Guys and gals, I don't think Scott meant ADD NEW Staff members; just ask existing staff to pay particular attention to this forum, although I myself have made some recommendations on new staff, and for sure, Ice and I are working to make sure things flow well here.
But the bigger issue here is making sure people remain civil in their discussions. Yeah, we all love our teams, but I have seen this forum get out of hand many times over the years. Not so bad in the past month, but it has been a problem, particularly when people get to bickering and dominate the discussion.
The biggest thing people need to remember is that SatGuys is a family of sorts, and while we argue, we need to keep the discourse civil, and refrain from flaming. Oh, its ok to joke; and its ok to pick on people (I mean seriously, if I could not pick on Smith, what would the point be???), but with all things, needs to be in moderation.
I was generally pleased with the way the discussion has gone in high profile threads, like the PSU scandal; and I suspect we'll have some spirited discussion as the NFL season works its way to a conclusion. but if we treat each other in a civil way, it will be better for everyone.