An Apology to the FTA Community

Please reply by conversation.
Could have not said it better in spanish, very well put !!

Reason why I have NEVER mentioned channels we all enjoy in this "our hobby" by name... and yes, I do get few channels over the Atlantic that are not listed anywhere ( mostly S. America channels ).... check 45w :).

Happy Halloween to all.

A vote to stop ragging on Rick is a vote to kill cute little baby feeds?

You've had your say. You've made your point. I don't disagree. The post here that was a quote of what was posted there was well written and that is all that needed to be said about the subject ... but that isn't all that was said on the subject.

"Can you believe the nerve of that avg1joe. Telling a guy how to run his forum. How rude."
very well put b5ander!

by the regards to FSN the reason Rick and Mike give is "they dont want anyone to see the feeds for free" yet we had those feeds for years

Don't link me in with this mess. I have made no comment whatsoever. It does remind me of leitch and videocypher1b technology. Why wouldn't I want people to see the games? If you dont like the site then don't be among the 70 plus registered members and 100 plus visitors that visit each Saturday. I don't post as much as I used too. I would love for games to be available. If they aren't then life goes on. Backhaul philosophy is gimme gimme gimme for free free free. Its' been like that or 15 years. Please don't link my name with this stuff.
well Mike I am going by exactly what you wrote there when this FSN encryption started.
FOX Sports is the enemy. They have never liked free satellite anything going back to the Telstar 301 days and network feeds on transponder 1.
Sorry, was in a hurry to leave from work and clicked on the wrong quote.
b5ander post is the one I was referring to. ( well done ).


I have not posted in ages but have been following this, I pretty much don't post feeds anymore because of all this.

The night before FSN scrambled their first CFB game there was a post at Rick's from someone who claimed to work at FSN and that starting this year the feeds would be encrypted and put the blame on Rick and Mike over there. You may not of seen the post because it was deleted within a hour. Now how many people would of known that FSN was going to encrypt the games before there was a actual game? Not many people! So the odds of that post being legit are very high, but in typical Rick fashion it was covered up and swept under the rug. If Rick cares about the hobby why would he do that? What the poster predicted became true the very next day! Yet Rick makes believe that post never happened and he has nothing to do with it.

Now I can't say for 100% sure if that post was from FSN or not, but either way it was from someone in the know! You don't ignore someone like that!!

In this 2nd example someone posted a feed list at his site, Rick thanked him. Week or so later they encrypted, OP comes back says he found out they encrypted because of his post/Rick's site. What does Rick do? Delete it, delete the thank you note, and BAN the OP.. Talk about Loyal! Sounds like a cover up to me!

How many times do you let your car get stolen by leaving the keys in it? Would think after awhile you would I dunno.. LOCK THE CAR AND TAKE THE KEYS WITH YOU!!

My thoughts on the subject!

You asked Rick why he doesn't want to do what is best for the FTA hobby. Have you considered that he honestly believes that he already is?

I have many friends in the FTA hobby. We don't all agree about feed posting, it's just that simple. I

don't have a problem with it, some of my friends do. But we are still friends. I won't go into the same old justification for my point of view. I just think what I think.

What I take extreme exception to, is that some in the course of this thread have called Rick some pretty bad names. No matter what anyone thinks of Rick's business decisions... he is not a sleezeball or a liar. If Rick says something, it is either true, or at least what he believes to be true. Rick simply doesn't say things that he knows isn't true for any reason... money or otherwise.

Rick is a stand up guy who believes in what he's doing. Many disagree with what he's doing. But there are two sides with different views. Just because he takes an opposing view doesn't make him a money mongering lying sleezeball. If people want to say that he's hurting the hobby... fine. I don't agree, but fine. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion... right? But saying that he's hurting the hobby is different than mean spirited name calling.

I'm sure I'll be thrown into the "head in the sand" or "Kool-Aid drinking" category by many here. But sometimes that's the price for speaking up.


