tie up their lines so that these shows can not function.
Also tonight I have been listening to and recording this new network all night, in the morning I plan on sending a CD of this new network to all the major music licensing clearing houses, as I strongly believe that as they were airing the SatelliteGuys Podcast without permission, that they are not paying royalties to rebroadcast this music (Music recorded included Elton John, Garth Brooks, Travis Tritt among others.) If this station or the programs on this station are not paying for the royalties for the music they are playing then chances are this will come and bite DMSI in the butt as from what I am told they are the ones responsible for the station since they are the ones paying the bills. Looking at this stations schedule, it appears they play music for over 6 hours a day.
In addition I have contacted a number of my contacts and will be finding out where this channel is uplinked from via satellite, and am prepared to file a DMCA takedown request if they play our SatelliteGuys podcast again. In addition I will take whatever legal action I need to against the station, Rick Buckner and DMSI to protect not only our interested but your interest and opinions here at SatelliteGuys.
Finally if you want to call Rick Buckner and tell him what's on your mind you can his number which are found on his website are (this is all public record information) is 765-768-6943 or 765-749-2404.
I tried to be nice and even gave the station and the radio show in question the benefit of the doubt, however I will not have anyone threaten the site or our volunteer staff of our site just because they voiced their opinion.
Again as much I hate to do it, do not buy any DMSI equipment from ANY DMSI retailer, instead tell DMSI to end their sponsorship of Access America.
If we don't take action then idiots like Rick Buckler will try to walk all over us, and we cannot let that happen as we are all SatelliteGuys.
BTW it should be noted that tonight two attacks were launched on our servers which caused for slowdowns and for the SatelliteGuys website to be unavailable for short periods of time. We are not sure if these attacks are related but the timing is suspicious.
Thank you for your support!
Dear Friends,
Before I start I should warn you that portions of this message will contain strong language. I do apologize but it is there so I can tell you what happened. I urge you to read the entire thing so you know a little about what kind of idiots there are out there in this world. I also urge you to read it and help us take action as we will not be bullied as we were tonight. SatelliteGuys.US works hard to help people learn more about the industry and the hobby that is satellite television.
Yes folks this message is a call to arms of all SatelliteGuys members, we need your help!
I am proud of SatelliteGuys and I am proud of our staff. As you may or may not know our staff is made up of all volunteers who work to help you learn more about the industry and hobby. None of the staff at SatelliteGuys is paid; they do this because they like helping others. I am very proud of our staff.
Late last week a number of members alerted us that an internet & satellite based radio station was airing our SatelliteGuys Podcast. This struck us as odd as no one asked us for permission to rebroadcast our Copyrighted podcast. After making a little fuss over this in this week's podcast the owner of the station (a guy named Ralph) contacted me seeking permission.
He then called me (he blocked his caller ID) and told me that he could use our Podcast as once it was placed online it became public domain. After talking for awhile I agreed he could rebroadcast it as long as the show was not edited in any way and I told him that we could revoke that permission at anytime. Ralph wanted me to pay $100 a month to rebroadcast the podcast and I told him I would not pay and he told me that he would use our Podcast as filler. I talked to him about doing a live show next year and he was receptive to that. Our call ended on a positive note and I emailed him the permission to air the podcast, and included the fact that the show must be run unedited and that we could revoke permission to rebroadcast the SatelliteGuys Podcast at anytime. Things were good. I was actually excited about the idea of doing a live national call in talk show about SatelliteGuys.
A few hours later I got another call (once again the caller ID was blocked) this one from a person named Rick Buckner, I personally did not know who this guy was but he wanted to talk to me, he was really gruff and annoying but he wanted to tell me that even though he's competing with me that he wished no hard feelings. He told me about his show and we talked a bit about satellite radio and the now dark W0KIE radio network, which I was a part of in the early days of Satellite.
We also discussed the fact that his show would generate some controversy here as one of its main focuses is to tell folks what's up there on Free To Air. To many new Free To Air (FTA) hobbyists this is a major no no, as many of these FTA lovers fear that all the special in the clear wild feeds (such as sporting events) would get scrambled. He explained to me his take on it and I had no problem with his opinion, and quite frankly if he wants to piss of the true die hard FTA folks then let him, it's not my place to tell him what he can and cannot do. After 17 minutes on the phone with Mr. Buckner I wish him well with his new show and we ended our call.
