Sirius raising prices!

I have three radio's total. My wife, myself, and my father in law's. I will be cancelling mine and my wife's in March and will cancel my father in laws in 9 months (we paid for one year as a gift for him - so really can't cancel sooner). Please explain Sirius how raising these rates is going to make you more money. Oh that's right, its not - its going to cost you money for pissing off your customers by raising rates on a luxery item when most people are struggling to make ends meet.

That's alright, what do you want to bet when I call to cancel they will offer me the same rate as I am paying now not to lose me as a customer!
As a customer who has 4 XM subs and 3 Sirius subs who was looking to pair the subs down, this news has made it a lot easier to do so. I do like satellite radio, and will most likely still keep it, but probably with one or two subs.

Since Sirius XM had to show the FCC their initial price list last year for approval, shouldn't the FCC have some say in this considering that the prices have changed basically just 6 or so months after the merger?

Nice way to vindicate people's fear about the merger, Sirius XM.
Pretty much done here as well. I don't like the new sound of the channels I listen to and I won't pay more for a product, I feel, has become less. There are far too many other options to dwell on this for more than 30 seconds...
After the meger, I spoke in my own way, I cancelled XM, its been adjustment back to local channels, but I have survived!!
I am a techie, but I never got into paying for satellite radio. However, my non-techie parents have had XM for years, and my non-techie wife has been asking for satellite radio the past two years. HD Radio all the way for me...
Yeah, the online access fee is the kicker for me. I stream sirius at my desk.


I think that is what bothers me the most. I actually thought that the $6.99 per extra radio was a lot. Hell, Directv's extra receivers are only 5 bocks a mth. I am pissed off about this. I will be cancelling my second radio. It is not a need for me.
I got a new car with a free trial of Sirius in 2007. Last spring, the free trial ended and I was forced to listen to Terrestrial Radio. I tried to survive without it, but it didn't last 10 days. I'm now a happy paying sub.

Prices for all services are expected. Electricity, Gas, Cable, Satellite TV, etc. It happens. I'll continue to pay for Sirius, despite the price raise.
This is the worst news yet. I listen at work probably 4-5 hours a day and in the car. The wife uses a tuner at home. Let's see my bill to keep the same service i had before the merger will go from $21 to about $27! Bullcrap, especially since they gimped the channels and they took out our favorite kids channel.
I got a new car with a free trial of Sirius in 2007. Last spring, the free trial ended and I was forced to listen to Terrestrial Radio. I tried to survive without it, but it didn't last 10 days. I'm now a happy paying sub.

Prices for all services are expected. Electricity, Gas, Cable, Satellite TV, etc. It happens. I'll continue to pay for Sirius, despite the price raise.

Thanks for the post.

I listen to 103, 105 & sometimes 104 (comedy channels). I also listen to BBC & sometimes PBS, and rarely Classic Vinyl. Very rarely, other channels. I notice on the comedy channels, there are more and more commercials, mostly "Hi Guys" and debt "carp." And they seem to be moving to more 3rd tier comedians, and more repeats.

It's a company car. If it came out of my own pocket, I probably wouldn't renew. I might not renew, even on the company's dime, if I don't find more use out of it. I guess I need to look more at classic music, since I don't find much of the Moody Blues, Pink Floyd & Elton John.

My feelings toward Sirius have deteriorated over the last couple of weeks. I understand the merger was to reduce costs and competition, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth continuing, simply based upon the value to me. BBC alone won't carry it. And the comedy channels have become almost useless.
Done. My radios are up for renewal in July and August. They are both gone. I stream at my desk all day long but will happily be moving to, pandora and slacker radio for my listening needs. The line up change pissed me off, this just pushes it over the edge.
The family has 6 subscriptions to various Xm/Siirus plans.

I refuse to pay for the increase especially since they have done everything they said they would not do when asking for the merger.

Bugger off you b$%$%s !
I canceled yesterday. Feb 2nd is my last day. They should do 2 or 3 radios for $15 in the same house hold. 1 for the house 2 for the cars. People would keep it and feel they are getting a good value.

I just got Rhapsody on my Control4 Home Automation system. I get 3 streams at once and plenty of channels and if I don't like the song I can just skip to the next one. I'm going start a playlist for the car and see how that works.

Thanks for the last 4 years Sirius.

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