622 Lost HDMI output

HDMI problem is wide spread according to Dish tech dude

Well, called Dish last night. They had me unplug the HDMI, wait 1 minute, then reset the 622. Still no signal from HDMI.
The tech then told me the "engineering is working on it" line.
I asked him to send me another box, which they are, but he said it too may suffer from the same problem since the HDMI problem is so wide-spread.
I asked him if Dish had any new, even beta, software that they could send to my current box and he said no, there is not.
So, I'm going to hope for the best on the new box.
November 4, 2006
On approximately this date the HDMI signal from my ViP622 stopped working; no picture, no sound. HDMI does not respond to wiggling the connectors, unplug/re-plug, power off/on, etc. Signal from ViP622 to TV via component connectors works but HDMI does not. The HDMI had been working fine for the 15 weeks since installation in July 2006. The ViP622 is a Version D. HDTV is a Philips PF9631D. I have a service call in to DISH. Thanks to all for relevant posts.
I could have replaced mine a few minutes ago but told them to wait until I called back as I had a ton of stuff to dump to DVD before losing months of saved recordings

But, it's working with component so I really might not even return it until something hoses it big time.

Should I wait or go ahead and get a replacement ?

For one I know it worked last night and I didn't even go near the TV since then. It just lost audio but has perfect VIDEO.

Oh and I did the unhook both ends, reconnect and reset the unit

But I don't want to give it up nor spend hrs dumping stuff

Any chance the future firmware update might fix this ?

My new box arrived on Monday. I hooked 'er up and now I have fantastic video and sound via HDMI. Of course, I lost all my saved programming on the old 622 but I'm OK with that. I guess I could have dumped it to my PC for saving, but nah, I was more interested in getting the best possible picture onto my new plasma. It looks fantastic too! I'm going to treat this one with kid gloves.
Oh, BTW, when I first turned on the new 622, the HDMI worked well, and it was running on factory fresh firmware that was old. So, HDMI works on old and new firmware. Not sure what this supposed software fix will do when it works fine on old and new firmware already. I think it is a physical problem, not software, but that is a totally uneducated guess on my part. Just circumstantial observations.
i also have a update on this hdmi

i lost audio overnight Monday.
i also saw a TV Entertainment show had been added

Now lastnight i did not turn off my 622 while i played gears of war
i go to watch TV when done and i see the audio is back

but, the TV Entertainment shows was 'gone' and i had just gotten it and had not watched it.

Now i went to bed at 4 AM
i turned on the 622 at noon and that same content was back but audio is still ok

fluke or related.... really odd since the unit was on and i had not even touched the remote and my audio returns!
Are they ever going to fix this HDMI issues on the 622's?

I STILL have my crappy 921 as my only choice is HDMI and if I get a 622 and the HDMI dies, I'm really screwed.
It appears that the HDMI issue is a hardware issue, which is gonna really cost Dish. Improperly supported connectors on the system board.

The TV things added to the DVR menu come and go. It's like they are only there for a limited time or something.
It appears that the HDMI issue is a hardware issue, which is gonna really cost Dish. Improperly supported connectors on the system board.

There's a big assumption here; namely that Dish cares about fixing the problem. Evidently it's been a problem for some time. I found out about it between ordering the upgrade to HD and installation so I cancelled it.

Now it's a race whether Dish can fix it and Comcast gets decent HD record capacity on their boxes.
I'd like to know if we can distinguish between an HDMI socket failure and an HDCP handshake lockout? Mine worked one day, and failed the next. Swapped cable, works with up-convert DVD+R, component works...

Read back through this thread. I contend there are probably multiple unrelated root causes to this problem. Software, e.g. handshakes, could certainly be on the list. But I also believe there is sufficient evidence of the hardware failure (HDMI socket pins breaking away from the PCB) and it's likely that's the root cause in the majority of reported failures. Dish even alluded/admitted to this in their Sept. Tech Chat. Some of this is likely due to excessive force on the HDMI socket, either during plug insertion/removal or due to the weight of the HDMI plug and cable hanging from the socket, expecially if there's a HDMI/DVI adapter involved. Some of it may be due to the thermal stresses coupled with the weight on the plug. Anything an owner can do to reduce those stresses are a step in the right direction. Stresses due to thermal cycling are tougher to manage, but keeping the unit cool as discussed in other threads may help with that.

Only the owner (leasee) can determine if it's worth it to pursue a replacement when the component cables are giving acceptable HD performance, but I contend part of what we're paying for is the truly digital HD experience, and that should not be rendered unavailable due to what is demonstrably a significant design flaw, either on the part of E* or the HDMI committee.

Good luck to all with their HDMI experiences...
I had the Vip622 for 3 months now, and just recently the HDMI died, at least I suspect so (about a week ago, after a power cycle the TV screen went blue, like if the cable was disconnected).

