ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

hi harshness bay guy got it right no signal turned off my surge protector had the reciever reboot and no signal its said hello owner and no data when changing stations .yes lat watched cfl thursday night football. did reciever at 10 am this morning thanks for reading my message.
I've been observing the same irregular reception for weeks. This morning, I had a good number of channels coming in, but with occasional breakup due to signal strengths in the 50s and 60s -- nothing higher This afternoon, CBC Toronto and Super Ecran 1 coming in well with 70s signal strength, but no signal for TCM and only a hint of a signal on BBC News. Another French channel, Artv, was not coming in this morning but is OK this afternoon, with signal around 60. I assume the difference in channel reception is related to whether it's left- or right-polarized.

Is the drift getting smaller? I don't see a lot of change from the current Celestrak-based chart from the one posted on this thread 10 days ago.
Is the drift getting smaller? I don't see a lot of change from the current Celestrak-based chart from the one posted on this thread 10 days ago.
The drift is slowly but steadily increasing. +/- 0.629 N/S today.

Based on the Telsat footprint ( which is a modeling prediction generated during construction) ,the San Diego area might lose reception at either end of the N/S orbit.

Re: Transponders. It is not unusual for different transponders to have different signal strengths. Could be intentionally (they usually can dial the strength up or down to meet regulatory requirements) or could be something to do with the design/construction.
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no sadly i am in a condo and the roof is locked. i have to see if the securty will let me to check or waite till next week to see if the office will let me check. i turned off the surge protector and now have no data when changig station and losr sat signal
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Try removing the surge protector. Sometimes stange things happen when using a surge protector

Rapid total outage indicates something else happened.
The drift is slowly but steadily increasing. +/- 0.629 N/S today.

Based on the Telsat footprint ( which is a modeling prediction generated during construction) ,the San Diego area might lose reception at either end of the N/S orbit.

Re: Transponders. It is not unusual for different transponders to have different signal strenghts. Could be intentionally (they usually can dial the strenght up or down to meet regulatory requirements) or could be something to do with the design/construction.
I was looking at the longitudinal drift, which is predicted to be less than the similar graph predicted a few days ago.

What's most striking to me, if I am reading the charts correctly, is the change in altitude. The altitude changes 25 km (from low to high or vice versa) every 12 hours -- a full cycle every 24 hours. That doesn't sound like a healthy orbit to me.

However, I can easily see how a simultaneous latitudinal wobble and an altitude wobble could explain lengthier outages, as they would both affect reception azimuth in ways that could cancel each other out or create an extreme endpoint.
The latitude drift scale is in 10ths of a degree. The longitude drift scale is in 100ths of a degree . So there is essentially close to zero longitude drift.

It takes minimal fuel to maintain longitude but significant fuel for latitude control.

The altitude is similar to longitude. About as close to zero as you can get.
i turned the surge on and off went on signal strength turner1 0 tuner2no trip count0n tsid0 css slot 0 yellow bar flashes when changing stations the little box next to the station# flashes yellow green and red on diffent stations.
good afternoon gang. I hope I don't offend too many people by asking this question here. Have been very lucky in my satellite aiming endeavors. I dont really understand how aiming goes. For example. I am in Kitchener ON. My Kit CTV station comes in at 98 %. G1 Sat. Sportsnet 302 is 97% F2 sat. Channel 411 W net is 84%, G1 sat. What is it the affects reception? Is it the satellite or the letters that show up after the sat. name such as "PSK, QPSK, PSK 8"
What should I be doing to bring my numbers closer together?

thanks, Marty
What should I be doing to bring my numbers closer together?
There really isn't anything you can do. Your dish would have to be very large (many meters in diameter) to allow you to optimize your aim on a transponder by transponder basis. The whole satellite isn't very large (less than 4m in diameter not counting the solar panels) and it is located around 36,000km away.

The mysterious letters that appear are the modulation scheme that the transponder uses (PSK = Phase Shift Keying, QPSK = Quadrature Phase Shift Keying and 8PSK = Eight way PSK) and that's something that may impact your signal levels but it isn't something you can change or tweak for.
good afternoon gang. I hope I don't offend too many people by asking this question here. Have been very lucky in my satellite aiming endeavors. I dont really understand how aiming goes. For example. I am in Kitchener ON. My Kit CTV station comes in at 98 %. G1 Sat. Sportsnet 302 is 97% F2 sat. Channel 411 W net is 84%, G1 sat. What is it the affects reception? Is it the satellite or the letters that show up after the sat. name such as "PSK, QPSK, PSK 8"
What should I be doing to bring my numbers closer together?

thanks, Marty
Those are great numbers for F2, where you live you will get it fine until it goes belly up.
Can anyone please report on the current F2 signal in the southern province of AZ? Thanks
For comparison sake, my F2 signal on channel 257 this morning in the EDM area is 95
Can anyone please report on the current F2 signal in the southern province of AZ? Thanks
For comparison sake, my F2 signal on channel 257 this morning in the EDM area is 95
Not in Arizona, but in southeastern US getting 77-78 at the moment on potentially misaligned dish -- about the same signal strength as CBC Toronto and Super Ecran. No signal seen for BBC News or TCM.
Today, Sept 1 is their estimated loss of service date for the western arctic.
Probably the 40-44 and less EIRP contour.
Their next loss of service projection is for Dawson City,YT on Dec 1.
Probably the less than 46 EIRP contour.
i still have to get on the roof of my locked condo no time this week. still no signal signal test on #425 the bar next to th box goesup to 75 then back to 0 eather get on the roof tomorow or next week.
February 2024 looks to be the date for the final transition.

Final transition plan

Between Feb 5 and Feb 15th the final transition will begins - this may happen sooner if Telesat advises that things need to happen quicker.

Some services will have a quick transiton on Feb 5th others will have a brief dual feed between Feb 7th and 15th between F2 and G1.

If the direct link to the document does not work try this

Shaw Broadcast Bulletins

and look for the Sep 19th release.

Superbuddy 29 download (anyone know how to correct)

Shaw direct
