622 Lost HDMI output

Kandiru said:
OK so i got my "D"-stands for Dead HDMI with the "E" series.

Now the new one does not allow me to pause live programming with any of the remotes Dish and Nondish that i have. Anyone had this problem before and is there any fix before i call Dish.

Oh BTW the Tragus (or Targus) chill mat works like a charm placed under the receiver . Temps way low, unit cool to touch.

Thx much.
Are you saying that the HDMI is still dead with your new "E" version unit? That might be a first in these threads, not that the E is more robust or any such thing, but so far as I have seen everyone with the problem solved it with a swap and E* is now shipping the E version. I don't know of anyone else with two in a row with dead HDMI. Anyone else ??

I think I had the no pause, skip, etc. problem with my new 622 a couple of evenings ago, on both remotes, but it did not persist and (knock on wood) has not repeated yet. If it does I'll try soft/hard reboots before calling for help - they will probably have me do that anyway so I might as well try it first.

Good luck and keep us posted...!
I was helping a friend hook up his 32" Vizio LCD to the 622 via HDMI, and it was dead on arrival. RGB worked when we hooked that up, but no HDMI. I hope they post that fix soon as we had to order a 35' run of HDMI cable and it would be a big pain to send it back and order 35' RGB's + 35' of L/R Audio cable.
Failed 622 HDMI output in one day

My 622 DVR was installed yesterday (replaces an 811). It was a bit frustrating as the digital video connector on the 622 is HDMI and the connector on the 811 is DVI. And it doesn't come with any DVI or HDMI cables or adapters. So I purchased an HDMI/DVI adapter - my DVI cable was > $100.00 so I opted for the adapter rather than a whole new cable. I've read about others doing the same with success.

It worked beautifully until today - less than 24 hours later. Video output via HDMI is dead. I hooked up an S-video cable, works fine, picture quality of course doesn't match digital. I've verified my digital connection and TV by reconnecting my old 811 to the same cable, granted not using the HDMI/DVI adapter.

After several calls to Dish (and lots of rebooting, cable connects/disconnects, etc.) and a lot of searching on this site, I see that this is a problem being experienced by many customers. This evening Dish acknowledged "my" problem, offered to send a technician out to install "temporary" component cables and asked that I wait for an update to fix a "compatability" issue. They also agreed to credit my account for one month's HD service. They would not authorize a receiver replacement.

For what it's worth I thought I'd share this frustrating experience with my day old 622 receiver. My HDTV is a Sony KDF-60XBR950. And my 622 is an "E" version. Somehow I don't think a software upgrade is going to fix this problem, but they've just worn me out today.

Thank you for all of your most valuable posts on this topic.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
interesting reading all these posts about faulty HDMI connections. my store actually received an email and a few faxes from Dish, telling us not to use the HDMI on the new receivers, but to only hook them up usin component cables. and thats the way weve been hookin em up. but the first 2-3 622s we installed did indeed have issues with the HDMI cable.
Bob Skutnick said:
My 622 DVR was installed yesterday...Video output via HDMI is dead...Thank you for all of your most valuable posts on this topic...Any thoughts or suggestions?
I certainly share your frustration (check my blog)! I also have a Sony (40" LCD). Sorry to hear this problem is continuing with the "E" version. So far (kow!) my E's HDMI is OK, but it has only been in light service for a couple of weeks. Since you already tried the usual soft/hard reboots and reinserting the HDMI cable there's not much more we can suggest.

FWIW - The PQ through the component connections will probably look as good as it did through HDMI. I can't really tell which is better. (I still have component hooked-up "just in case"...!) That should hold you and everyone else with this frustration until E* finds a permanent fix for the problem. I DON'T think a SW upgrade will do it! And I still contend that the excessive heat is a likely contributor to the problem.

Welcome, BTW...
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patrickpiteo said:
So what is the real story here: software or hardware issue. So does anyone really know? :confused:
If anyone knows for sure, they're not telling this forum! I would hope that would be someone in E*'s engineering dept. with the authority to command a resolution. But so far we don't see anything forthcoming. As bill93civic reported, at least some installers are being told to just use component cables as the only connection. That's certainly reasonable in the short term as a workaround, but it doesn't increase my confidence that E* considers this a priority. I wonder how many subs will never know there is a problem with their HDMI output?

We are collectively reporting "no HDMI output" but in reality there could be multiple symptoms and root causes. Perhaps some of the problems (incompatibilities?) are solvable with a SW upgrade, but I'd bet the majority are hard failures, and I'll also bet some subset of those are that Broadcom chip running at 160 deg. F or higher...!
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I'm getting my upgrade 622 tomorrow (trading in the 942) and am concerned about all of these dead HDMI ports. I use HDMI and much prefer it to component. It worries me that Dish doesn't have a handle on this yet.

I wouldn't have given up my 942 except that one of the tuners died... I upgraded to the 622 without reading up on the forums. But now that I am - it worries me greatly! I hope all goes well, I will report how things go on my install.
From most of HDMI posts here, I clearly sense there is a hardware handshake problem with certain brand/model TVs. Particularly, with Sony products. Which brings up an interesting point. I had Mits. HC3000 projector with HDMI input. I have not problem with all the devices includes 622 when connecting using HDMI, but had trouble with Sony upconverted DVD (85H). It will only handshake to 480P.

