You might be a SatelliteGuy if...

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You might be a satelliteguy if....... you go to another country and you find yourself inspecting dish installations on other peoples homes and businesses instead of enjoying your vacation with your family.

You might be a satelliteguy if ........ you try to figure out what satellite an fta dish is pointed at.

You might be a satelliteguy if ....... you go the cheap route and weld a dish mount to your truck roof so you can take tv with you when your hunting.

You might be a satelliteguy if ........ you have a DVR in your bathroom.

You might be a satelliteguy if ....... you put a tv in your kids tree house.

You might be a satelliteguy if ....... you cherrish your remote more than your wife.

You might be a satelliteguy if ....... you try to figure out a way to hook up a sirius unit to your mountain bike to make bike rides with the family more interesting.

You might be a satelliteguy if ......... your proud to be a pub member here.

You might be a satelliteguy if ......... you look for an Iceberg look-a-like where ever you go.
you might be a satellite guy if

-you have more dishes up than the cable company
-you decide to downgrade from 7 dishes to 4...but one dish has 11 LNB's on it :D
-a buddy is going to throw away a spool of cable and you grab it. You don't need it but you still grab it.
-you can figure out precisely how many different ways you can hook 8 FTA LNB's to multiple receivers
-when "junkin" your eyes light up when you see a 15 year old analog satellite box
-you almost cry when you see a nice Primestar dish
-you do cry when you see a beaten up Primestar dish
-you cant put more dishes on the roof because the C-Band LOS would be blocked then

You might be a satelliteguy if ......... you look for an Iceberg look-a-like where ever you go.
if you're in Georgia, you might see the REAL Iceberg :)
Iceberg said:
if you're in Georgia, you might see the REAL Iceberg :)
:D have more satellite dishes on the roof than family members under it.:o
...while at a bar, you quickly shot an azimuth to the gal who will provide you with max elevation.:)'ve unknowingly turned down sex in order to play with your newfangled dohickey whizbang.:('ve been told you'll be "cut off" if one more dish goes on top of the you do a pole mount install.:haha
You might be a satelliteguy if

The local authorities come to your house during national disasters to get the latest news.

Homeland security has a file on you as a suspicious character for having more dishes than Nasa.

Your dish farm can be seen from space.

You sell bird baths made out of old dish 300's.

You have a tattoo of Charlie Ergen on your right butt cheek.

Your checks are custom made with the Dish logo in the back ground.

When you say your prayers you ask God to look out for Rupert Murdoch.

You can feed every house in your nieghborhood and still have four tv's free in your own house.

You start up a website dedicated to your new found love of satellite tv.

You know more about the system than the guy thats come out to install it.

You wonder how it is that Charlie Ergen ever made it in the industry while your sitting in your boxers eating mac and cheese out of an old coolwhip bowl watching charlie chat on a 1975 27 inch quasar.

You have autographed glossy 8 x 10's of the staff on the Dish Network FYI channel and bio's of all the women.

Your on a first name basis with the call center.

You have the installer over for dinner once a month.

You have the customer retention number on speed dial on all your phones.

You have in every address book.

You have the local guys number and the main office number on a list of emergency contacts.

You spend several hundred dollars to go to an expo to meet other people that are professional couch potatoes and commiserate about your love hate relationship for the industry.

You make your kid get a job as an installer with Dish when he turns 18 so you can get the employee discount.

You start up your own sub contract business for the hell of it.

The cable guy sends you death threats.

You play musical chairs with all the cable and satellite companies trying to get the best deal.

You're on a do-not-sell-to list with all of the cable and satellite companies because you play musical chairs to get the best deal.

The local dish guy turns and runs when he see's you coming down the street.
If you pass on your "Dream House" because part of the Carke belt is behind the might be a SatelliteGuy.
Pepper said:
pretty cool, over 12000 posts in just 13 months, way to go Iceberg, the true Satelliteguy.

Dang, 12,000 posts in 13 months. THAT is impressive!

