Anybody get the 24 month commitment price as an existing customer?


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Original poster
May 5, 2016
Just got off a very fustrating call with Dish. We are in the process of moving and trying to decide what to use at the new house for tv service. We have been with dish for 10 years now so I figured I would start there.

I go online an see that they have a 2 year commitment rate of $65 per month for the top 200, $10 for the dvr and $7 for each additional tv. I also see they have a new hopper out (we still have the original from years ago) I figured this was great. For $82 a month I can lock in for 2 years, get a better hopper and still enjoy dish. Im currently paying around $100 a month for the same service with no commitment.

That was until I called. The "account specialist" agreed to a free install and hopper upgrade but refused to give me any sort of rate lock. They also wanted $107 a month which is more than I'm paying now. The guy offered a $15 a month credit but only for 6 months and is still more than the $82.

Has anybody had luck getting dish to agree to a better rate as an existing customer with a 24 month commitment? I hate playing the game of having to call every 6 months when my bill goes up. I thought about just canceling and starting new service at the new house but they wouldn't let me do that either. Seriously thinking of going to directv or Comcast unless anybody has a better suggestion

Just got off a very fustrating call with Dish. We are in the process of moving and trying to decide what to use at the new house for tv service. We have been with dish for 10 years now so I figured I would start there.

I go online an see that they have a 2 year commitment rate of $65 per month for the top 200, $10 for the dvr and $7 for each additional tv. I also see they have a new hopper out (we still have the original from years ago) I figured this was great. For $82 a month I can lock in for 2 years, get a better hopper and still enjoy dish. Im currently paying around $100 a month for the same service with no commitment.

That was until I called. The "account specialist" agreed to a free install and hopper upgrade but refused to give me any sort of rate lock. They also wanted $107 a month which is more than I'm paying now. The guy offered a $15 a month credit but only for 6 months and is still more than the $82.

Has anybody had luck getting dish to agree to a better rate as an existing customer with a 24 month commitment? I hate playing the game of having to call every 6 months when my bill goes up. I thought about just canceling and starting new service at the new house but they wouldn't let me do that either. Seriously thinking of going to directv or Comcast unless anybody has a better suggestion

The "rate lock' promo is for new subs only. Perhaps you should investigate your options.
The "rate lock' promo is for new subs only. Perhaps you should investigate your options.

It doesn't state that anywhere on their website. The terms and conditions only list auto pay as a requirement and early termination fees. It doesn't say anywhere for new subscribers only.
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Drop your service and have your companion sign up as a new customer at the new address. I've been with them for 18 years and the best I could get was $20/mth for 6 mths but rest assured I'll be calling again then!
Actually all I can see is this:
"All offers require credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay." I see nothing about "new customers"

BUT - On webpage, in miniscule type at the bottom:

"Offer for new and qualified former customers only. Important Terms and Conditions:"
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It doesn't state that anywhere on their website. The terms and conditions only list auto pay as a requirement and early termination fees. It doesn't say anywhere for new subscribers only.

He's correct. Even in the terms and conditions it says nothing about for new customers like it has in the past. If you really want to try and get that deal print out the page that shows the offer and the terms and conditions as proof. Then call or communicate with a DIRT member and explain you want what is advertised. Unless we are missing where it says for new customers only.
Just got off a very fustrating call with Dish. We are in the process of moving and trying to decide what to use at the new house for tv service. We have been with dish for 10 years now so I figured I would start there.

I go online an see that they have a 2 year commitment rate of $65 per month for the top 200, $10 for the dvr and $7 for each additional tv. I also see they have a new hopper out (we still have the original from years ago) I figured this was great. For $82 a month I can lock in for 2 years, get a better hopper and still enjoy dish. Im currently paying around $100 a month for the same service with no commitment.

That was until I called. The "account specialist" agreed to a free install and hopper upgrade but refused to give me any sort of rate lock. They also wanted $107 a month which is more than I'm paying now. The guy offered a $15 a month credit but only for 6 months and is still more than the $82.