Thank you. Finally some logic. And besides the "head in the sand" and "Kool-Aid drinking" categories, don't forget the "half a brain" category. Virtually every quality forum or mailing list I have been involved with prohibits personal attacks, even if they are only implied, and many prohibit them even against people who aren't part of the forum. To me, this is the most distasteful thing about this whole thread, ie the name calling both aimed at people who are in the minority in THIS thread, but also the attacks agains Rick, who I too am convinced that he is doing what he thinks is best for the hobby, and who, despite accusations by moderators here, is very fair to his customers, and bends over backwards to help those with problems. I was convinced of this after seeing what he did to help people with bad Azbox power supplies. That impressed me enough that I given him a good deal of business since then. Anyway, if this is the way people who have opinions that differ with the majority here, then I'm disappointed. And, to pull up another old post in this thread:
For those of you telling everyone not to post anything at Ricks, have you boycotted the site altogether, stopped going there, or are you still looking there for feeds you may have missed? Think about that.

Yes, think about that. Reading this reminds me that I bet Rick's site is the first place people that are critical of him go to find where to find their favorite team's game. Back before Rick's site, the paranoia went after Lyngsat, and again, virtually everyone uses Lyngsat while complaining about it. Lyngsat didn't kill the FTA hobby, it probably is largely responsible for it growing. Rick's site won't kill the hobby either. I'm convinced that it will help it grow.

Now, on to a few other topics...


I think people are missing the point here. It's the uplinkers who are doing the blackmailing. My way of thinking is that they try to make FTA'ers think that they should keep the feed details secret or they'll encrypt. Basically it's the uplinkers who are trying to kill the hobby, and the best way for them to do that is to keep the info from as many people as possible so that new people aren't brought into the hobby. The uplinkers have people who are members of these forums, and know that we're watching. They're not worried about the existing number of FTA'ers finding about feeds in public sites, they're worried about the hobby growing by people learning about what FTA is all about. I think that it is very selfish for the people in this hobby who know what's up there to have the mentality of let's keep this good thing secret. Essentially, it's my opinion that we have all been blackmailed, but Rick has refused to pay the ransom. Satguys is paying the ransom by helping kill the hobby by not letting the word get out.


Some here are skeptical about Rick's mentioning threats. As mentioned before I have read posts suggesting denial of service attacks on his site, and in this thread several people are going over there and clogging his forum with complaints, which is basically harassment. I don't know what other threats he may have received, but I have no reason to doubt that there have been more.

Follow the money:

I keep hearing that here, but I don't understand the conclusions. Rick's business relies on the hobby thriving. It wouldn't make sense for him to do something that was bad for the hobby, and he isn't. Now, follow the money with respect to Satguys.... Satguys has advertisers dealing with DBS subscriptions. Is it any surprise that the sticky thread about what can I see with an 18" dish keep saying NOTHING, which the mods KNOW isn't true. So who is doing the best job of attracting new people into the hobby? Rick, who is honest about what is up there, or Satguys, who have sticky posts that discourage people with little dishes, who are curious enough to try out the hobby, but want to start out on the cheap by first experimenting with a dish they already have. These are people that would eventually upgrade to bigger dishes, but are told that they have to start out with a bigger system. Again, Satguys, not Rick, is hurting the hobby.

Re bots/search engines....

This is the one area where there is "some" logic to the arguments here, not because the actual people who are doing the encryption are using the bots/search engines... they are already members of all these forums, and know what we know. The one, (and only as far as I'm concerned) reason for keeping the feed info in protected forums is because the executives and beancounters might come across the info, and tell their techs to encrypt. The techs themselves generally don't want to encrypt, possibly because they are hobbiests too. My feeling is, if the execs see something and cause their techs to encrypt, then fine. You lose one, you gain one. For every service I've seen encrypt, I've seen others come and take their place. There is always plenty to watch, and until DVB and DVB-S2 is obsolete, there will always be plenty to watch. If they want to encrypt, that's their right. What's best for the hobby is to get the info on what ISN'T encrypted out to the most people.

Re closed posts..

I can't believe that this is even being discussed. This forum has more closed thread than any other forum I've been in. Yes, a thread like this is allowed to continue as long as the company line is winning, but as soon as it looks like the tide might turn, then it's thread closed time. Yes, usually it in topics regarding pirate activites, but more often than not, the threads are closed while the discussion is still about technical issues that have nothing to do with bypassing encryption. Rick closes threads or deletes posts that he thinks are detrimental to his business and the hobby, and that is logical.

