2 New Channels added

Before everyone gets on my case for my original statement. I apologize if it offended anyone! That was not my intent. I understand VOOM wanting / needing to market itself to the Hispanic community.

I would have understood it if they added 15-20 Spanish channels all at once and then offered them as an add on pack.

2 channels is not going to attract Spanish speakers to VOOM. Hence my point that the next few rounds of channel add ons will probably be Spanish as they get up to snuff.
Voomin@720p said:
I have been very, very patient with VOOM!! This recent addition of channels that I can't understand is a slap in my face.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh boy!
Voom, please, say sorry to Voomin@720p and add only the channels that Voomin@720p wants. Oh, and they better be free, in HD, and no f***ing compression. :)
Nice work Voom. In case those of you didn't know... Satellite programming is huge in the Hispanic market... in fact, they are more likely to have Satellite TV than non-Hispanics (22% penetration versus 19% for non-Hispanic Whites and 8% for African Americans) Source: Spring 2002 Ownership Report, The Home Technology Monitor. The Sat companies have done a good job providing people (not just Hispanics) what they want, when they want it. Sports in Spanish, news from Latin America and other niche-oriented programming (what Satellite is great for) are best delivered via satellite. Plus, those who weren't born in the US have been exposed to Satellite TV their whole lives since cable penetration in Latin America is not great.

At any rate, I can't wait to watch Latin American soccer on ESPN deportes. Gracias Voom.
Just my two cents. Do not watch these channels but it sounds like a Spanish tier will be coming. The FSN will also come. Not everything will come at the same time we all wish. If they get passed the 4/1/05 hurddle and we are all upgraded to multidish, I will expect the FSN to show up on AMC (Just my opinion). Let's give them time and the channels will come.
andrzej said:
Oh boy!
Voom, please, say sorry to Voomin@720p and add only the channels that Voomin@720p wants. Oh, and they better be free, in HD, and no f***ing compression. :)

If you know how to read then you can see that I have never complained about channels getting added before. I am a VaVaVoomer and do not want anything for free. I have told VOOM I will gladly pay extra for the RSN's. You have not and will never hear me ask for a handout!

Please show me where have I complained about PQ? I challenge you to find a thread or a statement from me wanting free channels, complaining about PQ, or wanting ONLY HD's

Best of luck, good for you that I only have 50 or so posts so it should not take long for you to insert your foot into your mouth!
I don't think RSNs are a big deal. Voom has my RSNs on voom, and it doesn't matter to me. I'm paying for RSNs on dish and never watch them and I'd have to say that I'm in the majority.
ESPN Deportes! Excellent news! Thanks VOOM for adding these channels and apparently expanding the horizons of folks who think TV programming does or should only come in English.

Voomin@720p said:
If you know how to read then you can see that I have never complained about channels getting added before. I am a VaVaVoomer and do not want anything for free. I have told VOOM I will gladly pay extra for the RSN's. You have not and will never hear me ask for a handout!

Please show me where have I complained about PQ? I challenge you to find a thread or a statement from me wanting free channels, complaining about PQ, or wanting ONLY HD's

Best of luck, good for you that I only have 50 or so posts so it should not take long for you to insert your foot into your mouth!
What a excellent POST", you hit the nail on the Head with this one.....
I don't speak much Spanish and I don't do sports of any kind, but I was thrilled to see the new additions this morning.

This is indeed a large part of the market that needs to be tapped, along with the other recent channel additions (most of which I'm not interested in). But the fact remains that unless these markets are tapped successfully, and soon, none of us will have to worry about the RSN's or the HD, or even my personal favorite, the DVR.

I want everyone to have their RSN's too, but from what little I know of the matter, that is a little more difficult to deliver right now (at least for some areas, I think).

Whenever I'm lining up my priorities, whether it's with a household task list or my bank account, I look for the "biggest bang for the buck" and try to hit that mark first...because it gives me more muscle and some breathing room to hit the remaining marks. I think VoOm is trying to do the same right now. Good luck and Godspeed!! :D
1080iBeVuMin said:
You make it sound as if the native tongue of Native Americans was Spanish!

Their native tongue was their own individual American Indian language. Spanish was the language of their invaders.

You are absolutely right. I meant that Native Americans had to learn a new language (including English) instead of keeping their own.

Don't mean to drag this on. Just wanted to clarify.
Since VOOM negotiated ESPN Deportes, maybe the deal with ESPN also included ESPN2-HD. Anyway, I created a separate thread to speculate on that idea (see here) and keep this one on topic.
A step in the right direction...

mdonnelly said:
You gotta start somewhere. Hispanics are the largest minority in CA now, and the fastest growing minority nationwide. They look at who meets their needs, just like you do. If you ignore them, E* gets them all, and VOOM can't afford to forfeit any subs. So go ahead, Chuck, add some more like Telemundo, HBO Latino, Univision...

It's funny, but I think this could also serve as an indication that the powers that be over at Voom, do monitor these forums and listen to what their customers are asking for. A little over a week ago truqui and I made comments on this very topic in another thread. And low and behold now Voom could state that they are expanding their lineup to target this very important demographic. Keep up the good work Voom, as you are taking the necessary steps to insure that we ALL will continue to enjoy your great service for years to come. :)

And as a side note: Please don't acknowledge the ignorant comments that are being made by some members in this thread. They are not even worth the effort it takes to try to explain otherwise.
There will be more bandwith on 3/31/05 from ENCORE HD leaving.

Remember 1HD channel is equal to 12 SD ones according to what has been said in this forum.

Maybe it will be replace by another HD channel (ESPN2-HD ;) ) or will be 12 new SD channels ranging from Superstations to sports, or even the rest of the spanish package.

If VOOM can manage to keep RB1 and get bigger dishes to get RB2 that will open up a new can of whopp azz :D .
roachxp said:
There will be more bandwith on 3/31/05 from ENCORE HD leaving.

Remember 1HD channel is equal to 12 SD ones according to what has been said in this forum.

Maybe it will be replace by another HD channel (ESPN2-HD ;) ) or will be 12 new SD channels ranging from Superstations to sports, or even the rest of the spanish package.

If VOOM can manage to keep RB1 and get bigger dishes to get RB2 that will open up a new can of whopp azz :D .
An don't forget the bandwidth of channel 700! (It was there yesterday, is its still there today?)
While I'm sure they do monitor these forums, I'm also sure the deal has been ongoing for more than a week ;).

As for me personally, I'm glad for those that wanted it. As long as it doesn't screw with my PQ, I could care less.

i am pretty happy that voom added these channels. although i dont speak spanish i understand that other people do and they are probably extremely exited now.
joep said:
I understand that some people are thrilled to be getting these two new channels. I am not in that group. I wish I had the option of "hiding" certain channels like the locals. Does anyone know if Voom is considering the ability to hide non-local channels?

Hit the Voom button on your remote (lower right corner shows green button and "options and settings"), then hit the green button, then scroll down to "favorites" on that menu using the down arrow button just above the Voom button. Next hit the "OK" button. You can now scroll through and choose which channels you want to select as favorites. by highlighting each channel and pressing the OK button.

Once you've selected all your favorite channels, when you bring up the main menu by hitting the Voom button, you can scroll down 3 spots on the far left and select Favorites. When you do it will only bring up those channels you've selected as favorites and eliminate the rest.

Maybe you already know all the above. I find this feature quite useful and it saves on time while surfing through the program guide.

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