2008-09 MLB Hot Stove

Of course we were happy when he was brought in last year. It's not even so much the notion of him leaving that frustrates so many of us. It's the way he seems to be willing to do it. It's not just going, but using us to drive up the price someone else will pay. Arte made the right move here. If Tex wants to play here, he will have to pull an A-Rod now on Boras.

Like cosmo_kramer and I have said, it's the Boris way, Tex probably has very little to say about it.
Of course he wants as much money as he can get, wouldn't you ?
I think your taking this as a shot at the Angels, it's purely the way Boris is, draw as many as he can into the discussions to drive the price up.

The Sox have said enough is enough and the Angels have too.
Chances of Tex going anywhere else is very slim.
He'll end up with Boston or LA in the long run, probably for less that what has been quoted in the reports ...
Once the top guys are off the board, I don't think you'll see many others going for what they would have last year.

Next guys up would be Manny and Lowe and a few others.

If you have been watching, take a look at what is happening on the Manny front, he's had NO offers for big money and now suddenly you see the Yankees possibly offering plenty of money, whether he signs there or not, with the Yanks a possible location, his price will climb back up to where he expected it to be. If he doesn't sign with the Yankees, he'll sign for less than the 22M p/year that he's asking...

I know this isn't going to happen, or don't expect it, but I'd like to see the Tigers make a hard push to sign Lowe and STILL go after Smoltz, those two would make the upcoming year much more optimistic.

You know, I really hope Boston is serious about not playing Boras' game. I think it's long overdue for the big teams to bring Boras down to earth. Of course....I also think Arte should take his dugout box at Anaheim away from him, just for sheets and giggles.
You know, I really hope Boston is serious about not playing Boras' game. I think it's long overdue for the big teams to bring Boras down to earth. Of course....I also think Arte should take his dugout box at Anaheim away from him, just for sheets and giggles.

People have tried for YEARS to bring Boras back down to Earth, but truth is, he has ALWAYS found someone desperate enough to to pay what he wants. THIS is the kind of thing that will ALWAYS have me side with the players. Owners all ways crying poverity, but dishin' out millions like candy in Halloween.....then they hold cities hottage for new stadiums.
People have tried for YEARS to bring Boras back down to Earth, but truth is, he has ALWAYS found someone desperate enough to to pay what he wants. THIS is the kind of thing that will ALWAYS have me side with the players. Owners all ways crying poverity, but dishin' out millions like candy in Halloween.....then they hold cities hottage for new stadiums.

How much say do you think Tex is getting in this all...
We all know Boris goes to the top payer, suppose one of the last place teams says, what the heck, well give him 8 and 225M, does he go there , just because it's Boris rule to take the money, or .. does common sense come into play and he still goes to a team with a chance to win ?

Still say, it's Boston or LA and thats it.
I'm guessing it happens in the next day or two as he mentioned originally that he wanted to be signed by Christmas, maybe it will be ON Christmas, didn't A Rod signing happen on a holiday or close to it ?

Boras is pissed. He put out a statement about the Angels dropping out. Methinks they threw a big wrench in his plans. I think Tex has maxed out. Is $20-$22 million a year really that hard to accept? I guess there's a chance Tex could pull an A-Rod, take Boras out of the mix and sign with the Angels anyway, but at this point I think Arte is angry and maybe a little insulted. I know that Angels fans are pretty angry and disappointed with Tex right now.
Boras is pissed. He put out a statement about the Angels dropping out. Methinks they threw a big wrench in his plans. I think Tex has maxed out. Is $20-$22 million a year really that hard to accept? I guess there's a chance Tex could pull an A-Rod, take Boras out of the mix and sign with the Angels anyway, but at this point I think Arte is angry and maybe a little insulted. I know that Angels fans are pretty angry and disappointed with Tex right now.

Pretty soon, there will be no one left to sign Tex and Boris will look like the arrogant fool that he plays ....

Boras is asking about $190 million for 10 years . . . I think it's not so much the money, as it is the years . . . we all will know by this weekend!

Neither the Sox or the Angels will go 10 years, I believe 8 is the max ...
Sox already got stung in the long contract that Manny had.

wow...I guess in todays economy, it can be supported:confused:

Though the Yankees bring in much revenue from other areas the ticket sales and such...

wow...I guess in todays economy, it can be supported:confused:

Though the Yankees bring in much revenue from other areas the ticket sales and such...

Absolutley PATHETIC.