My TV (Sceptre 42-Naga) just shows a blue screen. I tried both HDMI1 and HDMI2 of my TV, both blue screen. I connected the component, and it works just fine (I can't tell a degradation in quality) so for now I am fine with that, but I am not 100% sure that the Vip622 is the problem.

But how can I narrow it down to the Vip622 and not to the TV?
If the TV is the problem, I want to RMA it before the warranty expires.
Any suggestions?

But how can I narrow it down to the Vip622 and not to the TV?

Well, you either need to test the 622 on a different display or try a different source on the TV.

If you have a computer monitor with DVI you can connect the 622 with an adapter or a DVI/HDMI cable (~$5 at monoprice.com).

Most likely it's the 622. It's a design defect.

You could also try jiggling the cable at the back of the 622. If it doesn't anyting at the TV then the problem is the 622.
The weight of the cable pulling down on the HDMI jack on the 622 has been known to cause the jack contacts to pull loose from the receiver motherboard. If you lift up on the cable so that it forces the jack to press its contacts down on the receiver motherboard and you get a signal, the jack is broken and you will need another receiver.

HDMI went bad a week ago after months of intermittent loss of video. E* eventually agreed to replace (had 622 for 14 months). Replacement unit(refurbished) had problems downloading latest S/W version. The S/W would download and then the screen would go black even waited 30 minutes. Unplugging twice still not able to get pass black screen. After talking with E* tech, she told me that they would send another unit.

I was going to pack up an reconnect orig but "lo and behold" the replacement restarted and updated to latest S/W (4.05). I called E* back but they said already sent new replacement. Now the replacement HDMI doesn't work and also reboots multiple times a day. Anyone else see similar "bad" replacement products? Makes me wish that I kept original unit and forget about the HDMI. Sorry for being so wordy but all I wanted was a stable device.
I've had my 622 for over a year with no HDMI problems. Suddenly last week, the HDMI port went dead with my TV showing no incoming signal at all. I hooked up component cables and those were working. I went to the Diagnostics menu and did the HDMI reset and the HDMI picture came back (I kept the HDMI cable hooked up to my TV). After my own troubleshooting, I've determined that a reboot, either hard or soft, causes the HDMI port to be de-activated, which explains why that never fixes the problem. Since the 622 receiver reboots overnight, I now have this problem on a daily basis. The HDMI reset menu option always fixes the problem, however. I got the similar routine from Dish technical support about how it could be my TV, problems with HDMI compatability, etc. but that clearly isn't the problem. When the 622 reboots, it's somehow turning off the HDMI port so there isn't any signal to sync up with my TV. They also told me that the HDMI reset feature in the Diagnostics menu was recently added to fix just the problem I'm having. Meanwhile, they have sent me a replacement receiver, which so far I haven't opened. If it's a software issue, I want to keep my existing receiver - I don't want to lose all of the HD movies I have stored on it (where the USB backup when you need it?). Meanwhile, I have the key sequence memorized for navigating to the HDMI reset button and do that every time I turn on the receiver to get the picture to come back on. I'd be interested to hear if the HDMI reset fixes other peoples problems.
I have never had to use that reset feature (kow!). The HDMI output from my 622 is always active on start-up. ("Press Select to Continue", etc.) Tho' yours may be a SW problem, it is indeed a problem. I suggest you check out the replacement unit. You only have about 10 days or so to return one or the other...

Welcome, BTW...
I don't want to lose all of the HD movies I have stored on it (where the USB backup when you need it?).

I'm in the same boat as you. My HDMI completely failed. They sent me another, but I don't want to lose my content. Waiting for USB. I spect to be charged for the "extra" receiver any day now.
Replacement of replacement 622 seems good!

Just to update. Received second replacement 622. This time the 622 came up as instructed. E* tech somewhat slowly enabled this receiver. HDMI video working! No reboots so far (1 day and counting). Hopefully this receiver lasts awhile!


HDMI went bad a week ago after months of intermittent loss of video. E* eventually agreed to replace (had 622 for 14 months). Replacement unit(refurbished) had problems downloading latest S/W version. The S/W would download and then the screen would go black even waited 30 minutes. Unplugging twice still not able to get pass black screen. After talking with E* tech, she told me that they would send another unit.

I was going to pack up an reconnect orig but "lo and behold" the replacement restarted and updated to latest S/W (4.05). I called E* back but they said already sent new replacement. Now the replacement HDMI doesn't work and also reboots multiple times a day. Anyone else see similar "bad" replacement products? Makes me wish that I kept original unit and forget about the HDMI. Sorry for being so wordy but all I wanted was a stable device.
I finally called Dish, and had another 622 sent to me, and the HDMI now it works... Indeed it was the receiver! Hopefully it will work for a longer time.

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