Atlanta Area Voomer

Yeah...Maybe a stronger ant will work.

Call me crazy but, I don't think it is so much of the signals but reception is so dependent on pointing my ant.. Maybe if I were further away, I could point my ant to the general locations for all the stations (i.e. Atlanta) and have receptions. Maybe the closer you are to the towers the more specific you have to be in your aim of the ant.

Is there such a thing a an omni or multiple directional powered ant. ?
Well, I watched Smallville on WB and it was fine, no dropouts at all. I then watched CSI on CBS and it had no issues either. So it seems it's pretty much Fox and NBC. I want to see if it's the same for everyone regardless of what part of the city you're in. I am in Alpharetta, just south of Forsyth County.
I have the same issues with FOX during quiet weather like today, but when it is windy I have the issue on all channels. I think it's because of multipathing in my case. My antenna is pointed into the woods behind my house and I think when the trees start swaying all bets are off.

I live in Roswell off of Holcomb Bridge.
negreenfield said:
Hopefully someone checks this every once in a while.

Anyone in Atlanta having trouble with OTA locals and audio dropouts, video dropouts, etc?

I've been having problems with UPN lately. Also, there were some drops in MNF this past Monday. I live in West Cobb. If it gets worse, I'm calling for an antenna upgrade.
Voom reception in Dunwoody

I live in Dunwoody, just off Spalding Drive and Mount Vernon. I had Voom installed in September and my whole family is thrilled. The OTA reception using the Voom supplied OTA antenna is excellent. The only channel I don't get is the Spanish channel, which is no big deal (34.1). All the other local digital channels come in perfect!!

The installer from Installs Inc., a fellow named Joe, did a terrific job. The installation is flawless. He selected a perfect spot on the roof and I have to say the way he ran the coax from the dish was very neat. Also, the OTA antenna is of the same color as the dish and looks very hi-tech and is not an eyesore (it's shaped like a small wing, about 30").

During the hurricanes, I only lost the signal for about an hour...not bad. Other than that, the thing has been working flawlessly. I've got it hooked up to a 60" inch Panasonic LDC projection TV. The football games on ABC and CBS are jaw dropping. The wife and family go ga-ga for Discovery HD, and I like the quirky old HD movies.

After all the criticisms of Voom on AVSforum I was prepared for the worst...but Voom has proven to be nothing but top notch for me. I strongly recommend it. :)
JoeManGA said:
The only channel I don't get is the Spanish channel, which is no big deal (34.1). All the other local digital channels come in perfect!!
Welcome to the forum JoeManGA. I live down Macon way and the Spanish channel used to be the strongest channel I could get. I haven't been able to get it for 5 or 6 months. I read somewhere that something had gone bad and they were transmitting at low power. I can't speak, read or anything in Spanish, but they had some great looking babes to look at. No language necessary. The digital channel was on 48 if you wish to try and tune it in. In Atlanta it's probably mapped in (on 34.1) the Voom STB. You might need to point your wing toward Athens to have a chance to get it. That could cause you to loose the Atlanta stations, as opposed to the location of the Athens station. Lot's of luck.
Weird, I stopped getting the Spanish channel I while ago as well, but then yesterday I noticed I'm getting PAX now. For several months I've never gotten PAX all the sudden yesterday it was coming in perfect.

Anyway, I"m still getting intermittent issues with OTA. Yesterday I couldn't get ABC to show me the Tech/Miami game (I'm a Tech alum, turned it off after a while anyway, what a painful game) it was in and out video and audio all day. But at night I watched the replay of the Lost 2 part premiere and it was perfect, no dropouts at all! NBC with Saturday Night Live had the intermittent audio dropouts again. Argh, it's driving me crazy! I looked at signals and see no difference during the dropout times and the non-dropout times. I can't seem to characterize what's going on.. :confused:
I used to get WPXA down here in Macon fairly regular. At one time it was probably the second strongest signal I could get, with the Athens station being the strongest. Now I rarely get PAX and never get Athens anymore. Yesterday morning WPXA was coming in crystal clear, while last night channel searching it wasn't coming in. On another note, for the first time Friday I was getting WPBA on 21 perfect, it was only digital, no HD. And ever since I can't find it. I'm glad we're finally getting a PBS in Georgia on air and not having to wait a couple more years like I've heard. I only hope they get their HD operational and then don't split the bandwidth into 5 channels, i.e. PBS national feed, GPT state feed, local feed, classroom feed or feeds, and PBS Kids, etc. At least we can see some progress now.
Lost OTA Feed of Fox

I was having issues like everyone else during the middle of the day and clear with Fox and NBC dropping out. I've lost Fox now though, but still get CBS, ABC, NBC & WB.