We'll there's just another reason to hope the yankees DON'T make the playoffs again ....

I don't wish ill will on any player, I think it was mainly Boris 's doing.
I find it interesting that Tex said, the yankees were his first choice, when he almost signed with the Sox last week. Also the fact that the yankees were NEVER in the conversation.

I find it interesting that the yankees in this economic time can go out and sign Sabathia, Burnett and Tex for about 400 M and still ask the city to help them pay for the stadium ....
Good thing I don't live there and have to pay taxes for them to build the stadium, I think I would have to go burn it down ....

Asking for tax payers money, ya right, they should be ashamed of themselves.
This kind of thing is why so many people HATE the yankees.

Selig just gave them a BILL for over spending of the absurdly high pay scale that they went over from LAST year, apparently it doesn't matter .... It's all a game to them.

I hope the yankees fan decide that they don't like being lied to and decide that the yankees can do without them ..... lets see how the yankees management handles it all if they find a half empty stadium.

edit: I borrowed this from Cosmo;
The 2008 Luxury Tax bills have been mailed out:

The New York Yankees not only failed to make the playoffs, they were hit with their highest luxury tax in three years.

The Yankees were assessed a $26.9 million tax by the commissioner's office on Monday, up from $23.9 million last year and their biggest bill since paying nearly $34 million for 2005.

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I also heard the city of NY fudged the value on the property value of the new stadium so they would get more tax breaks. If this is true the City and the Yankees should be ashamed of themselves.

All I can say is Go Tampa!
Absolutley PATHETIC.

I hope the yankees fan decide that they don't like being lied to and decide that the yankees can do without them ..... lets see how the yankees management handles it all if they find a half empty stadium.

So your logic is that Yankee fans will stop coming to the stadium because they're signing free agents? You obviously don't know Yankee fans very well.

So your logic is that Yankee fans will stop coming to the stadium because they're signing free agents? You obviously don't know Yankee fans very well.


You skipped half the post, IF I were a yankee fan and lived in NY and they came to me asking for money to pay for thier spending spree I would tell them to go fly a kite in an electrical storm.

I'm pissed because they have the gall to ask the people that live there to pay for it because they are apparently BROKE, but they can go out and do this type of thing.
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You skipped half the post, IF I were a yankee fan and lived in NY and they came to me asking for money to pay for thier spending spree I would tell them to go fly a kite in an electrical storm.

I'm pissed because they have the gall to ask the people that live ther to pay for it because they are apparently BROKE, but they can go out and do this type of thing.

The Yankees do ask their fans for money for the annual spending spree. It's called tickets. And merchandise. And cable/satellite TV fees.

And guess what...there hasn't been a half empty stadium since the Yankees started spending big money.

So I re-state, if you think Yankee fans will not spend money, you don't know Yankee fans very well.

The Yankees do ask their fans for money for the annual spending spree. It's called tickets. And merchandise. And cable/satellite TV fees.

And guess what...there hasn't been a half empty stadium since the Yankees started spending big money.

So I re-state, if you think Yankee fans will not spend money, you don't know Yankee fans very well.


I didn't say that:
I said I hope they refuse to go to the games, in a round about way.
I didn't say that:
I said I hope they refuse to go to the games, in a round about way.

Well, if the Yankees are competitive, the fans will come. The recent signings don't guarantee a championship, or even a playoff spot. But they do make the Yankees a better team.

Don't worry, when they come to your team's stadium, crowds will be up too. They always are. So the Yankees are contributing to your team's bottom line as well.

Well, if the Yankees are competitive, the fans will come. The recent signings don't guarantee a championship, or even a playoff spot. But they do make the Yankees a better team.

Don't worry, when they come to your team's stadium, crowds will be up too. They always are. So the Yankees are contributing to your team's bottom line as well.


I doubt it ....
I see LOTS of Tiger tickets being available this year.
Due to the economy.
At least the Tigers aren't going out spending like "Drunkin Sailors" with the economy in the toilet.

Here's hoping they have some money to bring in a few name players, or well be looking alot like last year.....

I'm just not into Boras's way of thinking. I'm not a big fan of his. I think he's greedy and I'm so sick of him bleeding everyone dry. I mean I take a hit too because some of his clients play for the Mets. I mean I could understand some guys BUT NOT EVERYONE!!! Every single Boras client gets a ridicolous about of money. Kevin Millwood, anyone. I think Kevin Brown as well. I guess Boras hasn't heard about how lousy the economy is.

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