2011-12 NFL Playoffs

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What lead to GB's loss was all those turnovers....not so much the defense. How many was it ..4, 5? Who wins a game against a good team in the regular season, much less a playoff game with that many TOs?

Not everything is black and white as it seems.

of course. i was the first one to mention about the drops and turnovers but, not having at least a decent defense didn't help. they couldn't stop ELI. we'll see if the niners who do have a great defense can.....
I "shamelessly" read the blog and I liked it. Just like you, I missed the good old days when life was less complicated. But we have to adapt. Just like you and gazillion other Americans, I too spend Sundays on the couch except for the occasional trip to the 'stick.

Just wondering, why do think the Giants got screwed in the 2002 wild card game? Weren't there two off-setting penalties? The pass interference and ineligible man down field? So, how were they screwed?

Well thank you for reading the blog. Its much appreciated. Maybe Im wrong but I thought there was pass interference on the 49ers on the last play therefore giving the Giants one more shot. I do remember the NFL coming out the next day and saying that there should have been a pass interference called.
The Patriots might should consider a running game first against the Ravens. Aaron Hernandez might need to carry the ball some more & avoid another head injury. I don't think that Tom Brady will set or break any records that he'd be proud of in the game against the Ravens.

The Patriots will do what they always do, and that's pass to setup the run. Whichever then works better they'll ride a little more as the game wears on, whether that's a RB heating up (Woodhead/Lawfirm/Ridley) or specific coverages allowing the passing game to heat up.
The Patriots will do what they always do, and that's pass to setup the run. Whichever then works better they'll ride a little more as the game wears on, whether that's a RB heating up (Woodhead/Lawfirm/Ridley) or specific coverages allowing the passing game to heat up.

If anyone gets a lot of carries on Sunday, I prefer it to be Law Firm. When it comes to ball protection, I trust him more than the others.
Yeah, Ridley fumbling the last 2 games means reduced carries for sure while the game is yet to be decided. Could see them easing him in late to build confidence if the've got the game put away to get him ready for the Super Bowl. I'm sure those huge Ravens LBs would love to see Woodhead and not Lawfirm running towards them.
I'm hoping that the Patriots two rookie RB's- Shane Vereen and Stevan Ridley- turn into next year's version of Gronk and Hernandez.
HD MM said:
Those are "elite" QB's. That's what the original poster was claiming. I'm not saying a middle of the road QB isn't adequate. But claiming Joe Flacco is an "elite" QB is a tad unrealistic. He's not even close.

Your clowns would be better with him.
HD MM said:
Off topic. No one was comparing Flacco to Colt McCoy. Nice attempt at stirring something up though.

Flacco is better than the starters in: Miami, NYJ, Cleve, Jax, Tenn, Cin, Denver, Wash, Min, Tampa, AZ and Seattle.

Is the equal to: Buff, Hou, Oak(personally think Flacco is a younger version of Palmer), Dallas, Atl(exact same player as Flacco...almost identical twins) and Tampa.

Flacco is better than the starters in: Miami, NYJ, Cleve, Jax, Tenn, Cin, Denver, Wash, Min, Tampa, AZ and Seattle.

Is the equal to: Buff, Hou, Oak(personally think Flacco is a younger version of Palmer), Dallas, Atl(exact same player as Flacco...almost identical twins).


I disagree with the teams I highlighted.
I disagree with the teams I highlighted.

Flacco's advantage over 'The Red Rocket' is years. Same applies in Tampa..the only advantage that Freeman has is that Freeman runs more. Fitzpartrick needs to show me MORE...1/2 of a season won't cut it. Romo has the more flashier name due to being in Dallas, but if I am not mistaken, Flacco may have more playoff wins in less time playing. I could be wrong, but I am typing this from my phone so its tough to cut-n-paste. And Ryan comparison, they started at the same time... they both came to teams that were at the brink or already playoff teams that was a player or two away... and Flacco, IF I am not mistaken, has had better results.

My take...;)
LMAO! 49er fans cannot blame the Raiders on THIS ONE.

We'd been warned that 49er fans are among pro football's most obnoxious. But for those of us who have suffered Chicago Bears fans' baiting for years (remember those dirty snowballs?), we thought we were pretty inured to the rough stuff.

But the 49ers take fan intimidation to new levels. Really.

Losing in such a dismal way was bad. The game was tense, an emotional roller-coaster, full of stress and nail-biting drama. Still, it was an exhilarating thrill ride for fans on both sides. Until the last whistle, and the onslaught from the people in red.

Standing at the top of Section 17 with a group of friends, momentarily separated by the masses from Stewart, I paused … and became an unwitting stationary target for the flow of San Francisco fans. By the dozens, they thrust their faces into mine and shouted: LOSER. GET ON A PLANE. WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE. YOU SUCK.

Fan intimidation at Candlestick Park | NOLA.com
LMAO! 49er fans cannot blame the Raiders on THIS ONE.

Fan intimidation at Candlestick Park | NOLA.com

Really, no excuse for such disgusting behavior. Been going to the 'stick since the Monte Clark era and personally I have not witnessed 49rs fan harassing fans of the opposing team. Not saying that it doesn't happen. I've seen friendly taunting and a lot drunken brawls/fisticuffs in and out of the park, but mostly amongst stupid 49rs fans themselves. I can assure you with the utmost certainly that the vast majority of 49rs fans like myself doesn't condone this type of behavior. Case of a few extremely rotten apples. Now, Oakland on the other hand is a totally different story. :D
HD MM said:
Off topic. No one was comparing Flacco to Colt McCoy. Nice attempt at stirring something up though.

No, you are putting down a QB, that I don't like, who is better than any QB your team has had since maybe Kosar. IMO you are putting him down since he plays for the team that left your city plus they have been winning better there than your team has won since they came back.
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Finally, the fight I WANTED: Cotto vs. Mayweather!


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