Anyway, the main thing, as mentioned up at the top, is that there are good people who think it's wrong to post feed details in public, and there are good people who honestly believe that it's good for the hobby to share as much info as possible. I am really disappointed at the tone of the discussion here, and disappointed that so many people here can't accept that not everyone agrees with them. Funny that this all come up right at the same time as all the political sniping on TV. I think the attacks here are very similar to the political attack ads, in that they don't have any respect for opposing opinions.

OK, back to hibernation mode.
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Some of your guys are funny.

You tell us if we don't like the site then don't go there.

Its not US that is the problem the problem is the Bots.

I will continue fighting on to try saving the feeds that we ALL enjoy, some of you might not like it, to you I am sorry. You need to fight in what you believe in.
I think the attacks here are very similar to the political attack ads, in that they don't have any respect for opposing opinions.
What opposing opinion? Either you want to see this hobby survive or you don't want the hobby to survive.

Thats the issue.

Are you saying you DON'T want the hobby to survive?
Not taking sides - but this horse has been beaten flat-ass flat from above, below and both sides. It's clear that the lines have been very clearly drawn, no opinions have been changed - might be time to just close this thread and move on.

It's pretty much all personal now.

Just my 2 pennies worth.
What is so difficult to understand about requiring logins, or some other sort of security to keep feed posts from the Search Engine bots ? We really can't keep programmers from accessing the sites, and obtaining information, if they wish, but at least, keeping the search engines from filling the internet with feeds , may serve to keep encryption at a minimum . That's all the argument is about. Doesn't it make sense that a tiny level of security could decrease the likelyhood that the various feeds will be encrypted ? And that would be a desireable situation ?
What is so difficult to understand about requiring logins, or some other sort of security to keep feed posts from the Search Engine bots ? We really can't keep programmers from accessing the sites, and obtaining information, if they wish, but at least, keeping the search engines from filling the internet with feeds , may serve to keep encryption at a minimum . That's all the argument is about. Doesn't it make sense that a tiny level of security could decrease the likelyhood that the various feeds will be encrypted ? And that would be a desireable situation ?

Never said I didn't agree - but at this point everyone who has expressed an opinion has their heels dug in - seems very little to gain by continued flogging.
Hi Mike,

Thanks for your comment. At this time I feel the fight must go on. We have been having a discussion about this in our WUT forum for a while and it contains lots of facts and a better time line of the stuff that has been going on at Ricks. It contains lots of stuff that you won't find over there anymore as it was deleted. I am thinking of making that thread public so everyone can see why we are so upset.

This could all be solved so quickly and easily but one person refuses to do whats right to protect this hobby for all of us.
Hi Mike,

Thanks for your comment. At this time I feel the fight must go on. We have been having a discussion about this in our WUT forum for a while and it contains lots of facts and a better time line of the stuff that has been going on at Ricks. It contains lots of stuff that you won't find over there anymore as it was deleted. I am thinking of making that thread public so everyone can see why we are so upset.

This could all be solved so quickly and easily but one person refuses to do whats right to protect this hobby for all of us.


I've followed the discussion both here and in the WUT, but have stayed out of it because all of my opinions have been expressed by others about as well as I could say them - if not better. For the record, I have never - ever posted a feed in the clear and never will.

At this point I think it's very clear where everyone stands on the issue - and the "change" that needs to take place isn't very likely to happen until everything is dark and a certain someone can no longer can sell boxes - a day I certainly dread.

I'm just concerned about how personal this has become, and the tones are getting pretty nasty. At this point - what's the real point of continuing the topic?

Just my opinion.

(Gotta get a dig in though - if I'd have posted this somewhere else I know I'd be banned from the WUT and the site!). ;)
Another thing that is interesting

We have a thread here and 140 some odd posts and we're still having a good debate
Over there there has been 2 closed threads and a "announcement" about feedman calling out Rick that he closed too.

If he is so 1st amendment why does he close threads quicker than a hiccup?
Here is something disturbing (and to think about)...this is from his site

A Comment has been made about Unfavorable Posts being deleted in this forum.

