622 Lost HDMI output

I guess I'll add to this HDMI issue on my DishNotWork vip211.

I was running HDMI to DVI on a samsung HDTV as all it has is component and DVI.
Worked great for months.
Then last week I bought a new plasma HDTV w/ 2 HDMI inputs. So I hooked it to HDMI on my receiver. Lasted about a day and then gone. I thought maybe my tv's HDMI input broke. But I decided to hook up my old HDMI-DVI cable to my old samsung that I still have and that did not work either. So I came to the conclusion that the Vip 211 hdmi died. Called dish and they sent me a new receiver and once again my HDMI works. I wonder for how long though? I turned off auto updates this time. I guess we'll see. The tech that authorized my new receiver said it is a software issue and if it breaks again to just use component until a new update comes down the pipe.
matthewh said:
How do I tell what version of software my 622 is running? Anyway to force an update?

push System info on the front of the 622 or use your remote=menu then 6 then 1 then 3.
Thanks for giving me a reason to subscribe this thread. I have component running to my new Sony and want to see if HDMI works to it so I can run component to my projector. the PJ only excepts component.

No way to force a download
622 being replaced


I thought I'd share my 622's dead HDMI progress. After 4 calls to Dish (different days, different tech reps) they agreed to authorize a replacement receiver. Being send 2nd day UPS so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Funny that last week they said "absolutely would not authorize a replacement". Guess it depends upon the day and who you talk to?

I'll let you know what happens,
new 622 with hdmi that works

My replacement 622 arrived yesterday. HDMI output works fine. Today it works too, so that's better than the first one. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Bob Skutnick said:
My replacement 622 arrived yesterday. HDMI output works fine. Today it works too, so that's better than the first one. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Bob- What version is your new unit? (Last character in the s/n.) Do you know which the first one was? This could be useful information. Last I heard they were shipping F version.

My replacement E version has been working fine on HDMI for about 4 weeks now - replaced a D version that was DOA also...
Well, this is discouraging. I've already had one 622 replaced. It lasted for a couple of months, then the other night, turned everything off, and next day, all the lights on the 622 were out. Had to do a hard boot and then no HDMI.

I've got so much material recorded it's just not worth the hassle of calling and arguing with these idiots any more. It was a mistake of major magnitude to be lulled into thinking a rush to market with this new technology would actually work flawlessly.

I'll check back from time to time and see if anything has been resolved. In the meantime, it's just not worth the hassle or worry over it.

BTW - mine is going into a 40 in Panasonic Plasma, so it's not restricted to Sony stuff. (FWIW)

bhelms said:
Bob- What version is your new unit? (Last character in the s/n.) Do you know which the first one was? This could be useful information. Last I heard they were shipping F version.

My replacement E version has been working fine on HDMI for about 4 weeks now - replaced a D version that was DOA also...

The original was an E version, so is the replacement.
bhelms said:
Bob- What version is your new unit? (Last character in the s/n.) Do you know which the first one was? This could be useful information. Last I heard they were shipping F version.

My replacement E version has been working fine on HDMI for about 4 weeks now - replaced a D version that was DOA also...

I recieved a F today
I guess I should add that my HDMI output on the 622 just died today after about one month of working nearly perfectly (there was one hiccup and I just unplugged and plugged the cable in again and it worked fine). This SURELY is NOT a software issue people; I tested my receiver while pushing the cable in hard and bent towards the top-left and got video but no sound. Then I released the cable and it went back to a black screen. It seems to me like something in the boxes naturally loosens over time and eventually a connector or something else falls off. I barely TOUCHED my box over the past month so it must be happening naturally (inadequate solder perhaps?). Anyway, I didn't check which version I had but I think this is a problem on ALL versions as Dish has apparently not yet admitted to themselves that it's a hardware problem, thus they probably haven't corrected this on ANY versions. BTW, my experience on the phone was pristine (except for the long wait time). All I did was tell the tech that my HDMI simply stopped working, that I had checked this on both my HDMI ports, had tried two different HDMI cables, that it was now working fine over component cables, and that I pushed the cable into the 622's connector hard and temporarily got video (but no sound) and he immediately said that I'd get a new one within five days. I probably didn't even spend two minutes on the phone from start to finish. Also, I mentioned that this "seemed" to be a common problem (based on this forum) and surprisingly he said that this was the FIRST time he had encountered this issue. So it seems like the HDMI issue is still working its way through the techs and is probably not even close to #1 on Dish's "needs to be fixed" radar screen. I just hope my new one won't go dead within another month, but sadly I'm expecting it to...
As I postulated in another thread on this subject, there are likely multiple root causes with the same outcome - no output through HDMI. I think the HDMI connector's SMT attachment to the main PC board is somewhat fragile and wiggling the plug might crack some solder connections. Also - thermal cycling can have the same effect after some time has elapsed. The temp. of the largest Broadcom chip (decoder?) varies in my 622 from 120 deg. F to over 160F, standby to "on" and recording. Some of that temp. variation may find its way several inches to the connector's location. I still contend that the high operating temp. is a weak link in the 622's design. I haven't had much time lately to work on reducing it permanently. Right now I have the lid off and three fans blowing down onto the HDD and PCB. That chip now runs ~98F to 108F in standby and up to ~125F while on/recording. That's a good start...
Last edited:
Thought I'd update my situation: got my replacement 622 a couple of weeks ago and finally hooked it up. HDMI works, so I've switched out the units, sent the bad one back, and am back using HDMI cabling again.
skyeblues said:
I have noticed this is an ongoing problem and many have posted that they are getting their 622's replaced after the HDMI ceases to work. I am supposed to have my 622 installed next Sunday morning (upgraded from 811). How are the replacement 622's doing in case I have to experience this same problem?