Tonight while eating dinner with my family my phone rang again, the number on the caller ID displayed (000) 012-3456, even though I was eating I answered anyways as I was waiting for a call from one of my contacts at one of the Satellite Companies.
I answered and it was Rick Buckner who before I could really even start saying anything to me started "muther f**king" me because he was unhappy about something that SatelliteGuys staff member Iceberg said in a message here at SatelliteGuys about the fact that his show was going to spill the beans on whats really up there for Free To Air hobbyists. I tried to explain to Mr. Buckner that anything that Iceberg says or anyone else says here at SatelliteGuys is there own opinion, and as long as their opinion is on topic and not illegal then we have no issue with it. Rick Buckner did not even pay attention to a word I was saying and then went on to say (and while I am quoting here, it is not a direct quote, but is the quote as I remember him saying it) that he "has a lot of friends in the industry and if Iceberg does not watch out he will not be doing anything online again." That threat set off my fuse, I told Mr. Buckner that if he has a problem with Iceberg to take it up with Iceberg, with that (he was still swearing up a storm in the backround not even paying attention he was saying that the new network was his and he could do whatever he wanted with it.) I told him to "go f**k youself" and hung up on him.
I am sorry I will not take that kind of talk about my staff or any of my members, nor will I let someone talk to me like that, especially when I am in the middle of eating dinner with my family. Iceberg is entitled to his opinion and I am not Iceberg, if you have a problem with something that Iceberg said then take it up with him.
Mr. Rick Buckner is trying to silence opinions of folks here at SatelliteGuys and I will not have it.
We as SatelliteGuys members can not take crap like this from ANYONE. This new "Access America" Network is currently sponsored entirely by Tim Hienrichs DMSI of Georgia. And while I like Tim I must urge all SatelliteGuys members to not buy any product from DMSI or any of DMSI's resellers. (DMSI does not sell directly to consumers, they only sell through dealers. DMSI imports and sells such Free To Air equipment such as the Traxis Free To Air receiver line, and the Trimax Satellite Meter) A list of those resellers can be found at DMS International Links Page.
We must drive home the point that a**holes (my opinion of course) like Rick Buckler cannot walk all over us.
We urge Tim Hienrichs to pull his sponsorship of this show and network. We also urge SatelliteGuys members to email Tim and let them know that they are not happy.
In addition the network is seeking money to continue operating, we urge you not to give money to this operation.
SatelliteGuys.US is compiling a list of all shows on this new network, with this list we will be compiling a list of all the call in numbers used by these shows and will urge all SatelliteGuys members to call into these shows and tie up their lines so that these shows can not function.
Also tonight I have been listening to and recording this new network all night, in the morning I plan on sending a CD of this new network to all the major music licensing clearing houses, as I strongly believe that as they were airing the SatelliteGuys Podcast without permission, that they are not paying royalties to rebroadcast this music (Music recorded included Elton John, Garth Brooks, Travis Tritt among others.) If this station or the programs on this station are not paying for the royalties for the music they are playing then chances are this will come and bite DMSI in the butt as from what I am told they are the ones responsible for the station since they are the ones paying the bills. Looking at this stations schedule, it appears they play music for over 6 hours a day.
In addition I have contacted a number of my contacts and will be finding out where this channel is uplinked from via satellite, and am prepared to file a DMCA takedown request if they play our SatelliteGuys podcast again. In addition I will take whatever legal action I need to against the station, Rick Buckner and DMSI to protect not only our interested but your interest and opinions here at SatelliteGuys.
Finally if you want to call Rick Buckner and tell him what's on your mind you can his number which are found on his website are (this is all public record information) is 765-768-6943 or 765-749-2404.
I tried to be nice and even gave the station and the radio show in question the benefit of the doubt, however I will not have anyone threaten the site or our volunteer staff of our site just because they voiced their opinion.
Again as much I hate to do it, do not buy any DMSI equipment from ANY DMSI retailer, instead tell DMSI to end their sponsorship of Access America.
If we don't take action then idiots like Rick Buckler will try to walk all over us, and we cannot let that happen as we are all SatelliteGuys.
BTW it should be noted that tonight two attacks were launched on our servers which caused for slowdowns and for the SatelliteGuys website to be unavailable for short periods of time. We are not sure if these attacks are related but the timing is suspicious.
Thank you for your support!
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