Windows 10 installed

Our 16-year old upgraded the PC he uses and apparently had no issues. I've had zero success upgrading our laptop. The built-in upgrade tool keeps failing and I've tried the "fix" of deleting everything in \windows\software distribution\download folder and running the 'wuauclt.exe /updatenow' command. The error just repeats when I do this....

I also tried the Download Tool option - the 'upgrade now' and the USB flash drive methods. Those both fail with "Something went wrong" dialog and the helpful message "Windows 10 installation failed".

I plan to upgrade my Win 8.1-on-Mac-running-Parallels system as well but not until after the end of the quarter. I use Quickbooks and need to get quarterly filings taken care of first !
After the Windows 10 installation was over I noticed mt Norton Ant-Virus icon was missing from my desktop. I've tried three time to reinstall Norton and I keep getting errors and Norton will not install. Anyone else having this issue?

Haven't used Norton for a while but there used to be an uninstall utility you could download from them to clean all of the product off your PC before reinstalling.
So far my SurfacePro 3 and Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro have upgraded with no real issues. Lenovo notified me of some updates to drivers and such to download. Got them and installed just fine. All seems to be working just fine.

One thing I've noticed is that in some apps the text is smaller than it was with W8.1.
Last night I installed 10 on my main desktop PC (HP Intel i7 Extreme 4960X, Intel 730 SSD, 32 GB RAM, Nvidia 770), tried to do a clean install but like the Lifehacker post Dfergie linked to said, you can't do a clean install, without first doing an upgrade. Found that out the hard way. Thanks a million for the link! It really helped out!

As soon as I got home from work, did a system image to my NAS, downloaded the Windows 10 Pro 64 ISO, burned it, booted off the Windows 10 CD, formatted and deleted all of the partition, and proceeded to install 10, skipping over all of the prompts asking for a serial key. When it finished, I could not activate Windows so I restored the system image from the NAS, then proceeded to do an upgrade install keeping all of my files and settings, after that completed, booted off the CD reformatted again and do another install. I skipped over the prompts for serial keys again, and when all was said and done, I was now activated with a clean, pristine version of Windows 10 Pro.

I played around with it before I went to bed. Here's what I noticed:

1) The new Start Menu, I find totally annoying and obnoxious. It's basically just a smaller version of the Windows 8 Start Screen. Like I've done with everything I've ever used since Windows 7 in 2009, I installed Classic Shell, and imported the XML file with all of my configuration settings. I will never use the default start menu in Windows ever again.

2) It's been months since I downloaded the last preview of 10, but I was under the impression Internet Explorer was dead and completely removed. Turns out I was wrong. To me it seems like Edge is just the replacement for the Metro IE. While I don't care for Metro apps, Edge does render pages a lot faster than IE. IE 11 in Windows 10 seems very sloooooooooooow. I use Chrome most of the time so I don't care, but Edge seems just like the Windows 8.1 Metro IE with an expanded settings menu.

3) I cannot figure out how to have two different wallpapers on my two displays. With Windows 8/8.1 it was real easy, just place a check mark on the wallpapers you want to use. Can't do that in Windows 10. I know they didn't remove that feature since after I did my upgrade install, both of the wallpapers I was using with 8.1 were retained under 10.

4) I cannot change the Lock Screen background. I changed it in the PC Settings but it doesn't actually change. One of the first things I do after installing Classic Shell after a new install of Windows is go into secpol and enable secure logon. Maybe that may be causing me issues, who knows.

5) The only metro app I had any use for was the Weather app and having the current weather info display on the lock screen was nice. Not only can't I change the lock screen background, even after enabling the weather info to display on it, it won't show up.

6) I don't care for the PC Settings screen, and the settings it houses (like Windows Update) that were removed from the Control Panel.

