An Update

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Got another email from the chat room.

I can't believe how these guys just sit there all day and talk about me. (Im honored guys thanks)

I am starting to think most of them still live at home with their mothers. :D

[VeniceDre] look at this gem:
[jazzy jeff] someone should take that guys computer away
[lwilli201] What he say. I will not go over there
[Peapod] I found audio of the Tottenham match
[jazzy jeff] he sad lwilli201 is a goof
[davidpo] can u repost that link Dre i had to allow popups sigh
[lwilli201] jazzy jeff So nothing new there* *
[jazzy jeff] *
[Doug Brott] lwilli201
['VOS] < can't stand going over "there" anymore
[Doug Brott] *
[kdjuan] hey guys just got in from work whats the latest on the new HD Channels
[lwilli201] NADA
[jazzy jeff] I wish thrashers pre season hockey was televised :|
[HDTVsportsfan] kdjuan there really isn't any
Peapod has Thrashers season tix
[HDTVsportsfan] kdjuan maybe....possibly... tomorrow AM... to start
[VeniceDre] davidpo
[kdjuan] ok
[jazzy jeff] kdjuan 6 to 7 pm tonight est 480 and 481 will light up with USA HD and SCI FI HD
[jazzy jeff] Peapod your rich
[Peapod] Hardly
[kdjuan] ok
[jazzy jeff] how much do season tickets cost? ball park estimate
[VeniceDre] "While earls track record has not been the best lately (and only because I believe he is towing the party line) I believe what Earl posted last night was accurate. "
[jazzy jeff] I noticed most of the games will be televised but it appears some aren't, I guess blackout rules
[VeniceDre] That's what Scott Said
[syphix] sorry guys...i'm only trying to correct them over there...i think i got it out of my system now...
[Peapod] As cheap as $440
[Peapod] Woohoo. Tottenham lead.
[davidpo] maybe scott should read more before posting BS
[VeniceDre] syphix <-- apologist
[davidpo] i dont even think sci-fi has even turned on their hd channel yet
[syphix] VeniceDre here, not there!* *
[VeniceDre] Now he's saying he's sticking up for Earl could've sworn there was a sly jab in the previous post
My OTA locals and D* MPEG-4 locals are indistinguishable. I have nothing to compare YES-HD MPEG-4 to, so I can simply say it's amazing.

Surprisingly, I agree with you... I have only been able to notice occasional, very minor differences between my OTA locals (Indianapolis) and the MPEG4 channels on D*. I even plugged the OTA directly into my TV's digital tuner to make sure it wasn't the HR20 screwing with the picture...

A little bit of a disappointment, honestly, because I thought the problems with my NBC station were because of the satellite compression and found out that it's just the station's/network's signal that stinks.
Unless you have ever been involved (on the inside) of a Customer Service Center, I understand the experience/perception people have about the knowledge/accuracy of CSR statements.

However, it's a monumental undertaking to ensure accuracy when you have a large number of agents possessing different skills and work motivations. Even the simplest things can become complex as it applies to cohesiveness and accuracy across the group. Especially when things are moving fast (to them - slow to us).

Ever hear of email? I worked for Cingular as a CSR and that is how we got our info.
What can you Scott, they are losers just like the mods. The whole site is riddled with crabby posters who jump on everyone.

The cream rises to the top, which is why this site should care less what those goofs have to say.

Honestly, if it wasnt for Earl, that site would be NOTHING. They'd have to rename it .
Surprisingly, I agree with you... I have only been able to notice occasional, very minor differences between my OTA locals (Indianapolis) and the MPEG4 channels on D*. I even plugged the OTA directly into my TV's digital tuner to make sure it wasn't the HR20 screwing with the picture...

A little bit of a disappointment, honestly, because I thought the problems with my NBC station were because of the satellite compression and found out that it's just the station's/network's signal that stinks.
NBC HD stinks everywhere. Their HD PQ is the worst.
No offense, but why don't you just ignore that forum? Why do you feel the need to belittle them or even pay attention?? Both sites have their contacts and their insight and have a place on the internet and within the DBS community (hence the reason I visit both: I'm a news junkie). Why nitpick about each other?? Where does that get either of you??
No offense, but why don't you just ignore that forum? Why do you feel the need to belittle them or even pay attention?? Both sites have their contacts and their insight and have a place on the internet and within the DBS community (hence the reason I visit both: I'm a news junkie). Why nitpick about each other?? Where does that get either of you??

