Going over today's games...
- Alot of surprising games. Browns win in NO. Buffalo scoing 30+ points against the toughest defense in the league. The Raiders scoring 59 points and over 500+ yards in total offense.
- The Chargers are now 2-5. IF you think they are done in the weak AFC West, you have another thing coming. Their main issue is STILL turnovers....if they could change that and squeek in, they STILL be one of the most dangerous teams in the league.
- KC, Tampa and Seattle are all 4-2...and 2 of those 3 teams are a complete flukes. Interesting enough, 2 of those teams(Seattle next week and KC the week after) come into Oakland.
- AFC South is loaded. Tennessee is 5-2, Indy and Houston is 4-2 and just a notch and a half behind is Jax at 3-4. That is one tought division. Ironically, the NFC South is just as loaded OTHER than Carolina....and they got their 1st win today.
- Funny how NO ONE has said anything about Bret Favre ADMITTING he called this woman when he was with the JETS. And the story has basically disappeared. The guy is a magician OFF the field too.
- Shhhhhhhhh...with ALL the defensive troubles, the PATS are tied with the best record in the NFL with 3 other teams.

Hmmmm...this was supposed to be a 'rebuilding' year...
- And finally, going into this weekend, the Raiders had scored only 15 TDs in the NFL. Today, they scored 8. They now are 2nd in the entire NFL in total points scored. Wow, what a turnaround....(I will not overreact....I will not overreact.....I will not overreact....)