An Apology to the FTA Community

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I don't see what is so hard in having someone log in though, you don't have to pay for it -it is free.
Seems like a easy compromise and a no brainer.

I agree. but it looked like from what I read here, he's not wanting or willing to do that. I was offering another option, that's all... But maybe he can't even do that from Scott's post.
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Thanks Chris is was a good suggestion I talked about it earlier in the thread.

As I mentioned in my last post his $5 a month message board does not let you write files to their system.

Its a site when you select the them you want and click go and you have a message forum. Not much customization to it at all.

I am wondering if its possible to export messages from webtoolbox and import it to vBulletin?

If the answer is yes then I might be willing to set him up here on one of our servers at no charge as long as he protects his feed forums. His site is very low traffic so it wouldnt have any negative effect on our servers. Its an interesting thought one I have never considered before.

Now the wheels in my head are turning...

I wont get to play with the Webtoolbox message board more until Sundau, but this is something I am going to definitely check out.
Thanks Chris is was a good suggestion I talked about it earlier in the thread.

As I mentioned in my last post his $5 a month message board does not let you write files to their system.

Its a site when you select the them you want and click go and you have a message forum. Not much customization to it at all.

I am wondering if its possible to export messages from webtoolbox and import it to vBulletin?

If the answer is yes then I might be willing to set him up here on one of our servers at no charge as long as he protects his feed forums. His site is very low traffic so it wouldnt have any negative effect on our servers. Its an interesting thought one I have never considered before.

Now the wheels in my head are turning...

I wont get to play with the Webtoolbox message board more until Sundau, but this is something I am going to definitely check out.

I'm sending you a PM.
Never said I didn't agree - but at this point everyone who has expressed an opinion has their heels dug in - seems very little to gain by continued flogging.
At least you can express your opinion here without it being deleted if it is not liked by the 'staff'.That's because this site is run by 'genuine'Americans,like your 4-fathers.Just because you haven't seen the evil side of someone,doesn't mean it isn't there.Psychopaths are extremely good at deceiving people.If you do 'something' they don't like theycould act very malaciously;even violently,and go to bed and sleep like a baby because they have no concience.
Quite a mix at the two sites. Freedom of speech here, but no equality among members (wut ) While ricks site treats everyone as equals yet squelches opinions. Sounds to me like a third way could be the most appealing for we the peeps. I think a sociopath can deceive while a psycho does not for very long. Wishing to control people does not necessarily make you either of those, or un american.
After following this now for over 200 posts, some of the responses from the members here have really surprised me....really enlightening, on some that you might think you know, which side they stand on, but their view is just the opposite of what you first thought! I still feel that the feeds should not be in an open area.
blindscan boxes are in an open area, its called the free market. Anyone with the cash can buy one with out being given the right from moderators from a forum. I dont see any reason why feed info couldnt be kept on the down low(log in), while being available to all.
blindscan boxes are in an open area, its called the free market. Anyone with the cash can buy one with out being given the right from moderators from a forum. I dont see any reason why feed info couldnt be kept on the down low(log in), while being available to all.

Rick has been asked to do this more than once, to just require a simple login to his site with no restriction or approval and complete "freedom" yet he is unwilling. Draw your own conclusion.
I dont see any reason why feed info couldnt be kept on the down low(log in), while being available to all.
Nothing prevents people from logging in.
I have no clue, but if posting JPEG files Stops the Bots, then require that.
blindscan boxes are in an open area, its called the free market. Anyone with the cash can buy one with out being given the right from moderators from a forum. I dont see any reason why feed info couldnt be kept on the down low(log in), while being available to all.

Blindscan boxes don't e-mail alerts to bean counters. The technical ability to find the feeds in itself is not the issue, it is the publication of them once found. I am all for freedom of expression, and can understand that there are people who want to have an idea of what's up there before sinking money into a system. Specific details in the open, however, will lose these channels for us.
Is there a way info could be formated in such a why that the bots couldnt read? or maybe the info could be in the form of a file!unless bots can open up files and read them.Of course this wont stop anti FTA people from using the info to get a channel scambled.
Does it "really" matter though? Some might say it does, but from the perspective of... If anybody can just sign-up, then having a log-in wouldn't change much (except maybe for indexing the info on google), as the people assigned to monitor sites such as Ricks could just sign up. Unlike here, where signing up is apparently a bit more monitored and controlled.

Signing in takes all of about two seconds, so one could argue it wouldn't change anything really... Not enough to warrant these harsh opinions and attacks based on mostly speculation in my opinion.
as the people assigned to monitor sites such as Ricks could just sign up
All the more reason to Stop the Bots.
Maye if the Bots stop reporting........ who knows.
What's done probably won;t be undone, but save others.
Aren't we missing the real point? As I see it, keeping content behind doors will only work if people with access will not post it in other open access sites. When [if] we convince everyone that keeping content out of the open serves everyone's best interest, there will always be someone who feels the need to share thier amazing discovery [look how important I am] with others. The problem is ego-driven. They're like the little banty rooster who needs the hens to know how important he is, so he walks out of the henhouse, crows, and the sun comes up, goes back inside and says "that couldn't have happened without me"; never knowing there are larger forces at work.
ss ><>
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ego driven? from the ones who would wish to control what I and others know because they know best.... yeeassh! Anyway if it were just one site (ricks) you might have a chance, but there are a bunch. I recall earlier in this thread that a long time fta peep said that blindscan was the beginning of the end. I thought it really was the beginning for fta as we know it. things have sure come a long way and become much more popular than catching t5 analog feeds. Again, I totally get that making a bunch of noise could be a problem or has already(hearsay?). Stop the supply of blindscan boxes to the public or approve of who is ok to have one is the only easy way to control fta .
I've been reading this thread since last night (with a Halloween party and a sleep in between.)