Agreed, we are steering of course again.

Let the losers chat and lets wait for some more updates.
NBC HD stinks everywhere. Their HD PQ is the worst.

I would have known that if I had consulted this site before I bought my antenna... :)

Was still worth it, though, to get CBS in HD (not currently on D* in Indy) and the local weather stations, etc. Also nice to be able to watch TV in a thunderstorm...
I am a software designer / developer so I guess I would be an expert.

If a large system works in testing and crashes when it goes live, the cause would most likely be one of the following:

1. Race condition (multiple threads / processes trying to access the same thing at the same time or process a depends on process b which depends on process c which depends on process a)

2. Networking problem (system a can't talk to system b, usually a domain or security / firewall issue)

3. Bad design which can't handle the required volume

4. Live hardware doesn't match the test hardware

5. Garbage data in the live system which didn't cause a problem in the previous software but is needed by the new version (should have been caught in testing -- always a good idea to test with a backup copy of the real data)

Number 1 could be the hardest to find. Number 3 would take the longest to fix.

As another software engineer, I agree with your assessment.

IMHO, number 4 or number 5 are the most likely because they are the hardest to simulate under test.

Numbers 1 and 3 are easy to simulate and/or model so shame be unto them if they botched those. 2 is a common one but is typically fixable with a quick slap to the forehead and the uttering of the word, "d'oh!", followed by a little bit of typing and mouse-clicking.

I'd also suggest 6, which is sort of a variant of 1 and/or 5:

6. Tasks running on the live system that were not running on the test system or were simulated too simplistically on the test system, which mangle data on the fly or usurp resources from the new software in ways that were not predicted or adequately simulated in the testing.
As another software engineer, I agree with your assessment.

IMHO, number 4 or number 5 are the most likely because they are the hardest to simulate under test.

Numbers 1 and 3 are easy to simulate and/or model so shame be unto them if they botched those. 2 is a common one but is typically fixable with a quick slap to the forehead and the uttering of the word, "d'oh!", followed by a little bit of typing and mouse-clicking.

I'd also suggest 6, which is sort of a variant of 1 and/or 5:

6. Tasks running on the live system that were not running on the test system or were simulated too simplistically on the test system, which mangle data on the fly or usurp resources from the new software in ways that were not predicted or adequately simulated in the testing.

They should get Vmware and create a test/dev virtualization don't you think?

No offense, I have been reading your postings in the chat as they are being sent to me, and your trying to play both sides of the fence here.

We both have our own sources (and no those sources are not in the other chat room) I only posted Supervolcanos because he was stupid for going into a public chat and making an announcement and then begging people not to post it. What a moron.

Anyways this entire thing is silly, both sites work their butt of to give their readers the best news talk and information. I personally read BOTH sites every day and am active at both sites as well (boy if some of those guys there knew that they were buddy buddy with me there, they would probably burn their computers)

Anyways this is an EXCITING and FUSTRATING time for both our members and their members.
Hopefully soon the new channels turns on and this tension that everyone is feeling goes away.
All depends on your affiliate, you can't claim that their HD stinks everywhere.

Agreed. In New Orleans, I'd rank the HD from our NBC affiliate as presented by D* as the best of the "big 4". "My Name is Earl" looks positively glorious!

In New Orleans, our NBC affiliate is delivered to D* via dedicated fiber. This is extremely rare for a local, as most of them are received by D* OTA. But, I'm positive about this in this case and I have seen DirecTV's backhaul equipment. (I've got a passkey and passcode to the data center it's in. :) My employer also has some servers located there.)

My NBC affiliate via D* looks awesome (and I'm hoping it's a sample of what the new MPEG4 national channels will look like)! :D
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get coxsports on D now

CNN running promos for HD programming

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