My re[lacement 622 HDMI port failed within 2 weeks. Tech support told me to use the components ports and they work fine on my projector, however, I need to hook up my day time TV to HDMI, so its nack to tech support again!
robob said:
I am on the phone with them now. They are giving a line about incompatibility with certain TV's. Mine is a KD-34XBR960 Sony. Also, they are giving some line about electricity on the hdmi wire causing the reciever to not output hdmi. Sounds like a defective circuit to me.

My BS detector is going off.

Told them mine is also locking up (true) and they are sending a replacement on that basis. Supervisor repeated several times that a replacement will not fix the HDMI issue. They still maintain that a software upgrade is going to be the fix. She also claimed no replacements have been shipped for the HDMI issue. I repeated that satelliteguys.us has several people reporting replacements for the HDMI issue. She says that none have been shipped to fix the HDMI issue.

You guys lying to us? <bg>

Y'all have fun,
Robert A. Ober
Houston, TX

I had my replaced and they were glad to do it because they knew all about the bas HDMI port issue. I got a saavy gal at tech support, You have to get the tech support, customer service just can't help anyone.
High all
I just received my 15' HDMI cable from monoprice.com, $13.22 with s/h.
Plugged it in between my ver.D VIP622 w/ L359 soft ware (installed on 6-22-06) and my SonyKD30XS955. So far so good. I did separate the 622 from my rack to help
with heat and noise.
I"ll keep everyone posted if at anytime this fails.:hatsoff:
I have a new E Series. No problems with HDMI or Componet.

I still have a small fan pointing to the right side of the receiver as I run BOTH HDMI and Componet at the exact same time (I have 2 HDTVs).

Just seems to work perfect with fan. No problems at all.
I use one of those samll 4 inch office cub fans with a clip on it.
My first 622 (rev D) failed after less than a week. CSR had no problem quickly sending a replacement so that is good (THANKS E*). However, the replacement is another Rev D. Has anyone determined that Rev D has some connector issue or thermal issue? Should I call and see if I can get a Rev E instead? I would hate to have the Rev D for a few months only to have it fail after some warrenty expires.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I seriously doubt that E* will make any distinction about the D vs. E versions. You might have received a refurbished unit, which will become increasingly more typical as the system cranks-through returned units. Personally I would not reject a refurbished unit out of hand assuming that it has been "repaired" correctly and thoroughly checked-out, but how can one be sure? (There has been some debate about this in earlier threads.)

I had a D with its HDMI output DOA. It was replaced with an E that (KOW) has been working fine for about 1.5 months. IMO, the SMT HDMI connector is a weak link, probably in all versions (I don't think there has been any change to it) so protect that connection! Minimize the times you insert/disconnect the cable and make sure that it is somehow supported from the rear (doesn't bear the weight of the cable hanging-down, etc.) and don't move it around unnecessarily. Also - give the 622 as much ventilation as possible. Please read the other thread about the possible thermal problems and what folks are doing to try to be proactive about reducing them.

Good luck with it and BRgds...
Just in case everyone reading this thread is not following the poll on HDMI problems, I'll report what I consider to be the final poll results. While I'm sure that poll will pick up a few more responses over time, those will be out of the original time frame and could skew the results.

Received reports on 183 receivers.

40% (73) reported problems with their HDMI connectors.

Approx 50% of those with 211 & 411 receivers reported problems.

Approx 33% of those with 622 receivers reported problems.

This is definitely not an isolated, small incident rate problem.

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