voomvoom and others, update to my situation. I called Voom last week and told them my situation and they were going to send someone out, but it wasn't going to be till June 22nd, so I was a little upset but thought, oh well, i'll just have to wait. Well, I went out of town Friday and came back yesterday and figured I'd turn on the TV and see the "no signal" come on, but to my surpise, all the locals worked great! I was able to watch the last game of the NBA finals in HD (which was on ABC I believe, NOT available on Comcast which I still have their HD package). I went to Law and Order SVU (or whichever of the 18 varieties they have) and checked it out against Comcast just to look and they look almost identical to me. I really need to calibrate my TV, Sony GWIII 60" non-XBR, to get the best settings but everything looked great. Previously I hadn't watched anything in HD on the local channels since I've been out of town so much so I finally go to do some comparisons and everything really looked great.
My one issue is NBC though, I was having sound issues. Does the sound cut out for anyone else every 60 seconds just for a fraction of a second, similar to how HDNews, Ch100 was doing for a while? I remember CBS having this issue on Comcast and probably everywhere last year but they corrected it. I'm just trying to see if it's only me or if others have noticed NBC did this last night? I'll be able to compare again tonight, maybe it was just that one show or something. I think Leno was fine, I can't really remember... I don't really like his show so I kept changing to the Worldsports channel..
PS. So my "solution" was just to let it come back, or maybe the guy who installed it found out and jumped on my roof while I was out of town to fix it, I have no clue