I have no Problem with posts being made about issues with a receiver. I have gone out of my way to point out any and all Pros and Cons of any receivers that I sell. I want folks to know the Ups and Downs of the various units that I and others sell.

My Moderators have been given the right to Edit or Delete posts as they see fit to maintain high standards in this forum and I back them up 100%

What standards? Edit/delete posts that might make him or a product he sells look bad? Damn he reminds me of a mod that was here and is now gone because of the same thing...edit/delete posts he didnt like.
Frankly I think the thread about loggin in was really good then it got shut down. And I guess its suppose to make it better with the "its a great day to be alive" crap posted in there?
Hi Ice.I was curious about the bad blood between rick's and this site.I am fairly new to both sites(I have only been able to log in here since this summer,though I did join much earlier).I honestly was leaning about 55% in favour of Rick being the victim so I took the first post of this thread and placed it at Ricks hoping fo an explaination from his point of view.MISTAKE!!I said nothing derogatory in any way,shape,or form,nor did I use any swear words as I was mostly in the dark.I was the messanger and was shot for delivering the message!!Within a very few minutes the quote you just showed appeared and my post was gone.In my book,that counts as a 2-faced and cowardly act,very very un-Christian!I tried several times unsuccessfully to pm him so how could I "take it up with" him as he so deceitfully states.Bull !! I also left numerous messages for him at his chat room asking for an appology and explaination.None were received.I then left him a message saying he lacked the moral courage to give an appology.Enough said.I hate 2-faced people and if that shoe fits he can whear it.
PS:I want to point out that my beef with Rick is nothing to do with feeds but FREEDOM OF SPEECH !He barred me for delivering,what I thought,might have been an unfair statement about him.He is not at all what he projects himself to be!
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Sorry if this was mentioned before (i skipped a few pages)
Just going to through this out there. A log-in in is not required to stop the bots, a simple robots.txt file should be enough to stop the google bots from indexing that particular forum/thread or information. More Information can be found here. It takes just 2 seconds to create and implement...
Hi Ice.I was curious about the bad blood between rick's and this site.I am fairly new to both sites(I have only been able to log in here since this summer,though I did join much earlier).I honestly was leaning about 55% in favour of Rick being the victim so I took the first post of this thread and placed it at Ricks hoping fo an explaination from his point of view.MISTAKE!!I said nothing derogatory in any way,shape,or form,nor did I use any swear words as I was mostly in the dark.I was the messanger and was shot for delivering the message!!Within a very few minutes the quote you just showed appeared and my post was gone.In my book,that counts as a 2-faced and cowardly act,very very un-Christian!I tried several times unsuccessfully to pm him so how could I "take it up with" him as he so deceitfully states.Bull !! I also left numerous messages for him at his chat room asking for an appology and explaination.None were received.I then left him a message saying he lacked the moral courage to give an appology.Enough said.I hate 2-faced people and if that shoe fits he can whear it.
PS:I want to point out that my beef with Rick is nothing to do with feeds but FREEDOM OF SPEECH !He barred me for delivering,what I thought,might have been an unfair statement about him.He is not at all what he projects himself to be!

oh I agree. That part I posted (bolded) basically says "If we dont like your post the mods can edit or delete the post how they seem fit and I'll back them because I dont like dissenting views on something"
I have posted about my shopping experience with Rick and the subsequent issues when the receiver died. He chooses who he wants to help with their broken items
Robots.txt files are not the answer, believe me I tried them before. Most bots now ignore them.

GoogleBot ignored robots.txt // Disallowed URLs still Crawled/Indexed // Blocked but Indexed? ::: Auto-Response ::: - Webmaster Central Help
Robots.txt ignored by msnbot/2.0b
Robots.txt file ignored by Google?
What's The Point of A Robots.txt File If Google Ignores It? - Search Engine Watch Forums
Webboard: robots.txt still ignored

I could go on and on with URLS about this.

As I said I tried them before and the bots ignored them completely and indexed what I did not want them to index. :(
Sorry if this was mentioned before (i skipped a few pages)
Just going to through this out there. A log-in in is not required to stop the bots, a simple robots.txt file should be enough to stop the google bots from indexing that particular forum/thread or information. More Information can be found here. It takes just 2 seconds to create and implement...

