You might be a SatelliteGuy if...

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Top Ten Signs You're a SatelliteGuy
from the home office in DMA #56

10. When you close your eyes in bed at night you see nothing but twitching signal quality meters.

9. You went to the halloween party, dressed as a DP+44 multiswitch, hoping to laugh at all the DP34 and legacy switch costumes of which, sadly, there were none.

8. A top requirement for your next television is Picture-In-Picture-By-Picture-Over-Picture-In-Picture.

7. Straight from memory, you can tell me when the last 5 outages were, and precisely how long they lasted.

6. You have to log in to your universal remote to watch television.

5. Your back yard gives the local cable headend "dish envy".

4. You can accurately guess the symbol rate of any transponder just by watching one of its channels.

3. You understood number 4.

2. You start having pixelation and audio dropout issues... when you're nowhere near a TV set.

And the number one sign you're a SatelliteGuy:
1. You can pronounce Greczkowski.

©2004 TuxCoder. Posted by TuxCoder with permission from TuxCoder.
If you come for the Charlie Chat, and stay for the compelling commentary... you might be a SatelliteGuy.
Ok a few more.

If you learned how to count by counting visable satellite dishes while your traveling, you might be a SatelliteGuy.

If you hear the word Charlie and a picture of Charlie Ergen pops in your head, you might be a SatelliteGuy.

If you get more excited shopping for satellite recievers and switchs then going lingerie shopping with your wife, you might be a SatelliteGuy.
If you're out in the backyard at night with your significant other and instead of gazing at the stars, you point out the location of all the satellites in the sky. :D
You might be a Satellite Guy if:

You pack up your HD receiver, a Dish, the PJ and all the cabling necessary for a 4 day Holiday stay at your buddies house. (Guilty! I do this every year for Thanksgiving)
You might be a Satellite Guy if:

While having sex, to delay the inevitable, you picture Charlie Ergen in your head.
DarrellP said:
You might be a Satellite Guy if:

While having sex, to delay the inevitable, you picture Charlie Ergen in your head.

Okay, that would be a total turn off. :D Eww!!!

You might be a Satelliteguy if you come for the chat, and stay for the arcade. :)
DarrellP said:
You might be a Satellite Guy if:

You pack up your HD receiver, a Dish, the PJ and all the cabling necessary for a 4 day Holiday stay at your buddies house. (Guilty! I do this every year for Thanksgiving)
Did this Super Bowl sunday, they had the dish, I had the 6000u and the X1...:) plus a brewski or 2...
If you spend more time reading and posting here than actually watching TV because there's nothing on worth watching, you might be a Satelliteguy.
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