2008-09 MLB Hot Stove

Why would the Angels be averaging 1 run per game without Tex? They have consistently been one of the highest scoring teams in baseball. I think us Angel fans are pretty much getting frustrated over this whole thing also because we are tired of the east coast bias in sports media. I gotta say it really sucks to have a team that consistently ranks in the top of the MLB, has one of teh highest fan attendance records, yet doesn't get near the consideration or coverage of east coast teams.

I mean just look at the way the Tex talks are handled....the Angels have one of the highest payrolls, one of the most attraction all around packages of where to play, the best owner, one of the most respected managers in baseball, a team atmosphere that really is hard to beat--these guys like each other and they are annual contenders. Yet, for all that..most sports writers give the NATIONALS better chances at landing Tex than his own team! The angels are an afterthought, treated like some small market team that got something bigger than it can handle. It's utter Bullsh!t. Withor without this guy, Arte Moreno will put together a team that still kicks ass and has a better chance than most.
KCK may complain about Tex wanting some more money,

but don't come crying to me when the Angels are averaging 1 run a game.

Come crying to YOU???? One doth put too much importance in oneself.:rolleyes:

I'll say it again...the Angels will be just fine without Tex and will contend mightily for the AL West in '09.

Boys, there is talk floating around that Arte has upped the ante to over $200 million for 8 years. If true, that is sickening.
Tex might just have to take that deal because Boston took itself out of the running. KCK, do feel that way with all players or just Tex that some of these contracts are wayyyy too much?

Also, did anybody hear about the situation with Rafeal Furcal. I guess the Braves are mad at his agents for something. I only caught the tail end of it on Sportscenter.
I can't believe some of these numbers being thrown around! The nation's economy is in the crapper, and we got clubs throwing 9 figure contracts around like nickles. There's going to be a lot of crying going on next summer, when the owners find their attendance numbers down from this season. They'll being screaming about having to bring costs and contracts back in-line, and I'll be there laughing at these idiots. If brains were dynamite, these guys wouldn't have enough to blow their noses. IDIOTS.
I just picked up a Baltimore Sun today, and the only three teams mentioned in the articles on Texeria were the Red Sox, The Angels and THE ORIOLES. Un-real. during the week, I read the Washington Post and the Washington Times every day, and the only teams they mention pursuing him are the Red Sox, the Angels and the Nationals.

I think he's going to Boston and the Red Sox are just employing what they believe to be the best negotiating strategy. They don't believe the larger offers mentioned by Boras are firm.
KCK the Angel store at the stadium has everything at 40% off right now. Christmas sale. You know you want that big rally monkey puppet head! And Torii Hunter is the one who sparked those rumors. He really likes tex...well, we ALL do, but I would rather see a guy that seems like he wants to play on our team. We're worth the best players and I think many of them would consider it an honor to play for us....so what's his problem???

When I saw that story on ESPN web, all I could think of is if the pay/years reported was accurate and if Big Teix's family is agreeable to living in Boston for most of the summer, Teix should just give Bore-us the middle finger and take the Boston deal.

If I were Teix, I would do that. I could play for very good money in a historical park/area for a proven winner and be surrounded by fans in a city and region that absolutely adore their Red Sox.
...If I were Teix, I would do that. I could play for very good money... and be surrounded by fans in a city and region that absolutely adore their Red Sox.
They only adore the Red Sox when they finish first. They castigate them when they don't finish first. More Boston fans show up to boo than to cheer, and a lot of major leaguers don't have the hide to take that.
KCK the Angel store at the stadium has everything at 40% off right now. Christmas sale. You know you want that big rally monkey puppet head! And Torii Hunter is the one who sparked those rumors. He really likes tex...well, we ALL do, but I would rather see a guy that seems like he wants to play on our team. We're worth the best players and I think many of them would consider it an honor to play for us....so what's his problem???

I think most teams have big offseason holiday sales now. Good time. Listen...good man or not, I do not want Arte to spend anything more than the advertised $160 million for 8 years on him. And that's too much, but it's what we expected.
Angels have withdrawn their offer Teixeira. You know what? I fine with that. Maybe now they can work a couple good deals and come out better off. Arte Moreno is not interested in players that just want a big paycheck and neither are his team's fans. Sad part is...if Tex had wanted to play here, Arte woulda probably given him what he wanted. Obviously he's just another greedy guy.
Angels have withdrawn their offer Teixeira. You know what? I fine with that. Maybe now they can work a couple good deals and come out better off. Arte Moreno is not interested in players that just want a big paycheck and neither are his team's fans. Sad part is...if Tex had wanted to play here, Arte woulda probably given him what he wanted. Obviously he's just another greedy guy.

It's all part of the business and alot of it has to do with the agent he's using.
So if the Angels and Red Sox have withdrawn their offers and if the Nationals have offered $160M, then who is it that is allegedly offering 180+ million? The Orioles? The Yankees?

Nobody has more money they are offering ... it's all the way Boris does business.
The Yankees are being talked about so that they can push the figure up higher.
The Angels say they are done with him ... I don't believe it.
I think he'll still end up in either Boston or LA.
He lives on the east coast so I'm thinking it will end up being Boston.

For all those that are bashing Tex (Angels fans) how did you feel about it a few years ago (or was it last year) when Tex was brought in to LA, you were all happy at the time, unfortunatly you lost a good 1B in Kotchman, I think they should not have done that deal, I really thought they should have kept Kotchman, if they could have gotten TEX and kept Kotchman they would have been in a great situation ....
The Offense that Tex brought over was a positive for the Angels, so the TEX deal was a good one overall.

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Of course we were happy when he was brought in last year. It's not even so much the notion of him leaving that frustrates so many of us. It's the way he seems to be willing to do it. It's not just going, but using us to drive up the price someone else will pay. Arte made the right move here. If Tex wants to play here, he will have to pull an A-Rod now on Boras.

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