The Solid Signal Blog

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This document has been completely updated for 2023 and beyond! You’ve earned some leisure time on your yacht. Or maybe, you’re in charge of a larger vessel and you have a responsibility to make sure your guests are entertained. Either way, you’ve probably put in an expensive satellite system some time in the last ten years, and you’d like to make sure that it’s there for you for the next ten years. That’s why it’s important to look at the ugrades you’ll need to keep the TV signal coming as you sail along. This document is available in PDF format Download it now! Upgrading to HD The first marine satellite systems were standard-definition only. This was common all the way until the mid-2010s. DIRECTV started removing standard...
One of the things I really like about the new Gemini box for DIRECTV satellite TV is the remote. The folks at DIRECTV managed to make it smaller, simpler, and easier to use than the previous generation. Not only that, but it’s DIRECTV’s most powerful remote yet. The Gemini remote will work when the box is behind most TVs, when it’s in a cabinet, or really almost anywhere within 50 feet. How? It’s the power of Bluetooth. I’m famously against Bluetooth, but this time it makes sense. I’ve written a long string of articles over the years about how much I hate Bluetooth. The issues tend to boil down to two things. First of all, the Bluetooth standard keeps evolving, leaving older equipment out. This shortens the life of your equipment and...
When people look at the cost of satellite TV meters, they generally ask if it’s really worth it. Generally, I say yes. Here’s why. It saves you time. It makes it easy. It’s worth the money. Even if you don’t click through to the rest of the article, there’s something for you right there. Diving a little deeper One of our more common questions is why people would need a satellite meter. Obviously not everyone does. If you don’t do any of your own satellite repairs, even in your own home, you probably don’t. If you never go RV’ing or camping with your dish, you probably don’t. But if you do any of your own maintenance or travel even once a year with your dish, it’s worth the money for a full-featured meter. If you’re a DIRECTV...
Folks in businesses love non-penetrating roof mounts. These simple devices let you put an antenna up on any flat surface without drilling holes. The wide base is designed to accommodate weights that keep the mount stable. Most folks use cinder blocks. Some choose gallon jugs full of water, or sandbags. It’s really not important what source of weight you use. What’s important is that you use enough weight that the mount doesn’t move. In most cases that means about 100 pounds. Is that much weight dangerous? Your first thought when looking at putting that much weight on the roof is that it could fall through and cause damage. Yes, I’ll admit it’s possible. However, if your roof is that weak, you probably have other problems besides a...
This is a common myth that we at Solid Signal run into. A lot of people say that you can’t get HD programming using a small portable satellite system like the KING Quest you see above. Actually, they can. It’s just that there aren’t any HD channels to get. Let me back up a little bit. KING’s portable satellite products give you satellite TV almost anywhere. Just put it on a level surface with a clear view of the southern sky and it will do the rest. There’s only one problem though… you’ll only get standard definition channels. A lot of people will tell you that the dish can only see the 101 satellite, and that’s not exactly true. It’s mostly true, but the reasoning behind it is a little different than you might think. Digging deep...
Dear readers, there’s something I don’t understand. Be patient, and follow along. If you have a Roku streaming player or Roku TV of recent manufacture, you can get the Apple TV+ app. That app, once exclusive to Apple’s streaming boxes, is now found on several different streaming devices. That makes sense, since Apple wants to get its programming in front of more people. They make more money that way. Now, here’s something else you might or might not know. The Roku Channel, which was exclusive to Roku devices, is available on iOS devices. The Roku app isn’t just a remote for your device. It will also let you stream content from The Roku Channel. In case you’re not familiar with The Roku Channel, it’s Roku’s answer to free ad-supported...
Sometimes, DIRECTV’s loss is this blog’s gain. The confusion around its recent new products has meant a bonanza of new readers here at The Solid Signal Blog. If you’re one of them, welcome! DIRECTV has two products that look identical. To make matters worse they even have the same name. The Gemini for Satellite is for customers who have a satellite dish on their roofs and have a Genie DVR. The Gemini for Internet is for folks who get their DIRECTV programming from the internet 100% of the time. This article is about the satellite version specifically. The way Gemini (for satellite) works The Gemini is a rather interesting beast. It’s not a satellite receiver, not really. It’s not even a satellite TV client similar to the company’s 4K...
