Its one thing to defend your team and quite another to consistantly bash someone elses team so you can bait them into an arguement.
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And this is where I chime in. All of my posts that I have gotten dinged for have been reactionary. (Not saying I couldn't have reacted better

, but that is the situation)
I, hopefully, have taken a few extra moments in the more recent past to reflect on what I have written, and edited those appropriately.
A. People write things that may not call another person names, but is just as bad and inflammatory, yet they feel they are OK, and yet, when they get a hard reaction back, they cry, bitch and moan. "He said I was stupid,", "I feel insulted", etc., etc., and yet they taunted until the breaking point.
B. What is OK and not OK? Can you say, "That's a stupid/idiotic statement?", because believe me there are some of those around here. (Smith)!?

C. That's not calling names, but stating the "thought" is not well thought out, shall we say. Some people take that personally (see A)
IF you are going to start infractions in here, there needs to be a better system than the harsh one used in the rest of the site. You get infractions that last way too long, and banned for what we would call banter here in the Sports Forum, but would be different in other forums. The Denver Broncos Message Board has a decent infraction system that is gradual, and the infractions don't last 3 months, but 30 days. And maybe, infractions/bans only affect your Sports Forum status/posting abilities.
I wrote in a post how I feel about the Sports Forum - (not saying that others will agree)
I like to think of this as a group of friends hanging out at a bar, shooting the bull. We give each other crap sometimes, but in the end we keep coming back to have more beers together. We may disagree vehemently at times, but most are mature enough to know this is a discussion, and will come back again. And sometimes we might even agree.
I won't write anything that I wouldn't say to a persons face, sitting at the bar next to me. If I think what you're saying is stupid, I'll tell you that. It is MY opinion, that's all. Just as you and everyone else here are entitled to your and their own.
I usually only post in the Football threads, so I don't if it's better or worse in the others, but that's my 11 cents worth. ANd I haven't really seen any newbies get chased off from here. This is a pretty close group that knows each other, so maybe it's just hard for some to break in to the "clique" and feel a part of the group.
P.S. I think we have done a pretty good job of taking care of each other in here, and while there are flareups, they don't last long, and things eventually smooth to normal again, and we all are still here.
So, to sum it all up, I don't think we really need to change anything. (I guess I could have just written that.)