You might be a satelliteguy if... the pile of work on your desk keeps building up, but you are writing a post about if you might be a satellite guy! :D


You might be a satelliteguy if you had your picture taken with Leslie Harper at the CEDIA reception, which you drove four hours to get to! :D :D
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you might be satelliteguy if

-your neighbor gets pissed because he paid 30 bucks to see a PPV college football game on Direct or Dish and you plucked a feed out of the sky of the same game (legally) for free :)
-you have to climb on your roof in winter to remove the snow around the FTA dish so you can move the dish to the eastern or western satellite
Top Ten Signs You're a SatelliteGuy
from the home office in DMA #56

10. When you close your eyes in bed at night you see nothing but twitching signal quality meters.

9. You went to the halloween party, dressed as a DP+44 multiswitch, hoping to laugh at all the DP34 and legacy switch costumes of which, sadly, there were none.

8. A top requirement for your next television is Picture-In-Picture-By-Picture-Over-Picture-In-Picture.

7. Straight from memory, you can tell me when the last 5 outages were, and precisely how long they lasted.

6. You have to log in to your universal remote to watch television.

5. Your back yard gives the local cable headend "dish envy".

4. You can accurately guess the symbol rate of any transponder just by watching one of its channels.

3. You understood number 4.

2. You start having pixelation and audio dropout issues... when you're nowhere near a TV set.

And the number one sign you're a SatelliteGuy:
1. You can pronounce Greczkowski.

©2004 TuxCoder. Posted by TuxCoder with permission from TuxCoder.

Or you're also Polish.
You might be a satelliteguy if


Your dish farm can be seen from space.

Does this count? Here is my roof from GoogleMaps. The two white dots at the North end of the roof are my Dish 500 and Dish 300.
And hey! I just passed post 1,600! At this rate, I'll get to 25,000 in another 40 years!


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You might be a SatGuy if.....

1. Your dual tuner HD DVR already records two shows Monday at 8pm and 2 shows at 9pm, so you are forced to move other timers to your bedroom DVR so you don't miss them (curse you network programmers and NAB fatcats who killed my distants....)

2. You habitually go into the 622 menu section under preferences hoping they added SOMETHING, ANYTHING in a new software release since you want to tinker with something since you're bored....

3. While doing #2 (the item above, not the bodily function), you keep going to the diagnostics screen and checking your receiver temperature.... For fun, you click the connect button, but there is never any upload ready....

4. If you do #2 AT the same time you ARE doing the bodily function, then you are a rich SatGuy and have a receiver and TV in your bathroom. Which begs the question..... how much DID your ex-wife get in the divorce settlement?

5. You've got 5 video inputs on your A/V receiver, and 7 inputs on your TV, and you STILL can't find any ports to handle your new game system/component/etc.....

6. You put on the white noise test tones on your 7.1 surround receiver as a meditation aid.... (the subwoofer rumble is your favorite)

7. You've upgraded the sheetrock to a composite concrete/gypsum material in your media room so that the only sound that gets out is the sound through the doors and HVAC vents (I actually did this - My electrician STILL bitches about how many drill bits he screwed up trying to put outlets and lighting fixtures in the room).

8. Your son mentions "discrete DTS" on his Christmas DVD wish list..... OK, I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it....

9. You drive an extra 30 minutes to watch a movie in the theater because they have Stadium Seating... An extra 40 if they have THX also.....

10. You start helping people at the local Best Buy/Circuit City/ Etc.... and the people assume you work there....

11. You pepper the real salesmen with an endless litany of features and jargon, and they disappear out of embarassment that they know 1/3 of what you do....

12. You've ever laughed when the salesmen that didn't leave earnestly looks you in the eye and assures you that flat panel prices are stable now and shouldn't drop any further and that you should feel safe to buy now.....

and finally....... you beg and beg for E* to release a software update for X receiver, and then beg twice as hard for a way to go back to the previous release when it adds three things and breaks three things.... (coming out ahead in tech terms evidently)
You might be a SatelliteGuy if you are traveling to Dallas this Saturday just to meet Ler, Neutron, The Prize Goddess and me

(Bonus points if you could care less if Charlie Ergen shows up to the party) :D
I finally get to meet The Prize Goddess :)

Looking forward to Saturday.

Why, oh Why do you not like Capitalizing my Userid?

It's LER.....
You might be a Satellite Guy if you attend internet addiction anonymous weekly, because of all the time you spend on this site!!!
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