Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel are coming to the PS4 and One in March in one package. All DLC is included.
I don't think they're going to bring this package to consoles, since this is called "The Handsome Collection," obviously implying the graphical boost this version will have. Also it would add to market confusion to have the games available separate then have season passes as well as this edition with a bundle and DLC included. Regardless I won't be jumping on this. Not a big BL fan and nicer graphics and included DLC aren't going to change that.
I'd much rather have the Pre-Sequel with all DLC for $25-$30. GOTY editions of Borderlands 2 have been offered at such cheap prices so often that anyone who really wants that has it by now.
I hope they don't just start selling this package on PC too instead of heavily discounting the Pre-Sequel plus DLC like they have for previous games. If they go with that method I will just continue to ignore the game even though I liked the first two. I made it this long without it.
As much as I enjoyed Borderlands 2 on PS3, I see no reason to play it again on PS4. But if I do get the "The Handsome Collection" (a title that refers to the primary antagonist/protagonist of the two games, btw) after a price drop, at least I'll be able to jump into the BL2 DLC I haven't played yet by transferring my PS3 saves: Don't worry: using cross-save functionality, you'll be able to transfer your save to and from PS4 to pick up right where you left off, along with your leveled-up character, Badass Rank, and everything else you worked so hard for.
I really don't understand why other games (TWD, Dragon Age, etc.) haven't managed to pull this off...maybe not cross-platform, but at least cross-generation.
Agreed. TWD is the real bummer for me. I played the first two seasons on PS3 but whenever the next sequel comes out I will be playing on PS4 or PC. I'm not dealing with their performance issues on the older consoles again.
I won't be super excited to play without my previous choices but I'm not really willing to buy the games and play through them again either. I never really wanted to replay any of the Tell Tale games. Part of the charm for me is making decisions on the spot and not knowing what the consequences will be. Trying to replicate all my past choices doesn't sound fun.
I bought TWD s.2 for PS4 during a recent sale without buying TWD s.1, which was also on sale, as I had already played it on both the Vita and PS3 and just didn't want to slog through it again, even for an easy plat.
I bought TWD s.2 on PS4 because I did want to play it again and to experience it on a superior system, only to find out that the game randomly generates choices for you from the previous season and DLC. But I guess one of the failings of this game is one of its advantages when it comes to getting random choices when jumping into it on a new system: CHOICES FROM THE PREVIOUS GAME DON'T REALLY MATTER.
Sure, there's probably a reference or a line of dialogue or two that come into play during the first episode, but it wasn't all that noticeable to me, unless the random choices I got were things I did anyway. I also suspect that the game simply gives you the most popular choices. Of course now if I import my PS4 season 2 save to a season 3, I'll really have lame choices, since I'm doing the opposite of everything I was more inclined to do during my first playthrough on PS3, so maybe I should go with "random choices" again next time. lol
Unless they choose to make Season 3 about someone besides Clem I have a feeling the choices will carry forward to season 3 more than they did to season 2. Depending on how you finished the game Clem could be with one of two different adults or completely alone with the baby like she was for me. If Season 3 started up with Clem and Kenny (who died in my playthrough) it would be very jarring. With the way season 2 ended I think there are three possibilities.
1. The choices have matter more than they did last time.
2. You play as a completely different character.
3. Clem is much older and with a completely different group that doesn't include Kenny or Jane.
There will be a lot of people who played seasons 1 and 2 on previous generation hardware who have upgraded now. Hopefully they will come up with a solution that they didn't use when they ported Seasons 1 and 2 since this will be the first TWD game to be released since the new consoles became mainstream.
Edit: Even something like the Dragon Age Keep website that allows you to make a few of the bigger choices would be much better than just starting with a default game state.
Yeah it'll probably be that Episode 1 will be based on how you ended Season 2, and then they'll bring everyone into the same storyline by the end of the episode. I doubt they have the time or resources to make a series that is drastically different based on previous choices. Hell even with Mass Effect you had decisions that resulted in major consequences, but in the end it often just led to a different character being around in a particular situation.Getting back to TWD, I think season 3 will start out with option #3 in your spoiler, as the possible endings to season 2 were just too different that they'll need to reboot the game into a situation where CHOICES FROM THE PREVIOUS GAME DON'T REALLY MATTER. Otherwise the game would have to start branching off into too many different scenarios, and to this point in Telltale games, there are always 5-6 situations/choices per episode that happen regardless of any choices in the past.
Yeah it'll probably be that Episode 1 will be based on how you ended Season 2, and then they'll bring everyone into the same storyline by the end of the episode. I doubt they have the time or resources to make a series that is drastically different based on previous choices. Hell even with Mass Effect you had decisions that resulted in major consequences, but in the end it often just led to a different character being around in a particular situation.
Good news Music Unlimited is going bye-bye. (I had it for a year and it REALLY sucked!)
Bad news Sony is still coming up with ways of monetizing audio playback on the PS4 instead of giving us CD playback and DLNA media streaming.
EDIT: according to comments in the PS Blog post on the Spotify deal, we will still get free Spotify through the PS4 app. Happy to hear that as I have no need or intention to pay for a monthly music service.