The meat of the argument is some people here want Rick to implement a simple and free login to minimize, if not prevent, mass feed harvesting allowing anyone with a valid account to be able to read as well as post feed information. Because, let's face facts: his site is a feed site.

This doesn't seem unreasonable. Yet, if uplinkers know about the sites, you can be sure that a number of them are reading the forums, and probably a lesser number are reporting what they find. After reading through 22 pages of back and forth on the topic, I believe that we should all be well informed. Therefore I could understand why Rick could say in so many words "Why bother? It's out there anyway."

But playing devil's advocate for a moment. How can anyone here ask another site to do something when we don't do that ourselves. If it's good enough to ask Rick to implement a simple and free login to minimize, if not prevent, mass feed harvesting, then I think the WUT should be the same. Otherwise at best we're saying "Do as I say, not as I do." And I say this as someone that has access to the WUT.

With regards to the WUT. I think Rick's site serves/acts as a much better WUT than our WUT, in my opinion. It seems to me Rick's has a lot more "hard core" feed posters than we do here. Maybe that's due to many, but not all, people here being collectively frightened that if something gets posted it's going to be posted somewhere else, or a big wig is going to find out about it, and then it's going to go encrypted. And maybe our WUT seems lacking to me because of the lack of a simple and free login to minimize, if not prevent, mass feed harvesting, but allowing anyone to read and contribute.

I remember the the first time I stumbled onto Rick's site. It was before there was a WUT here. I could hardly believe my eyes. I knew stuff was available but I had no idea just how much. And I couldn't justify to my wife the expense of a bigger this or better that without being able to say that the stuff IS there, if not there for now. I had enough trouble getting a T90 on the house when Equity was around. But after seeing Rick's, I got a 7.5' BUD in the air, and I've switched that out for a 10.5'. The neighbours either laugh, shake their head, hate it, or don't care. My wife puts up with it because it gets what we watch.

I can't afford a sub these days. I didn't want to afford one when I had one. I'm the type of person that rathers own than lease. I'd rather spend the money on the dish than pay month after month after month after.... So I can see Rick's point about having feed information available.

I got FTA down here. I got a lot more use out of it with info from Rick's. His site requiring a login to read wouldn't have stopped me from registering, however.
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I made a comment in the WUT section about how feeds are not so user friendly here on satguys.As long as it stays the way it is!Many people who are looking for feeds are going to by-pass satelliteguys in faver of ricks or some other site.We cant change what rick wants to do but we can change things here.
ego driven? from the ones who would wish to control what I and others know because they know best....

Tofer, I guess we'll have to disagree. I don't see how putting feeds behind closed doors, yet allowing access to those who agree not to publicly display the information is substantially different from logging into my online bank account. The bank isn't trying to "control" me because they "know best", or keep me from full access to my money, it is simply providing a safe site I can use whenever I want, without the possibility of someone with malicious intentions doing things I would not like to see happen. Yes there are many open sites and if you could "plug all the leaks", [you're correct, you can't] the ego of some who feel the need to be "the 1st kid on the block" to reveal what they found or discovered from another site, would still look for ways to satisfy that need, even if it meant they had to start their own site to do it, so yes, it is ultimately an ego problem, not a problem of controlling the free flow of information. Everyone wants and should have access to feed information, that's not even debatable, but why expose it to the possibility of encryption? Is logging into a feed site somehow restricting rights to access? I don't think so, or the act of logging in to Satguys has already restricted your right to access. there is no attempt to deny access to the information, only protect it, especially since that forum is marked as WUT is. We all know what's in there, there is no attempt to control or hide the information. All that is asked is that you log in, use what you find, then keep it from being exposed and saying "Hey, this is ITC, you'd better encrypt it right away", which is the effect of open posting. Anyway, this has been a great debate, and as someone has already observed: I doubt any opinions were really changed, we all tend to hold to our opinions in the face of argument [again because of pride]. "A man persuaded against his will is of the same opinion still"....Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People.
ss ><>
But playing devil's advocate for a moment. How can anyone here ask another site to do something when we don't do that ourselves. If it's good enough to ask Rick to implement a simple and free login to minimize, if not prevent, mass feed harvesting, then I think the WUT should be the same. Otherwise at best we're saying "Do as I say, not as I do." And I say this as someone that has access to the WUT.

Crotch, you have to be logged in to see the WUT here, if you are not it does not show up. And it is free.... Not sure what you are saying or if you are sure.

You seem to be missing the point. It is not who has a better feed area or site. It is to get Rick to have a login to view the feeds. That's all.
If that does not happen, then maybe all the feeds you love to pick up at Ricks will end up going away (like some have already) and you will be left with nothing. Will you be happy then? then you will be forced to sub.

My concern is the mindset of some members toward FTA. I know there are more than a few of the main members from the pirate sites on there (and some showed up here as well), that when the free pirate ride of dish and Bell went down(the way they thought of as FTA) -some did not even change there user ID or user icons, they started searching for what they could do with their dishes. Which is fine, and nothing wrong with that.... but some have brought their "Pirate" attitude and mindset to real FTA and don't have the foresight or understanding to what can, may and maybe will ruin it for all of us.
One member who was big on the pirate sites that "posts as much as he can to spite satelliteguys" over at the other site, also has his own site doing the same thing and even a twitter page to get as much out there as he can.
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