X-Box, Playstation, and Wii Game News

Some remake games are definitely a better package than others. I suppose the fact that remakes like Dishonored exist doesn't really hurt anything since they are almost always made by small port houses though. If you don't think it's a good product no one is making you go out and buy it.

Even if backwards compatibility did exist from day one on the new consoles I would still chose to buy a remastered copy in many cases. Some games like Gears 1 don't really have a multiplayer community on Xbox 360 anymore. The fact that Gears Ultimate exists means I can play that game online again.

I still own my PS3 and PS3 copies of all 3 Uncharted games but I'm still going to buy the Nathan Drake Collection at some point. If I am going to play those games in the PS4 era I'd rather play them on my PS4 with PS4 level graphics than hook my PS3 back up and play the originals.

Even if a remaster is just a graphics bump with no gameplay changes I'd be willing to buy it for some games. That being said, I'm glad wide release backwards compatibility is due on Xbox One in about a month. There are plenty of games I'd be willing to play the last gen version of.
Reviews of Guitar Hero 5 are trickling in. General consensus seems to be positive, although not overwhelmingly. The Single Player Campaign (AKA Live) is getting generally panned due to it's lack of ability to connect to players as well as so-so track list. Guitar Hero TV is seen as a nicer change, and everyone seems to enjoy the new Guitar Setup. I may pick this up if it gets a decent discount during the holiday.


Note: The game comes with only 44 songs on the disc, with the main appeal being the Guitar Hero TV. If you're interested in THOSE songs, the list is here.


Quite a few eyebrow raisers here. Nothing that really stands out as good, as opposed to the TV list which is quite robust.
Reviews of Guitar Hero 5 are trickling in. General consensus seems to be positive, although not overwhelmingly. The Single Player Campaign (AKA Live) is getting generally panned due to it's lack of ability to connect to players as well as so-so track list. Guitar Hero TV is seen as a nicer change, and everyone seems to enjoy the new Guitar Setup. I may pick this up if it gets a decent discount during the holiday.


Note: The game comes with only 44 songs on the disc, with the main appeal being the Guitar Hero TV. If you're interested in THOSE songs, the list is here.


Quite a few eyebrow raisers here. Nothing that really stands out as good, as opposed to the TV list which is quite robust.

If you buy music from Amazon the current deal for Prime members isn't bad. You can get a bundle with the Guitar for $89.99 (normally $99) plus a $10 credit for the Amazon music store. I've been thinking about buying it but I was kind of waiting to hear some critics I trust like Jeff Gerstmann compare it to Rock Band first.

I would like one of those games but I'm not buying the whole Rock Band bundle for $250. In either case I would just buy the bundle with one guitar for now and Guitar Hero is quite a bit cheaper. I have always favored Rock Band over Guitar Hero in the past and I originally thought this was a no brainer but now I'm not show sure... especially if I'm not going to have the whole band setup.

I can't see many situations where I would have a group of people over at my house who want to play Rock Band together anyways. In either case it will probably be me playing by myself most of the time. Last time these games were big I was in college and there were always people who wanted to play. Things are different now.
I've pretty much decided that I'm going to go pick up a Guitar Hero Live. I just wish I could get a digital copy of the game and the guitar for the same price as the regular bundle. This is going to be one of those games you go back to randomly for months or even years depending on what kind of job they do at keeping GHTV fresh. I'd rather not have to put the disc in every time I want to fire it up for a quick session.

From some quick searching I can't even seem to find pricing on buying the guitar separately or any retailers that are offering it. Guitar Hero Live also isn't even available digitally on Xbox.com yet. I'm sure both of those things will change at some point but I doubt you will be able to buy them both separately without paying quite a bit more than the bundle price.
Yeah back in the day (read: Before I had kids) Rock Band/GH was a staple of our get togethers. Nowadays RB only gets brought out when I'm quite inebriated and just play by myself, so I'm essentially recreating how I'd be playing any new rhythm game. It's very clear that they really are going "back to roots" with complete abandonment on the full band set and just doing GUITAR (yeah you can do vocals but no one is buying GH for karaoke.) I mean I started off with GH 2 and got 3/4/5 and the RB games, but even when bands were introduced I always stuck with guitar, with very little drum use and even less vocal use and even LESS keyboard use. And I understand why GH had to include bands later on because that's just where the market was going and people were not going to buy Guitar Hero 4 with only guitars when Rock Band 2 had already been released. But I do like what I see with this so far, so maybe I'll pick this up around the holidays or shortly afterwards.
Guitar Hero's cheaper pricing along with the fact that I don't have to buy DLC to get new music is appealing too. It seems like the better choice to me. I just hope they continue to add new content to GHTV for a long time.

