Not sure what brought this all about. I've been away for a few days on a little mini vaca to NYC, so I have some catching up to do. Why is it whenever I leave, things turn to sh**?? Lol.
My thoughts...
More moderation isn't necessarily the answer. I think the people that make up this forum and take the time to participate in active conversations do a pretty decent job in policing ourselves. There's nothing wrong with a healthy debate. Personally speaking, it takes a lot to offend me. I happen to have very thick skin. And if someone get's bent out of shape, we all need to take a step back and remind ourselves, this is a just a computer. A virtual world of people we most likely don't know personally. With that said, most of the members show a lack of class and respect for one another. It's one of the more mellow sport's forums I know actually.
Perhaps some of the bickering can be abbreviated, but for the most part, I think it's a well run forum. I hardly visit any other area of this forum, besides the Sport's Section. As Cy said, how long can one talk about satellite dishes, before it becomes dull and boring? Lol. The sport's section is where it's at and I have a lot of fun here. As a matter of fact, besides the Dish, Direct and FTA sections, the Sports Forum is THE most frequented and posted on section on this site and is quickly catching up to the Direct and FTA sections as well! For people who don't frequent the forum to make rash decisions and sweeping changes might be a mistake.