There’s no denying that oil industry workers are at a high risk of injury and even death on the job. Long work days, high physical demands, and other factors can lead to human error that can lead to accidents. If you work in the oil and gas industry, you understand the risks that come with the job. You also know that you can take certain precautions to help reduce dangers on the derrick or oil rig. We’re sure you want to improve the safety conditions for your crew. We recommend you use these helpful safety tips for the oil and gas industry. 1. Drill Site Safety Basics When it comes to safety on your jobsite, you are your first line of defense. Think about it. In the case of a fire, for example, you and your crew will attack the...
If you’re a bar or restaurant owner, there’s good news and, well, more good news to tell you this season. First the good news: DIRECTV continues to be the home of NFL Sunday Ticket for businesses this year. Yes, I’m sure that you heard that Sunday Ticket has moved to streaming this year. But, that’s only for people at home. For businesses, you can’t legally stream it. On the other hand, you can get the reliable reception you count on, plus every game every Sunday, the Red Zone Channel and the NFL Network by staying with the country’s largest pay-TV provider: DIRECTV. Chances are you already have DIRECTV for your bar or restaurant. Why wouldn’t you? They’ve been the acknowledged sports leader for almost three decades now. And we all...
I can’t tell you when the last time was that I set foot in an actual shopping mall. You know, the kind where everything is indoors and it’s usually in some sort of cross arrangement. Certainly it’s been at least three years, I can tell you that. I have a feeling I’m not the only one. Mall culture today is, essentially, dead. You can get pretty much anything you need online now, and that means the hassle of going to a mall just isn’t worth it. A lot of folks used to shop for clothes at the local mall, but that sort of thing has gone online and to “big box” type stores. Still, it makes me kind of sad when I see a video like this one, from YouTuber “Retail Archaeology”: In it, he takes a walk through the Puente Hills Mall, which served...
If you’re a property owner or manager, it’s your new best friend. Do you hate the cable company? (Join the club.) Are you tired of seeing a forest of dishes on the roof of your apartment building, cringe whenever a new tenant drills through the walls, and don’t you just wish there was a better way? Here’s the information you’ve been looking for There is, and it’s called DIRECTV D2 Advantage. It’s the multi-family housing product for DIRECTV and it’s better than it ever was before. You can replace the mess of dishes with one dish per building (or less.) Every apartment can be pre-wired, and you can get a tech who knows your property instead of “the luck of the draw.” D2 Advantage has been around for several years now, but it’s been...
Use it as long as you can. Every TV antenna ever made for use in the US will still work today. Your old 1950s aerial may be bigger than today’s sleek units but it’s still going to deliver the goods as long as it’s in good shape. Until, of course, the day when it’s not. There’s going to come a time when it’s just so unsightly or non-functional that it’s time to take it down. Hopefully, the plan is to replace it with a new antenna from Solid Signal. Here’s what I suggest. First, a nice sunny day with good weather. Don’t be a hero, don’t go up there when there’s lightning or when it’s wet or icy. The last thing you need is to be as broken as an old antenna. Take the antenna but leave the mast. Unless the mounting hardware is in as...
With RV season in full swing, you’re probably reading this article from somewhere on the road. (Hopefully someone else is driving.) You might be doing the endless scroll on your phone, and as strange as it seems, sometimes it feels like a chore. Sometimes you just want to sit back and let the entertainment come to you in real time. Folks of all ages are discovering what older folks have known for a long time: sometimes you just want to “veg out” in front of the TV. But in your RV, is that even possible? Yes, it absolutely is. Live TV from an antenna is off the table because it won’t work if you’re going more than about 15mph. Obviously cable TV isn’t an option. But satellite TV for RVs is as strong as ever, with hundreds of thousands...
Here’s a question that our customer service department gets asked every so often. The answer is “yes, but should you?” You might think that we just want to sell you another satellite TV box, but once you dig in to this question, you’ll realize running two TVs from one receiver isn’t a great idea. First, this is why people are asking This is DISH’s ViP622 DVR. Or, well, it was. The product was pretty popular in the ’00s and into the ’10s, but it’s no longer available. It was a 2-tuner DVR that let you watch two different programs from the same box. You just ran a cable into another room and you got to watch two programs. That is, unless you were recording something. With only two tuners, you lost functionality if you were recording...

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