I just think it's silly that a disc is required when the majority of the content comes from GHTV via the internet. I'm not selling this game and I don't want a disc.
Game of Thrones: Episode 6 is coming November 17. Also, Episode 1 is now free across all platforms.


Now that this and TFTB is done, hopefully now we can finally get Season 2 of The Wolf Among Us

I would like to see a Season 2 of TWAU too but I'm not sure they will bother. They have so many big licenses now that probably all sell better than that did. I would rather see more Wolf Among Us than a second season of Game of Thrones or Minecraft but I have to think that those are just more profitable franchises.
Well TWAU is also a licensed property, and they haven't announced anything else since Minecraft, so I don't think it's too out of the realm of possibility.
Well TWAU is also a licensed property, and they haven't announced anything else since Minecraft, so I don't think it's too out of the realm of possibility.

It is a license but it's a much smaller one than The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Minecraft, and even Borderlands. They have also announced a partnership with Marvel that is supposed to start in 2017. The do have a window before 2017 for more Walking Dead or Wolf Among us if they choose to do that.


Edit: It looks like a Walking Dead: Michonne mini series, Walking Dead Season 3, and an original Tell Tale IP called Super Show are planned for 2016 as well. They are going to be pretty busy.

Some good and (alleged) bad news about Rock Band 4..

Good news: You'll be able to import Rock Band 1-3 into RB 4 later this year. There are 2 catches: First, you have to go back and import RB 1 and 2 into RB 3 on your old console (and if you don't have RB 3 you better hurry up because they're taking it off the market.) Second, you have to pay $14.99 as well, likely to pay for new license fees, which are on top of any other fees you may incur importing into RB 3. Note that other "spin off" RB games like Lego and AC/DC are still not importable into RB 4, and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they come back in a few months and just say, "Sorry. We tried but we just couldn't work out a good deal with the music owners," which will be code for "There's not enough people with these games to make it worth us going through all the hassle to get this done." Still, RB1-3 had the best songs in the series, so it's a good sign. However, I don't see myself spending $100+ to play songs I already own on a newer system.


As far as the alleged bad news goes, it looks like Harmonix may be getting desperate and are now posting rave reviews about RB 4 on Amazon.


UPDATE: Harmonix has confirmed that yes, the reviews in question were in fact made by their employees. Not good...

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A $299 Xbox One bundle with Gears of War, Fallout 4 & extra controller could be on the horizon


Not a bad deal..

If you've been following news regarding the Xbox One lately, you'll notice a promotional trend the folks over at Microsoft have been pushing lately: bundles, bundles, bundles! Whether it's a re-mastered Gears of War bundle, a Rise of the Tomb Raider Bundle or a Fallout 4 bundle, the folks over in Redmond think the Xbox One will move better with a free game attached to it. Come Black Friday, however, the $349 bundle deals may not be the hottest offer around.

According to a leaked scan of an early Black Friday ad from Dell, an Xbox One bundle with Gears of War: Ultimate Edition will be available for $299, $50 cheaper than its current price. The deal doesn't end there, as Dell is offering a copy of Fallout 4 and an additional controller at no extra cost. The deal is absolutely insane with a retail value of $469 (according to the ad), which is why Dell might be using it as a "doorbuster" deal, likely meaning that only a limited quantity will be available.

You can be forgiven for COMPLETELY forgetting that the NINTH Assassin's Creed game is due to come out tomorrow. Hell I had basically completely forgotten about it until this video came up on my subscription feed, which was actually sponsored by Ubisoft (they make that very clear in the beginning so it's on the up and up.)

Well unlike Unity Ubisoft didn't force reviewers into embargo until the day of and now the reviews are coming out. Reviews are rather mixed. Some have praised the game for being a "callback" to the better games in the series like AC 2 (it's a little sad that we're on 9 and yet people still consider 2 to be the pinnacle of the series.) Meanwhile others have said that the series is still incredibly stagnant and all the window dressing of London can't compensate for the old, lackluster mechanics and tired gameplay.


