What would you change about our Sports Forum?

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Out of all people I wouldn't have expected RockyMtnHigh and Msmith to become the post whores of this thread and take it off topic. :)

There are some good ideas in this thread and I will talk them over with SatelliteGuys Co Owner tonight to see what she thinks.

She? I'm starting to feel better about this already!!! :D

I've noticed Bill always posted updates during the MLB Playoffs. My vote if you added an additional mod would be for him. :)
Sorry, sometimes I get carried away and the words just come out.
Based on my stress level from the harassment that I have been getting, I think a little leniency in regards to my language is appropriate. Dang nab it to heck!

NO leniency!!!

Your evil SEC empire is dominating the college football world AGAIN...what the heck is so stressful about that?!?!?!?! :D

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To answer the thread title as to what I would change..

We need more SEC fans here. The forum is certainly lacking in SEC fans so maybe we could do massive advertising around the SEC world to get more SEC fans.

Just saying....

hmmmm well if we get one more ACC fan scott will have no choice but to shut down the section since I can only imagin how double the flack I get towards someone else would go :D

I take a beating in these threads but its ok I don't mind
I joke around with hd and ramy because their football teams suck and mine is far superior over theirs but they do the same thing back because it's part of being a sports fan.

granted sometimes things get taken too far or someone keeps pushing it but I came to the conclusion that to ignore that person because frankly the sports section is the best place on this site.

I rarely go into the D* section, chit chat, pub or any other section because they can be boring, this section is fun.
dvrexpander said:
hmmmm well if we get one more ACC fan scott will have no choice but to shut down the section since I can only imagin how double the flack I get towards someone else would go :D

I take a beating in these threads but its ok I don't mind

In a couple years I will be a ACC fan plus salsa's basketball team will be there also.
To answer the thread title as to what I would change..

We need more SEC fans here. The forum is certainly lacking in SEC fans so maybe we could do massive advertising around the SEC world to get more SEC fans.

Just saying....
Where's that Dislike button when you need it?? :(:D
I went to the sports section the other night and a hockey game broke out.
The Insider said:
I agree with hart in that people need to get some thicker skin when it comes to others talking bad about "their team". If someone says hey team Y sucks because blah blah blah there is no need to take it as some personal insult to yourself and get all bent out of shape. Really I mean its just a team its not like someone is talking about your family.

I mean when OSU was hot and FLA were hot I was certainly guilty of giving jimbo and the osu fans hell about there team and got it dished back as well. But I dont think either of us took it personal and we have good conversations on other topic

dvrexpander probably gets beat up the most here being one of the only ACC fans (aside from salsa) certainly the only VTech fan. But he certainly does not wine and cry here in the forum and takes it and dishes it right back.

The people who are complaining unless they are complaining about someone specifically attacking them or constantly going after them personally just needs to get over it. I mean people are constantly going after the SEC teams and the "SEC Biased" etc but I dont recall ever getting mad over it.

The software this website uses has a great feature that allows you to IGNORE people. If someone bothers you they can disappear with a few clicks of the mouse and you can get on with your day. Remember it is only the internet. When you close your web browser it goes away. So don't take it to heart or let it ruin your day.

I am not...repeat NOT "an ACC fan"...

To answer the thread title as to what I would change..

We need more SEC fans here. The forum is certainly lacking in SEC fans so maybe we could do massive advertising around the SEC world to get more SEC fans.

Just saying....

Maybe if you ask nicely, you can get your own Sub Forum !
cybok0 said:
You're going to be when syracuse joins.

I will be a Syracuse basketball fan and a Miami Hurricanes football fan...not a conference fan boy like most in here. Would still like them whether they were in the WAC, PAC-10, MWC or the even the much balley-whoed SEC.
Adding a few more mods to add depth and take some of the load off of Ramy so he doesn't have to do so much heavy lifting.
Not sure what brought this all about. I've been away for a few days on a little mini vaca to NYC, so I have some catching up to do. Why is it whenever I leave, things turn to sh**?? Lol.

My thoughts...

More moderation isn't necessarily the answer. I think the people that make up this forum and take the time to participate in active conversations do a pretty decent job in policing ourselves. There's nothing wrong with a healthy debate. Personally speaking, it takes a lot to offend me. I happen to have very thick skin. And if someone get's bent out of shape, we all need to take a step back and remind ourselves, this is a just a computer. A virtual world of people we most likely don't know personally. With that said, most of the members show a lack of class and respect for one another. It's one of the more mellow sport's forums I know actually.

Perhaps some of the bickering can be abbreviated, but for the most part, I think it's a well run forum. I hardly visit any other area of this forum, besides the Sport's Section. As Cy said, how long can one talk about satellite dishes, before it becomes dull and boring? Lol. The sport's section is where it's at and I have a lot of fun here. As a matter of fact, besides the Dish, Direct and FTA sections, the Sports Forum is THE most frequented and posted on section on this site and is quickly catching up to the Direct and FTA sections as well! For people who don't frequent the forum to make rash decisions and sweeping changes might be a mistake.
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I read this topic every day and periodically post my opinion,which at times has got me in trouble. When I see a thread where 2 or more people seem to be going to extremes,I just hit last and detour around it. Others can do the same. Sports fans are a passionate group and unless it gets very, very personal, I would just leave things here alone.
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