Now, I am wondering if the firmware on Sony's product had fair share of the problems. I have both "C" and "D" revision of 622s and Sharp, Mits. & Samsung displays. None had any problems.
hzhao said:
From most of HDMI posts here, I clearly sense there is a hardware handshake problem with certain brand/model TVs. Particularly, with Sony products. Which brings up an interesting point. I had Mits. HC3000 projector with HDMI input. I have not problem with all the devices includes 622 when connecting using HDMI, but had trouble with Sony upconverted DVD (85H). It will only handshake to 480P.

Now, I am wondering if the firmware on Sony's product had fair share of the problems. I have both "C" and "D" revision of 622s and Sharp, Mits. & Samsung displays. None had any problems.
Well I have an Hitachi rear proj and mine was dead from the get go...
I have the 411 and my HDMI went out today. After having talked to six people and being on hold forever, someone in the executive office finally agreed to send me a new receiver.
As a precaution I called the Texas Attorney Generals Office to not only file a complaint but to find an attorney to help me get our of this contract is this problem isn't resolved. When I mentioned Dish Network's name to the operator at the Attorney Generals office she snickered and said that they have NUMEROUS complaints against Dish Network. My complaint is pending a timely resolution to the HDMI problem.

My TV is hanging on the wall and has only one component inputs so it is nearly impossible to have to change the component input everytime I want to watch a DVD. The TV (Samsung 32" LCD) has two HDMI inputs.

In the mean time I was trying to get the HDMI port to work and this is what I found. If I pulled the cable attached to the 411 to the left the picture and sound would appear. Just a slight tug would make it work. If I let go the picture would again be lost. This is definitely not a software issue. The HDMI ports on the units themselves are defective and/or not installed properly. My HDMI output is now working but I've had to tape the cable so that it is stretched tight to the left.
Hopefully the new unit will resolve my problems. But please do not let Dish tell you it is a software problem, IT ISN'T.

Someone else who is having problems please try the wiggling and pulling on the HDMI cable to see is you get a picture.
Has anyone had HDMI problems (or success) connecting a 622 to a Sony SXRD? I have one and am considering upgrading from my 811 to 622?

royrose said:
Has anyone had HDMI problems (or success) connecting a 622 to a Sony SXRD? I have one and am considering upgrading from my 811 to 622?


Negative here too!

My brand new 622 was 'D'OA on HDMI to my Sony 40" Bravia LCD.

Contacting Dish, they walked me through some TS and confirmed, acknowledged it was 'probably' a bad 622, made a note on my account to replace my 622 on call back.

I have not yet called back. The component cables are working well, and I'm not certain I want to go through the replacement and re-wiring hastle required to fix .... only to find the replacement potentially doa again, or fail soon after.

So I guess if they keep cycling the inventory and pushing all units out, they get what they want ... purge out the crappy HDMI hardware to anybody that either doesn't notice because they don't use HDMI or to people who 'move on' with component. :(

Anyways ... on a positive note ... all else about the 622 is quite nice! all the good features that my 942 had, plus a couple of bonuses. My Fox station finally comes in strong !!! :up
royrose said:
Has anyone had HDMI problems (or success) connecting a 622 to a Sony SXRD? I have one and am considering upgrading from my 811 to 622?


I have a 50" SXRD and got the 622 on Friday. My HDMI output doesn't work. The install tech didn't even know what HDMI was...!!!!??! He keep telling me that S-video is the best cable to use :eek: ... I told him to let me hook up the box and I grabbed some component cables I had laying around and gave him a HDTV crash course in cabling. I thought it was silly that Dish doesn't educate their people in this...
Are you going to stay with component or try to get it fixed/replaced? I know that the picture looks excellent via component but I am already using both component inputs (for an upconverting DVD player and a C band HD tuner). I dont want to use a switcher because I like to use the SXRD's ability to fine tune each input.

I would love for you to be the guinea pig and see if you can get Dish Network to get it to work for you.:D

I have an Appointment for July 7th for a replacement 622. I couldn't be home for them any earlier so I had to make it in 2 weeks. I'll post back with results.
Dirtydan said:
Where can I buy a cable that is HDMI on one end, and DVI on the other end? Will that even work?

Try monoprice.com

You can also buy an adapter for $15-30 that will enable your DVI to DVI cable to connect to the 622. I paid $100+ for a 10 ft. cable 3 years ago, and I didn't want to toss it.

It worked fine for 8 weeks until the HDMI OUT bug bit me....
FWIW - The PQ through the component connections will probably look as good as it did through HDMI.

When using the componet outputs and just right/left audio do you get true Dobly Surround sound? When I moved from my old non-HD Dish DVR to the new 622 with HDMI standard definition seemed to look much better on my new Samsung 1080p set.

The HDMI port on my 622 "D" series died after slightly over 2 weeks. Spent hour on phone and I should have a replacement in 5 days they say.


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