7) In Device Manager I had a TON of unrecognized device entries, most of them were for the same thing, the name escapes me at the moment and one was for the PCI Controller. HP sticks all of their software and drivers in a folder in the root of the C: drive called SWSETUP, so since I was anticipating issues I copied that whole folder to a flash drive and just updated chipset drivers via those files and everything seems to work fine

8) Start up and shut down are still blazing fast. With both 8.1 it took one revolution of the spinning circle before I got to my lock screen. With 10, with no software installed other than drivers and Classic Shell it takes a half a revolution. I'm expecting it to get a slower after I install all of my software tonight.
Is anybody installing an anti-virus program for their Windows 10 computer or do you think Windows Defender will be adequate?
On my old laptop, I was running free Ad-Aware, which is highly regarded for its real-time protection, but it doesn't seem to be ready for Windows 10 yet.

Here's my biggest gripe about Windows 10 so far: I've downloaded a few programs and games without creating a desktop or taskbar shortcut. When I used the "Search the web and Windows" search field next to the start button to find them, I only see web search options listed and not the app on my computer.
Is anybody installing an anti-virus program for their Windows 10 computer or do you think Windows Defender will be adequate?
On my old laptop, I was running free Ad-Aware, which is highly regarded for its real-time protection, but it doesn't seem to be ready for Windows 10 yet.

Here's my biggest gripe about Windows 10 so far: I've downloaded a few programs and games without creating a desktop or taskbar shortcut. When I used the "Search the web and Windows" search field next to the start button to find them, I only see web search options listed and not the app on my computer.

I'm having the search problem too. I can't find Nvidia Control Panel on my computer even though GeForce experience says I have the most current driver. When I try the search at the bottom all I get are web results.
After the Windows 10 installation was over I noticed mt Norton Ant-Virus icon was missing from my desktop. I've tried three time to reinstall Norton and I keep getting errors and Norton will not install. Anyone else having this issue?

Do you know what version of Norton you're running?
Not sure because it came free as part of my internet subsciption through Comcast.

Mine is from comcast as well. Do you have it running on any other PC in the house? If so, Under the support tab click about. According to their support website, versions above 17 should work with windows 10.
I just tried to download and run free Ad-Aware. Everything seemed to go smoothly and I installed it fine. But then my computer went into a crash-restart loop. Once I uninstalled Ad-Aware, I was good to go. Guess I'll need to trust Windows Defender until the better free antivirus programs on the Net are ready for prime time. I'd certainly be reluctant to buy anything at this point.
Mine is from comcast as well. Do you have it running on any other PC in the house? If so, Under the support tab click about. According to their support website, versions above 17 should work with windows 10.
Finally got to work. I completely uninstalled it and then reinstalled it. Works perfect. Tried to do the same to my son's laptop. Installation went good but when I try Live Updates I get error messages.
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I'm having the search problem too. I can't find Nvidia Control Panel on my computer even though GeForce experience says I have the most current driver. When I try the search at the bottom all I get are web results.

I uninstalled all the Nvidia drivers from my system and downloaded them again. Once I did that it fixed the problem I was having. Nvida Control Panel is back where I expected it to be again.
So about this security problem where it broadcasts your wifi password:

I set both options to off in wi-fi sense and then changed my wifi password. Is that enough? Do I really still need to change the end of my network name to "_optout"? I mean setting both options to off in wi-fi sense should stop broadcasting my wifi password already right?
As far as windows defender, never had an issue. That said, never had an issue on any paid antivirus either.
As far as windows defender, never had an issue. That said, never had an issue on any paid antivirus either.

Here is a review from PC Mag where Windows Defender scored a 1.5 out of 5. Everything I have read says it's better than nothing but just about all the free virus programs do a better job. It's possible that things have improved for the Windows 10 version but the 8.1 version didn't score well.,2817,1926596,00.asp

That being said, I have used it as the only form of malware protection on my gaming PC for the last 3 years or so and I have never had a problem. I got sick of the bloatware that AVG became so I deleted it and decided to trust Windows Defender.

I'm fairly safe on the internet. I keep Java off my machine, I run an ad-blocker (except on Satellite Guys) to protect against nasty stuff that can be hiding in Flash ads, I don't visit shady websites, I don't use torrents, and I don't click random links if I don't know where they are going. With my browsing habits Windows Defender has been good enough to keep malware off my machine. YMMV.
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