NCAA Football 2014 season

Today is the first day of GameDay, should be interesting on some of the discussions they will have which.

They downplay so much like key injuries and what players have done so far since the polls have come out already that it is almost sad.

Well back to organizing my tailgate gear.
I was reading over the voting protocol for the CFB playoff selection committee, and the one thing that stood out was that "all votes will be by secret ballot." Seems to me this would open the door for bias. Why do that?

Voting Protocol
  1. Each committee member will create a list of the 25 teams he or she believes to be the best in the country, in no particular order. Teams listed by three or more members will remain under consideration.
  2. Each member will list the best six teams, in no particular order. The six teams receiving the most votes will comprise the pool for the first seeding ballot.
  3. In the first seeding ballot, each member will rank those six teams, one through six, with one being the best. The three teams receiving the fewest points will become the top three seeds. The three teams that were not seeded will be held over for the next seeding ballot.
  4. Each member will list the six best remaining teams, in no particular order. The three teams receiving the most votes will be added to the three teams held over to comprise the next seeding ballot.
  5. Steps No. 3 and 4 will be repeated until 25 teams have been seeded.
  1. Any "recused" member can participate in Step No. 1, but cannot list the team for which he or she is recused. "Recused" teams (i.e., teams for whom a member has been recused) receiving at least three votes in Step No. 1 will remain under consideration.
  2. A recused member can participate in Step No. 2, but cannot list the recused team. If a recused team is within one vote of advancing to the pool, that team will be pooled with the team (or teams) receiving the fewest votes. A "tie-breaker" ranking vote will be conducted among those teams to identify the team or teams that would be added to the pool.
  3. A recused member cannot participate in Step No. 3 if the recused team is in the pool.
  4. Between each step, the committee members will conduct a thorough evaluation of the teams before conducting the vote.
  5. After the rankings are completed, any group of three or more teams can be reconsidered if more than three members vote to do so. Step No. 3 would be repeated to determine if adjustments should be made.
  6. After the first nine teams are seeded, the number of teams for Steps No. 2, 3 and 4 will be increased to eight and four, respectively.
  7. At any time in the process, the number of teams to be included in a pool may be increased or decreased with approval of more than eight members of the committee.
  8. All votes will be by secret ballot.

Our State, Our Game: How Alabama became the capital of college football

Rawl Tide!

Yeah when you have the first game starting tomorrow night I'm surprised we haven't had more posts about the start of the season.

This is what happens when you pick against VT :D (I was at this game - lightning bowl!)
Lol. Actually, I'll be at my brothers in Houston waiting on the chance for forfeited corporate tickets to the LSU/Wisconsin game. So looks like Tex/Mex and Shiner Bock for me. :)
Week one game day snacks?
Whats on the menu?

I'll prob hit a catered tailgate by the main Hokies Tailgaters club (I'm a member) which is right in front of the stadium so I'm not really sure what is on the menu at this point. I will however be sure to drink lots of water because this may be a damn hot game with 90degrees :|
I really dislike these hot games but at least it isn't but a 20% chance of rain so far.

Now I'll do a more traditional tailgate with a bunch of friends for a few games this year, I think we are planning that for the GT and Miami game...but GT may not happen if they schedule the damn thing for a noon game. I hate noon games, you have no time to really arrive and setup let alone just hang out a while and drink a few before the game without being rushed and I don't tailgate after the games since I would much rather get home,shower and relax to watch the rest of the games on that day/night.
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