Anyone else lose Fox over the past several days? CBS isn't sending an HD signal for the NFL games either. Hope this isn't another quirk since the STB's been quirky lately.
I've lost Fox now though

Frazier said:
I was having issues like everyone else during the middle of the day and clear with Fox and NBC dropping out. I've lost Fox now though, but still get CBS, ABC, NBC & WB.

Anyone else lose Fox over the past several days? CBS isn't sending an HD signal for the NFL games either. Hope this isn't another quirk since the STB's been quirky lately.
I'm getting Fox 5 in Macon. I also get Fox 24 from Macon, but it's SD, so I'm watching Fox 5 in HD. The CBS here is showing SD also. They're showing NY Jets @ Miami.
WPBA is on (digital 21) and it's HD. To bad it's a cropped picture. So far it's just the 1 channel, but I expect it'll be 3+ channel's before they're through testing. So much for bandwidth...
Argh. Suddenly Fox and NBC are fine now, but ABC is the channel I have trouble with. Signal and SNR look great, with SNR around 30, then all of the sudden it will drop to 0, then back up again. It was quite frustrating watching Lost last night, I had to go to Comcast analog. ABC worked fine a few weeks ago. I still can't characterize when my OTA works and when it doesn't, right now it seems ABC is the only troubled one... :confused:
Looks like a lot of folks are not having the same issues as me. I have placed a service call to check out my antenna, etc, hopefully this will fix my issue. Currently ABC almost never works, WB always works, and NBC, Fox, and CBS cut out here and there...
I'm not having any problems (knocking on wood) here in Kennesaw. ABC was cutting out a little last night during the football game but not too bad. The baseball game on fox came through great.
Got the antenna upgraded today. HUGE difference. ABC and CBS are perfect, UPN is perfect as well. NBC may still have the occasional audio dropouts but that may be the local provider, the signal is as high as it can get. Fox, everything looks good too. Everything looks great so far, this was the only part that was driving me crazy. I was unable to watch Lost for the last 3 weeks in HD!! Monday night football too!!

*Keeping fingers crossed and knocking on wood*
Which antenna in Alpharetta?


I live in Alpharetta and need to find an antenna that is aesthetically acceptable (no 100' boom antennas) and will successfully pickup the locals.

Any suggestions? Has anyone tried the ChannelMaster 3010 STEALTHtenna with success?

Also, please reply with recommendations of OTA antenna installers.

My CEA info:

* yellow - uhf WPXA-DT 14.1 PAX ROME GA 308° 29.8 51
* yellow - uhf WTBS-DT 17.1 TBS ATLANTA GA 205° 19.5 20
* yellow - uhf WUPA-DT 69.1 UPN ATLANTA GA 204° 24.0 43
* yellow - uhf WGCL-DT 46.1 CBS ATLANTA GA 205° 19.5 19
* yellow - uhf WUVG-DT 34.1 UNI ATHENS GA 205° 19.5 48
* yellow - uhf WATL-DT 36.1 WB ATLANTA GA 205° 19.5 25
* yellow - uhf WAGA-DT 5.1 FOX ATLANTA GA 203° 20.0 27
* green - vhf WGTV-DT 12 PBS ATHENS GA 07-07 171° 18.8 12
* green - vhf WXIA-DT 11.1 NBC ATLANTA GA 201° 22.7 10
* red - uhf WATC-DT 41.1 REL ATLANTA GA 273° 13.6 41
* red - uhf WHSG-DT 44.1 TBN MONROE GA 204° 24.0 44
* red - uhf WSB-DT 2.1 ABC ATLANTA GA 205° 22.7 39
* blue - uhf WPBA-DT 21.1 PBS ATLANTA GA 201° 22.5 21


Alpharetta HDTV Newbie
I first had the Stealth antenna and received all the mapped stations (this was prior to scanning) except Fox (it was intermittent) and PAX. I live right next door in Roswell. I did get an antenna upgrade and Fox is still iffy sometimes.
I get everything with the Stealth w/amplifier (installed for Voom by Chris at Installs, INC and tweeked once by a second guy from them to increase 46's strength) except PAX whose antenna is in Rome. The only fringe I have is UPN, which I don't watch enough to call for the upgrade.I live in West Cobb.
Hey Rick,
I live up in cumming ( HA Ha ) its in Forsyth just above Alpharetta and I installed my own and it is the channel master model 4228 antenna and Channel Master 7777 VHF/UHF Preamplifier with Power Supply (CM7777) and I live in a very wooded area and I get all of the channels OTA. I ordered everything off line

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