What would you change about our Sports Forum?

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I read this topic every day and periodically post my opinion,which at times has got me in trouble. When I see a thread where 2 or more people seem to be going to extremes,I just hit last and detour around it. Others can do the same. Sports fans are a passionate group and unless it gets very, very personal, I would just leave things here alone.

We don't want you to have to detour around threads because two people get in a pissing match with each other over who has the biggest... well, you know what I mean. This is why we intend to enforce the rules, and try to create an open environment where people do not have to avoid threads.
This is why we intend to enforce the rules, and try to create an open environment where people do not have to avoid threads.

We have an open environment now. What do you guys intend to do, the next time salsa and Sandra get into one of their love spats?

Will you be chasing regulars away with this "enforcement of the rules"?
Yaz you are the perfect example of whats wrong with the sports forum.

In my first post I said not to name names but you think your above the rules and do it anyways. :(
Yaz you are the perfect example of whats wrong with the sports forum.

In my first post I said not to name names but you think your above the rules and do it anyways. :(

Well its not like we are dumb and do not know whats going on and who are doing what. We are here every day. We know them two can get wild. We know me and dvrexpander can get wild. We know hart and the osu guys can get wild. But ya know what we move on from it. Everyone says there peace and then its a new topic.
Well its not like we are dumb and do not know whats going on and who are doing what. We are here every day. We know them two can get wild. We know me and dvrexpander can get wild. We know hart and the osu guys can get wild. But ya know what we move on from it. Everyone says there peace and then its a new topic.

The point is, we don't intend to allow these "getting wild" sequences to continue. Its what turns away people. And again, Scott asked not to be naming names. It was a pretty simple request.
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. When I posted this thread I had no idea what I was looking for but I knew we needed to make some changes or get Ramy some help.

And you guys came through with your suggestions and comments! I think it's clear that there needs to be some changes but I think we need to do things without being too strong handed.

Thats why today thanks to your suggetions I am happy to announce that Rey_1178 is now a member of the SatelliteGuys staff and will be helping Ramy as co-moderator of the Sports Forum. Most of you know and like Rey and I feel Rey can be effective without over moderation. I talked with a number of people yesterday and my wife last night and all agreed he would be a great fit.

So please help me welcome Rey to the team!

In closing I want to say that as site owner I want you all to enjoy your time here at SatelliteGuys, and honestl I don't like banning anyone. To get banned here you got to really be breaking the rules of the site and getting under our skin really bad. I have instructed Rey to work to take care of the sports area as best as he can but also let him know that if he must bring down the ban hammer he is able to do so.

So with that please remember to be good to one another, and things will be just fine!

Happy Holidays Everyone!
I feel honored... to be mentioned, I guess. ;)

This forum, just like the old PIT, deal with subjects that are way beyond the bland dish vs. directv subjects. Folks are passionate abouts Sports, Politics and Religion more than anything else....not necessarily in that order. And that is regardless of whether it is here, at a bar, at home or at a street corner. Does not matter where the conversation happens, it is bound to get heated...as someone said(will not mnetion names since that is one of the points made here)...when you play sports and when you TALK about sports, it is very competitive.

You will NEVER get that discussing the broadband vs DSL.
Now I just hope that Rey remains Rey and does not turn into this guy below... :D

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I feel honored... to be mentioned, I guess. ;)

This forum, just like the old PIT, deal with subjects that are way beyond the bland dish vs. directv subjects. Folks are passionate abouts Sports, Politics and Religion more than anything else....not necessarily in that order.
Just don't make it personal and flame other members and you will be fine. As my grandmother told me before opinions are like a**holes everyone has one. :D (God I miss my grandmother!)
thank you all. no worries this doesn't change a thing. i'm only here to assist ramy and scott in any way i can. i will do my best and as scott said, our goal is not to ban anyone. its the last thing we want to do.
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