Has anybody had luck getting dish to agree to a better rate as an existing customer with a 24 month commitment? I hate playing the game of having to call every 6 months when my bill goes up. I thought about just canceling and starting new service at the new house but they wouldn't let me do that either. Seriously thinking of going to directv or Comcast unless anybody has a better suggestion

I just went through the same drill. I went with the DIRT and not loyalty because I thought that it would work better.

I flashed that Ad by them (3 different Ads samething), nope would not budge. Kept saying "This is For New Customers Only". Told them to look; does not say that. Would not even sniff at it. Gave them the URL Link. Nope.

Now there are at least 3 Ads that offer the samething. ONE of them in the T&C said New Customers Only".
I just went through the same drill. I went with the DIRT and not loyalty because I thought that it would work better.

I flashed that Ad by them (3 different Ads samething), nope would not budge. Kept saying "This is For New Customers Only". Told them to look; does not say that. Would not even sniff at it. Gave them the URL Link. Nope.

Now there are at least 3 Ads that offer the samething. ONE of them in the T&C said New Customers Only".
Alright, this is the point that someone needs to say, "This is just how it is, accept it, bargain as best as you can, and decide which option is in your best interest." Arguing whether the fine print doesn't say it is for New Subs only is a complete waste of time. The question is, what is the best deal you can actually get (from any provider). You most likely won't get the 24-month deal, so what would you take instead from Dish. Try hard, but be within reason. Some people here have allegedly received large discounts, but that is an account by account basis.
your a current customer, they dont care

NEVER depend on the promo price for any service. ALWAYS look at the regular price
if you dont want to pay that, dont get the service, simple

Why are there so many "what deal can I get' threads?

this is one of the things that causes the prices to go up for everyone else

I would prefer if they simply stopped these deals al together and lowered the prices across the board.

no 'new customer' deal, no 'loyalty' deal, no 'please lower my price' deal
To the OP, since you are moving, if there is a bit of time between where you live now and where you will live, cancel and wait for the 'come back' offers. While the official policy is 3 months (I think), I've most often seen offers within days of cancellation and even some very few that happened before the boxes showed up to ship equipment back to them.

Of course it is a gamble and as with all gambles, it may not pay off! :)
To the OP, since you are moving, if there is a bit of time between where you live now and where you will live, cancel and wait for the 'come back' offers. While the official policy is 3 months (I think), I've most often seen offers within days of cancellation and even some very few that happened before the boxes showed up to ship equipment back to them.

Of course it is a gamble and as with all gambles, it may not pay off! :)
Exactly. The best bet is have your wife sign up as a new customer at the new address.
When moving to a new address it is the best time to try and sign up as a new customer. If you can, use your spouse's info to set up a new account. If that doesn't work or you don't have that option then just put up and antenna or get basic cable for a couple months. This will allow you to at least have some TV plus you'll most likely be busy after the move. The couple months will fly by. When the time has passed you can sign up as a Former Customer and get all the promotions. If not that then sign up with another provider.

I recommend installing an antenna regardless of what you do though. It's great to have.
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Alright, this is the point that someone needs to say, "This is just how it is, accept it, bargain as best as you can, and decide which option is in your best interest." Arguing whether the fine print doesn't say it is for New Subs only is a complete waste of time. The question is, what is the best deal you can actually get (from any provider). You most likely won't get the 24-month deal, so what would you take instead from Dish. Try hard, but be within reason. Some people here have allegedly received large discounts, but that is an account by account basis.
People feel their account is more important than someone else's, and expect to get a better deal. Instead of saying "what am I willing to pay", they say "what is someone else paying and how can I get less than that".
Alright, this is the point that someone needs to say, "This is just how it is, accept it, bargain as best as you can, and decide which option is in your best interest." Arguing whether the fine print doesn't say it is for New Subs only is a complete waste of time. The question is, what is the best deal you can actually get (from any provider). You most likely won't get the 24-month deal, so what would you take instead from Dish. Try hard, but be within reason. Some people here have allegedly received large discounts, but that is an account by account basis.