A robots.txt does a very good job of keeping pages off google etc... I use them to keep my pages off of them.
I don't see what is so hard in having someone log in though, you don't have to pay for it -it is free.
Seems like a easy compromise and a no brainer.
I keep hearing that here, but I don't understand the conclusions. Rick's business relies on the hobby thriving. It wouldn't make sense for him to do something that was bad for the hobby, and he isn't.
oh really? Are you sure about that?
Now, follow the money with respect to Satguys.... Satguys has advertisers dealing with DBS subscriptions.
well last I checked we do work with FTA companies too. We have 2 FTA sponsors (I consider SatAv & Glorystar one and Galaxy & WSI one) and 2 that deal with DBS so dont know what that point is
Is it any surprise that the sticky thread about what can I see with an 18" dish keep saying NOTHING, which the mods KNOW isn't true.
What are you talking about? The "What can I get with an 18" dish" last I checked was accurate. Is it our fault that when the original post was made there was a lot more on there than is now? Lemme guess. Your comeback will be "oh if you use a PC card and this program and load all the different PIDS into the system you might find a couple international channels that Dish forgot to encrypt but have no PAT info"...right?? Well what is posted in the "18" thread" is what a FTA receiver can get. Again this was just checked today (before I removed my DBS LNB from my setup) and it hasnt changed. So please prove me wrong

So who is doing the best job of attracting new people into the hobby? Rick, who is honest about what is up there, or Satguys, who have sticky posts that discourage people with little dishes, who are curious enough to try out the hobby, but want to start out on the cheap by first experimenting with a dish they already have. These are people that would eventually upgrade to bigger dishes, but are told that they have to start out with a bigger system. Again, Satguys, not Rick, is hurting the hobby.
BJ what in the heck are you talking about? Did you actually read what you said before posting? How are we hurting the hobby? By telling folks who ask what can they get with the little dish (which unfortunately isnt much anymore)? Again we have told folks what is on them and explain to get the best of FTA a bigger dish is needed. So yep we're hurting the hobby :rolleyes:

Re closed posts..

I can't believe that this is even being discussed. This forum has more closed thread than any other forum I've been in. Yes, a thread like this is allowed to continue as long as the company line is winning, but as soon as it looks like the tide might turn, then it's thread closed time. Yes, usually it in topics regarding pirate activites, but more often than not, the threads are closed while the discussion is still about technical issues that have nothing to do with bypassing encryption. Rick closes threads or deletes posts that he thinks are detrimental to his business and the hobby, and that is logical.

BJ lemme throw this out there
If you notice the thread still isnt closed even though there are dissenting posts and your post hasnt been removed (or you banned) because according to you "you're going against the grain". Try that over there. I've already said my piece on that and even bolded what he said. How many posts go **poof** because Rick or his mods dont like it? LOTS. How many threads does he lock or even worse posts his view then closes it right away (ie: the response to feedhunter).

As for threads being closed please find me one recently that was closed that WASNT one of the following
-a dupe of an existing thread (freedbs, montana pbs, where did ___________ channel go)
-a hacker
-a duplicate thread that someone created where they did 2 threads in 2 different areas

Heck the freedbs thread I asked if it should be closed (it wasnt). I think you're confusing us with other boards. We dont close threads "just because" or "for dissenting views"
A robots.txt does a very good job of keeping pages off google etc... I use them to keep my pages off of them.
I don't see what is so hard in having someone log in though, you don't have to pay for it -it is free.
Seems like a easy compromise and a no brainer.

See my post above yours.

Also in looking at things it does not appear that rick has any type of file access on his forum, so he can't put in a robots.txt file if he wanted to.

He rents his forum from a company called Website toolbox

Message Board Pricing Information
Message Board Features - Website Toolbox

I signed up for their one week trial and can not find any way to implement a robots.txt file. But for $5 a month I dont expect it to have all the bells and whistles.

Its not like hes renting a server then loading his own forum software in the space that he rents on the server.
Please reply by conversation.

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