I thought I understood the 1000.2 antenna, but I clearly don't. I have two hoppers with a duo node. The check antenna showed 119 - 110 - 129. In anticipation of snow and ice, I took the (poorly aimed and drifting) working antenna and relocated it from an inconvenient roof mount to a ground pole mount. After relocating I get 110 - XCONN - 119. I used 3 new wires from the node to the LNBs, so I may have gotten them out of order. It is possible that I misjudged the angle and that 129 could be blocked by a tree. If I use the point dish page and go on 129, I get "wrong satellite" and show 110 transponders. The detail screens says the 2nd port is connected, no signal. I'm confused why the 119 would move from "2" to "3" if the 129 sat. was not being received. Before I dig another hole and mix a bag of concrete, could someone please tell me if the "XCONN" status means no signal, or could I have a wiring, node, or LNB issue.