Anyone here of the Water Channel?


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Jan 31, 2006
I saw an add for this channel on some website, and when i went to their website it looked like it had some halfway interesting shows. Has anyone heard of this channel before?
No, but it will probably some new HD Channel to replace Voom, all water, all the time. If nothing else, I want the Fish Tank back, I can use it as a screen saver for my LCD. It sure would be more interesting than WFN. Thought WFN was an ongoing joke, guess the joke was on us.
Does this channel even exist anymore? Nothing on their website looks like it has been touched since January 2008.

Latest upcoming event: January 2008
Latest News: September 2006

I'm not even getting a schedule to appear.
I always thought it was more of an infomercial channel. Maybe I was just looking at the guide at the wrong times. Did they actually have real programming?
Dish pulled this channel because "lack of content". The water channel became another themed infomercial hence 216 location. Are they still on the air?

Yes on some cable systms. Read the article.
That article is outdated. If you go to their website they don't have any programs listed under their schedule. I had tried to email them when they quit doing programming and I never rcvd anything back from them. I think they are gone.

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