622 Lost HDMI output

I also talked with a TECH guy named Jeff, but he was reading from a script and even after I told him that I have a 2nd Sony DVR with HDMI output, and when I swapped HDMI cables with the 622, the Sony works fine, he said it was an incompatabllity with my system. You can imagine the conversation went quickly downhill. I demanded to speak to his manager, and was transfered....


Anyway, I'm wondering if I should wait a bit until Dish figures out the showstopper issues on their 3rd (!) generation HD PVR.

I tend to agree that the chip has failed, and doubt that a SW update will solve the problem.

How the Hell did Dish win that service award? The communication among their CSRs and Tech people is non-existent. Truly pathetic! :mad:
teachsac said:
No. THe 211/411/622 don't come with HDMI or component cables.

Mine came with the HDMI connector an the DVI to HDMI adapter.

Had my 622 for 3 Weeks and my HDMI now just quit. I can move it around and get the picture to come in, but shut if off & back to black screen.

Now it just quit.

I do have the "D" model.
I called "E" and the tech told me it is my cable and they do not provide the HDMI cable with their units. I told him mine came with it. He stated I was wrong.
He stated I needed to go by another cable. I do not think it is the cable as it is at the connection at the unit where it is having the problem. I took the cable and switched ends and it is still at the unit where it looses the connection.

Should I request a new 622 or see if an update will connect?

AFAIK the 622 does not come with the HD cables - HDMI or component - or related adapters. They give you a bundle of basically useless patch cords, S-video, L+R audio, short 75-ohm cable, etc. If you got a HDMI/HDMI cable and/or DVI adapter with your installation, the installer must have provided them. My 811 also did not come with a DVI/HDMI cable, but it did have some decent component cables as I recall. I'm guessing a valid reason for not providing a digital cable with the 622 is that not all users will need one, but they should at least provide the component cable set! (How many uninformed users/installers set them up with the supplied composite cables? Can anyone say "No HD for you...!")

After my first call, and knowing that E* would probably ask the question again, I took my first HDMI/HDMI cable to Best Buy where they were willing to test it for me in a HDMI set-up and it worked fine. I also "bought" (temporarily!) another cable from W* and tried it in my system. Neither of those had anything to do with the issue. In my case the tech, when I called a second time, asked for some "patience" while E* addressed the issue in SW and they eventually spooled the latest update (P357) which also did not fix the problem. So when I called the third time (about a week later) they then acquiesced and sent the replacement 622. This "E" version has worked fine now on HDMI (orginal cable) for about a week. I'm holding my breath.

Altho' many 622 issues are reported here, there are also a number of users that report "no problems". I wonder what the ratio is? Does anyone want to venture a guess how many 622s have beed fielded since 2-1 ??

I also wonder if the HDMI problem is most often due to a failed chip, and if so, does the (excessive?) internal heat have anything to do with it, i.e., will that cause a latent or intermittent defect to hard-fail after a few weeks?

Been there - Done That...! Someone should sell a T-shirt - "622's Blues"

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As i mentioned before on this thread, They wouldnt replace my 622 as the CSR said it wil be fixed in software, when i voiced my concern that having to go out and buy a Component cable, to replace the one I broowed from my dvd, to fix their problems was not really acceptable, they free shipped me component cables, is right now that is what i am using.
So i am happy with the customer support offered, although i would like the HDMI issue fixed.
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Well I called "E" today and they are shipping me a new 622 due to the problem with the HDMI. The tech told me software will not fix the problem as it is in the unit. For what that is worth. I should receive the new unit in about two days is what he stated.:up
gbjbany said:
As i mentioned before on this thread, They wouldnt replace my 622 as the CSR said it wil be fixed in software, when i voiced my concern that having to go out and buy a Component cable, to replace the one I broowed from my dvd, to fix their problems was not really acceptable, they free shipped me component cables, is right now that is what i am using.
So i am happy with the customer support offered, although i would like the HDMI issue fixed.
I have been trying to see if there is much difference between the HDMI and component outputs as far as visible PQ. Unfortunately my TV switches too slowly between the digital and analog inputs for me to tell in my simple experiments. I guess I need two indentical TVs side-by-side to really tell - maybe the wife will approve the purchase of a second 40" LCD set...? (Yeah, right! Well - maybe as soon as HGTV-HD goes live...!)

gbjbany - did you notice your post number in that last one above? How did you arrange that on yesterday's date? Is there something about you we should know? :devil:
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Just received my replacement 622 and it is finally working correct. New one is an "E" model and old one was a "C" model. Old unit never worked out of the box. Neither one of the 622's came with cables.
bhelms said:
gbjbany - did you notice your post number in that last one above? How did you arrange that on yesterday's date? Is there something about you we should know? :devil:

Of course replying here has blown that ! but hey its now 676 just need to find 2 more posts i can add value to :devil:

But i cant tell the difference really hdmi to component, my reasoning for getting a hdmi cable was shorter/tidier cabling plus i need a component for my 942 in the master bedroom.
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ironleg said:
Well I called "E" today and they are shipping me a new 622 due to the problem with the HDMI. The tech told me software will not fix the problem as it is in the unit. For what that is worth. I should receive the new unit in about two days is what he stated.:up
Actually had a tech rep from Dish call me on my cell phone today(!!!!) to tell me that my 622 should arrive today, but that it is definitely a software bug. She said I can hook up the new 622 if I want, but it won't work. She said that a software fix will be coming down late next week. We sure have a lot of interesting, conflicting stories coming from Dish, don't we?
SteveinDanville said:
Actually had a tech rep from Dish call me...that it is definitely a software bug. She said I can hook up the new 622 if I want, but it won't work. She said that a software fix will be coming down late next week. We sure have a lot of interesting, conflicting stories coming from Dish, don't we?
I was originally sold on the idea the tech had ventured that there were "known" (wait, no, strike that! - they're not "officially" known !!) incompatibilities between the HDMI output and certain brands of TVs, which happened to include mine (Sony). He also told me they were working on a SW fix for it, then 3.57 spooled and didn't change anything. (We later learned how insignificant that "update" actually was - robust audio!) When I reported that in a different thread, another member chimed-in that he has the same exact TV and there is no issue with the HDMI on his set. We did not compare types (mine was a "D" version) or SW versions (mine was 3.56 then, updated to 3.57), but when I finally received my replacement 622 ("E" version), the problem was solved. So I'm much more inclined now to suspect a defectice HDMI output chip or similar, NOT something that will be fixed with software.

I also wonder what SW update is next. 3.58 was supposed to spool to just recent 622 activations (?). What's next? Why ?? Ohh - I'm Sooo confused...!
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The stories we all heard from CSRs are monkey grease.

I see at least two others with the same problem. There is a methodology to the Mexican's delirium and subsequent death (or Chinese labor camp product, correct me if im wrong):

1. HDMI input stops working on startup one sunny day.

2. Replugging the HDMI cable fixes the problem same day, and i watch TV all evening.

3. Next day it is the blue screen again. Receiver hesitates a bit, some jaggies but then the picture reappears after another HDMI reconnect. Note to self: is this basxxxd going to need this fix daily?

4. Day 3 HDMI ist KAPUT, FUBAR, u name it. No more HDMI ever. MPAA, you found me again :)

Called CSR and told her to look it up on their tech bulletins cause my buddies on satguys sure had plenty of it. Indeed, she found the problem, but still tried to give me the Walmart-going Billy Bubba Ray talk, which i cut short with great difficulty, it appears that explaining the biwired biamped separates projection system with HDMI switching made her understand that it's been a while since i moved out of the trailer park :)

Now waiting for new receiver while flying IL2 Sturmovik online on the 110" screen reliving WW2 big time:) BTW the 7900GTX on DVI to HDMI cable is stunning even on my 720p PJ, for yall OpenGL gamers out there.
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I tried for the firts time last night to use the HDMI port and guess what no picture. I know the cables and my TV is fine as I have a Tivo HDDVR working fine.

I tought most jsut go dead. They also come dead?
patrickpiteo said:
Damm, now I have to get on the phone and spend hours with these idiots..
You know, all said, this was a reasonable experience for me. No hours on the phone, etc. I did not get the RA number / swap-out until my third call, but that was more attributable to being low on the learning curve for both E* and me, I think (check my blog). Try a different HDMI cable before hand, because they will likely point you in that direction otherwise. Call tech support from the beginning, not a CSR. Run down what you have done. Since this is a known 622 issue (even if they try to deny it) I don't think you'll have much trouble getting the replacement...
I'm getting my 622 on Saturday (upgrade from 942) and I had one question. The component out on the 622 always work right? I mean even when the HDMI port has gone dead you can use the component until you get a replacement? I had both component and HDMI hooked up on my 942 (so I could compare HDMI to component quality interactively). But my default right now is the HDMI connection.

If I can use component even when the HDMI goes then I'm not so scared... ;)
electr0n said:
I'm getting my 622 on Saturday (upgrade from 942) and I had one question. The component out on the 622 always work right? I mean even when the HDMI port has gone dead you can use the component until you get a replacement? I had both component and HDMI hooked up on my 942 (so I could compare HDMI to component quality interactively). But my default right now is the HDMI connection.

If I can use component even when the HDMI goes then I'm not so scared... ;)
The 622's composite, component, and HDMI outputs are independent and all work at the same time. When I installed my replacement 622 I connected all 3 "just in case" and verified that they are all active at the same time. (I was hoping to use this configuration for a component/HDMI comparison but the switching time is too long to make a good comparison.)

On my first unit that had the dead HDMI output, both the composite and component outputs worked for the whole time I had it in operation...
bhelms said:
You know, all said, this was a reasonable experience for me. No hours on the phone, etc. I did not get the RA number / swap-out until my third call, but that was more attributable to being low on the learning curve for both E* and me, I think (check my blog). Try a different HDMI cable before hand, because they will likely point you in that direction otherwise. Call tech support from the beginning, not a CSR. Run down what you have done. Since this is a known 622 issue (even if they try to deny it) I don't think you'll have much trouble getting the replacement...
Thanks for the info..
patrickpiteo said:
Damm, now I have to get on the phone and spend hours with these idiots..

Actually you more than like won't. The HDMI/DVI went out on my "D" version 622 receiver after nearly 2 weeks of useage. I don't think I even spent 4 minutes on the phone and the tech person had already signed me up for a replacement. I got it yesterday (not DISH's fault it was delayed about 3 days....but UPS as the backup driver could not locate my rural address). After I hooked up this newer "E" version 622, took just a minute to contact someone for activation and presto: all working including HDMI which is better than components on my set. Back in business!:up
OK so i got my "D"-stands for Dead HDMI with the "E" series.

Now the new one does not allow me to pause live programming with any of the remotes Dish and Nondish that i have. Anyone had this problem before and is there any fix before i call Dish.

Oh BTW the Tragus (or Targus) chill mat works like a charm placed under the receiver . Temps way low, unit cool to touch.

Thx much.

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