He's not being hard in my view he's just passionate about fta and likes things to work perfect.
It seems to me that this STB is for the I steal service crowd every update has something with IKS.
If you want to support Americans you could always get a rs-1933 or dbs6000HD if you don't want a microHD.[/QUOTE
Do you owned a X2 or Micro??? I know, another more behind the curtain and another more to the crew!! ja , ja , ja , ja
Nobody is perfect and the FTA STBs is not out of that loop. I owned a Manhattan or can get any one w/out any IKS capacities. Nothing to do with you or me as an owner. I dont use it and dont like it, love my FTA system and will always do. More and more brands keep adding the feature there, its up to you to use it. I regreat and condenm the use of. This post has nothing to do with this. So keep enjoying you Micro, I hope someday we can have a FTA box with everything we like (who work perfect, like you said). So please stop going after other FTA brands which are not what you want to give it a hand and let the market going on!! At the end we as customer will benefit from!!!!!!!