MLB has announced the start times for games Sunday-on....
Sunday: Cardinals at Pirates-4:30pm ET (TBS), Braves at Dodgers-8:00pm ET (TBS)
Monday: A's at Tigers-1:00pm ET (MLBN), Cardinals at Pirates-3:00pm ET (TBS), Red Sox at Rays-6:00pm ET (TBS), Braves at Dodgers-9:30pm ET (TBS)
Tuesday: A's at Tigers- 5:00pm ET (TBS), Red Sox at Rays- 8:30pm ET (TBS)
Wednesday: Pirates at Cardinals- 5:00pm ET (TBS), Dodgers at Braves- 8:30pm ET (TBS)
Thursday: Rays at Red Sox- 5:30pm ET (TBS), Tigers at A's- 9:00pm ET (TBS)
This is pathetic ....
There is NO REASON for all 4 games to be on, on Monday ...
Tigers fans get royally screwed, can't go to the game because it's in the middle of a work day (1pm) in Detroit, game 4, 2nd in Detroit will be a 5 pm start, better, but still can't go to it.
Yes, I would rather miss the beginning and watch the rest than the other way around.
Also, both of the Tigers weekend games, those that you would think MLB would want to showcase day time baseball and they put them on at 9:30 pm.
So Tigers have too LATE games and 2 games no one can see.
And we won't see tonights game either, seeing the Dodgers / Braves game will go well past 9:30
Fwiw, theres a movie on TNT thats in the middle of at the moment, not scheduled to be over till 10:30.
Like I said, theres no reason for all the teams to play on the same day.
Only saving grace would be if the Red Sox sweep TB, then the Tigers might get a game in the evening.