Maybe it's because I use Ad Blocking software and don't watch TV but it seems like there's just absolutely NO buzz whatsoever about this game. Ubisoft did itself no favors last year when it released that pile of broken twigs it called Unity, and it seems like people have just given up on the series. I know I have. Ubisoft has said that if the series got bad that they'd stop with the yearly releases, and I hope this drives them to do so. They don't have the same excuses they had last time where they didn't understand the hardware (although that wouldn't explain why the PC version was a pile of broken twigs on fire.) And it's not like Ubisoft NEEDS the AC series to survive financially. Hopefully they can take 2 or 3 years off and have a proper, fully realized development cycle for the next game.
You can be forgiven for COMPLETELY forgetting that the NINTH Assassin's Creed game is due to come out tomorrow. Hell I had basically completely forgotten about it until this video came up on my subscription feed, which was actually sponsored by Ubisoft (they make that very clear in the beginning so it's on the up and up.)

Well unlike Unity Ubisoft didn't force reviewers into embargo until the day of and now the reviews are coming out. Reviews are rather mixed. Some have praised the game for being a "callback" to the better games in the series like AC 2 (it's a little sad that we're on 9 and yet people still consider 2 to be the pinnacle of the series.) Meanwhile others have said that the series is still incredibly stagnant and all the window dressing of London can't compensate for the old, lackluster mechanics and tired gameplay.


Maybe it's because I use Ad Blocking software and don't watch TV but it seems like there's just absolutely NO buzz whatsoever about this game. Ubisoft did itself no favors last year when it released that pile of broken twigs it called Unity, and it seems like people have just given up on the series. I know I have. Ubisoft has said that if the series got bad that they'd stop with the yearly releases, and I hope this drives them to do so. They don't have the same excuses they had last time where they didn't understand the hardware (although that wouldn't explain why the PC version was a pile of broken twigs on fire.) And it's not like Ubisoft NEEDS the AC series to survive financially. Hopefully they can take 2 or 3 years off and have a proper, fully realized development cycle for the next game.

I also haven't seen any ads or even coverage from gaming websites for this game. I already felt that a yearly release schedule for an open world 40 hour game series wouldn't work. This isn't like Call of Duty where they include a 6 hour campaign but most people who buy it just play the multiplayer like crazy.

It makes sense for Call of Duty to release every year since people who have been playing the multiplayer for 12 months are ready for new maps and gameplay tweaks. Assassin's Creed is totally different because it is a story based franchise. I know I don't have any interest in playing a 40 hour AC campaign every fall.

I think even something as good as GTA would bump up against some serious player fatigue if they tried to make it a yearly release. Black Flag was actually a fun game for someone like me who has never liked any of the other games enough to finish them. It was fun because they made a pirate game that poked fun at the rest of the franchise though. It had AC elements but it wasn't really a standard AC game. Maybe I'm not the target audience but I think they squeezed the life out this franchise when they decided to put one out ever year.

On top of that AC Unity being way more broken on all platforms than Arkham Knight was on PC might have been the final nail in the coffin for the fans who were still buying this every year. I think this one will do poorly enough for Ubi to take a break from the franchise. There might still be one next year since its probably already in development but I'm guessing that will be the last one for at least a few years.
Maybe I'm not the target audience but I think they squeezed the life out this franchise when they decided to put one out ever year.
Well, that along with when they lost the series creator (who was fired because he didn't want it to be turned into a yearly franchise.) In a sick twist, he then left to work for THQ, which was later bought by Ubisoft, who then went and fired him AGAIN.

In related news, it looks like Ubisoft hid all the microtransaction stuff from the reviewers, basically meaning what they reviewed isn't what is being released on Friday..

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I've been seeing a lot of TV ads for Syndicate the past few weeks, mostly zipping by as I fastforward through commercials on my DVR, but also during live sports broadcasts. I'm sure I watch a lot of programming that appeals to the target market for this kind of game. My cousin has also been posting about it in FB. I personally have zero interest, though at one time I considered myself a huge AC fan. (The last one I bought was Revelations. AC III totally turned me off of the franchise, though I'm still interested in Unity due to the setting -- an historical era I studied and specialized in in graduate school.)

Regarding the yearly release issue, with Brotherhood, they did add a multiplayer component to try to make it more CoD-like and to help warrant a yearly buy. I've never been into the MP (other than to try it out and grab a few easy trophies), but I would venture to guess it isn't quite as robust as CoD. And certainly the single-player campaign will always be the main attraction.

And it isn't just one AC game being released every year. Two years ago Liberation was released on Vita (and a year later ported to everything else); and last year AC Rogue was released on last gen at the same time as Unity. AC Fatigue is an understatement, even for the most dedicated fans, I imagine.

EDIT: Just watched the Did You Know Gaming? video yourbeliefs posted, and Syndicate looks pretty good. I'm also glad to see they dropped MP to focus on the SP experience. I wonder how they would've inserted microtransactions into an SP campaign -- early unlocks of weapons and gear? I hope it isn't anything more than that.

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