I know that is the sensible way to look at it, but I also feel any company is responsible for what they advertise. This isn't an obvious price mistake, it isn't a case where one page is wrong, there are three or four different ways to find promos with DISH and none now say new customers only. Forget for a moment it has always been new customers only, that means nothing to someone looking to upgrade that has no idea about new customer promos, etc... It's misleading advertising and DISH should be made to honor anyone who calls to get it unless it can be pointed out what in the ads does not allow a present customer from getting it.
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I know that is the sensible way to look at it, but I also feel any company is responsible for what they advertise. This isn't an obvious price mistake, it isn't a case where one page is wrong, there are three or four different ways to find promos with DISH and none now say new customers only. Forget for a moment it has always been new customers only, that means nothing to someone looking to upgrade that has no idea about new customer promos, etc... It's misleading advertising and DISH should be made to honor anyone who calls to get it unless it can be pointed out what in the ads does not allow a present customer from getting it.
I can see the argument you are providing, but I have never been big on the "customer is always right" side of things. The offer is for new customers only. There is nothing wrong with having a deal that is for new customers only. Such a thing is very common in the last 20 years. More importantly, this is typically with people who have not used the product yet. Warnings, conditions are usually very important with certain deals (such as the Dish deal requires a 2-yr commitment). But the people complaining are already actual customers, so they haven't been entrapped by anything. They are currently paying the normal rates. That they can't automatically get an introductory rate because it is advertised isn't a bother to me. Dish, at least in a number of cases including my own, is quite content on offer discounts to current subscribers as it is. You ask, and if it is within reason, they seem to say yes (to good customers).

Also, when I go here, it clearly indicates "Introductory".

When I go here, it says "Requires 24-month commitment and credit qualification with activation of new qualifying DISH service." though I think it could be a bit more prominent.
They actually now say "New Customers only" in that second one it did not when I first looked and apparently not when you did. Without that though, if I drop my DISH service, then activate a new qualifying one I have met their advertisement. It's the "New Customer" that matters because DISH has a definition of what a New Customer is.
"Introductory" - so if that should mean I can't get as an existing customer, that should mean I can't get the "Welcome" package either, but I can. I get it that you are not going to get the deal as an existing customer, maybe (not certainly) if you took them to Court or contacted your Attorney General you would but at what cost and time and effort. But I don't like it when advertisements can be loose with the details when they actually say these are the details.
Well all I got was $40.00 off for 6 months on my account and $20.00 off my 2nd account for my parents for 6 months. Seems DISH is getting a bit tighter with their credits since last May of 2015 when I got $65.00 off for a year ,but I still will take them. Any money off will help offset the high equipment and dvr fees that they charge. Well call back come December. My parents dropped HBO for $10.00 to offset their bill ,but I think my dad is still wanting to go back to Directv since he thinks he will get a bundle deal with ATT that does his internet service. I said go with God Dad. Least I won't have to worry about their satellite service or bill any longer if they go.
Well all I got was $40.00 off for 6 months on my account and $20.00 off my 2nd account for my parents for 6 months. Seems DISH is getting a bit tighter with their credits since last May of 2015 when I got $65.00 off for a year ,but I still will take them. Any money off will help offset the high equipment and dvr fees that they charge. Well call back come December. My parents dropped HBO for $10.00 to offset their bill ,but I think my dad is still wanting to go back to Directv since he thinks he will get a bundle deal with ATT that does his internet service. I said go with God Dad.
I'm thinking about going to Directv.
Problem is I hate their Genie.
But they will price lock me for 24 months with having only AT&T wireless service.
$75 for Ultimate on 4 rooms, $99 upfront for HR on 5th room $7 per month. $4.64 RSN fee.
So less than $100 per month.

Dish right now I'm at $115 with tax.
Top 200, Encore $3, HBO$7.50, Movie pack.$5 and $27 credit on my price lock.
2 HWS, 2 Joeys,211z.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
Troch77, add in the cost for HBO on D* for a closer comparison. I think they get $18 for it now so about $104.

If I were looking at switching I'd need a Genie and one HR to have enough tuners and the c61 mini to support my 4K tv, and the premium package.

With Dish, H3, T250 and all movie packs I'm at a shade less than $140.

With D* it would be $125 for package + $4.93, so total about $130. Not even close enough to consider IMO.

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good evening my friends a hd compaision chart between dish and directv

Dish Internet??

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