You might be a SatelliteGuy if...

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Foxbat said:
You have, after a blizzard, climbed a ladder to the 2nd story roof to clear the snow and ice off your dish "because I can't wait for it to melt off."
Or how about during a blizzard.
dfergie said:
you might be a satelliteguy if...
When you drive through town you spot dishes on houses and instantlly know who the provider is and know what birds they are pointed at...

ha, these are all so true, but this is the one that drives my wife crazy the most
You might be a Satellite guy if…..

You are deathly afraid of heights, but will climb on your roof without a second thought to put up a new dish, fix something, take pictures of them, etc : )
On a related note... I got my first slight sunburn this year from spending a couple hours on my roof with my Pansat and one of my little portable TVs, finely adjusting my motorized 30" dish (it was a few weeks ago, absolute perfect weather).
Theres a post in I think Nightryders 148 cbshd thread ... where the guy took a 6-pack with him onto the roof... thats being prepared... You might be a SatelliteGuy if ... you take your tools and a 6-pack to peak your dish... :)
Hehe :D

Some of these 'you know......' one liners are pretty funny, even tho I'm not even remotely a satellite guy! (sorry! - puts on flame retardant suit to avoid flames....!)
(Actually happens)

If your wife/significant other yells out you to stop checking out dishes like other wives yell about checking out other women :rolleyes:
pretty cool, over 12000 posts in just 13 months, way to go Iceberg, the true Satelliteguy.
OK, some of these might be in here, but I couldn't resist.

You might be a SatelliteGuy:

. . . if you have your satellite recievers set up to a Slingbox, just to watch your systems remotely in a place where you can't get a spot beam, or install a satellite dish.

. . . if you have more cables and switches than your local Radio Shack or Sound Advice.

. . . if you educate CSR's about their systems and technical issues.

. . . if your friends call you before choosing a television provider.

. . . if you have more satellite receivers than televisions in your home.

. . . if the guys in the blue shirts at Best Buy stop and ask you for information about the latest equipment.

. . . if you bitch about PQ while watching tv.

. . . if you bitch about PQ while watching a sporting events with friends, and they all look at you like your crazy and ask, "What the hell is PQ?" (LOL! Happened this weekend.)

. . . if you piss friends and family off because you like to compare the PQ between D*, E*, Comcast, and/or OTA.

. . . if you have DVR's to back up the recordings of another DVR. :D
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