Will you pay a premium for an iPhone 8 (X)?

I've witnessed the Apple version of "family" and it appears to be substantially exclusive of those who don't have an Apple ID. What's up with that?
Apple ecosystem needs Apple ID, pretty simple and you don't need to use it for anything outside of Apple if you so choose. But it is the entry into the Apple cloud and ecosystem and is what makes it all work so well together.

But doesn't Google do somewhat the same with at least some of their stuff?
But doesn't Google do somewhat the same with at least some of their stuff?
With Google Drive, you can fairly easily allow access to individual files by:
  • nobody other than yourself
  • anyone with a Google account on a list
  • anyone with a link to the file
  • anyone on the Internet
What you want or need versus what Apple allows has been and will likely always be a question in the "Apple ecosystem".
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I use both. They both have their pluses and minuses, but Apple can make the simplest of things to do a PIA.
I haven't found that to be an issue. I like how well it all fits together. I can start something on the iPad/iphone, move to a computer or another iPad and it is ready for me to continue. I like being able to make wifi calls from any of my Apple devices that all share my phone number. iMessage is great with other Apple users, but can also be used for SMS to non Apple people with somewhat lesser features. It will really be nice when it becomes unified so that everything in iMessage is the same across the devices on the same account.

But you are right, there are good and bad things about both platforms. I'm not fond of Android but could use it in a pinch.
With Google Drive, you can fairly easily allow access to individual files by:
  • nobody other than yourself
  • anyone with a Google account on a list
  • anyone with a link to the file
  • anyone on the Internet
What you want or need versus what Apple allows has been and will likely always be a question in the "Apple ecosystem".
I'll be honest, I don't share files in the cloud on any platform, so I don't know what iCloud allows for that. Just a personal preference. If I want someone(s) to see a file I'll send it to them in some way. That said, maybe I'll play around with it a bit and see what the allowances are.
I'll be honest, I don't share files in the cloud on any platform, so I don't know what iCloud allows for that. Just a personal preference. If I want someone(s) to see a file I'll send it to them in some way.
Given the size of the images the iDevices produce, you don't want to send them via e-mail (although that turns out to be the only easy way to scale pictures down since the factory still camera app doesn't allow you to shoot at reasonable resolutions). Even with the new h.265-based compression (HEIF -- what Apple refers to as less compatible), the files are still way too big for most uses.

In the end, they're selling much more expensive phones and larger capacity iCloud accounts so Apple is printing money and that's good for the their VIPs -- the shareholders.
I'll most likely wait for an 8s or 9. By then my battery will be in need of replacing anyway. This will probably be the first year where I don't get a new iPhone . Although I'm thinking about doing The every year upgrade iPhone plan but in my honest opinion Apple Care sucks since it doesn't cover lost or stolen.

I'm not surprised that the 8 is going to start at $1000. Hopefully they are just charging that bc it's their 10th anniversary and that won't be the future for iPhone prices if you want the nicer screen. If iPhones get to be that much going forward at least for a screen like Samsung 's then it'll be best to upgrade every year and not even keep it .
I'll most likely wait for an 8s or 9. By then my battery will be in need of replacing anyway. This will probably be the first year where I don't get a new iPhone . Although I'm thinking about doing The every year upgrade iPhone plan but in my honest opinion Apple Care sucks since it doesn't cover lost or stolen.

I'm not surprised that the 8 is going to start at $1000. Hopefully they are just charging that bc it's their 10th anniversary and that won't be the future for iPhone prices if you want the nicer screen. If iPhones get to be that much going forward at least for a screen like Samsung 's then it'll be best to upgrade every year and not even keep it .

The scary thing in terms of the $1000 phone is that they say "starting at..." And even with the Apple Upgrade plan, it will be around $45/month. Sigh....
Frightening. But I looked at -gasp- some Androids, and you could easily spend $800 there too.
Comparisons based on dollars aren't all that wonderful when you're comparing the non-upgradeable base model of one and the flagship of the other. Using the aforementioned Xperia as an example, you can get a phone with a better camera system, 4GB of RAM and 264GB of storage for that $800 on Amazon today (with the addition of a 200GB micro SD).

At some point, you have to wonder how much you need in a smart phone and whether the experience over the life of the phone is worth the extra $300 dollars. That's not even considering what you might open the door to in terms of apps and hardware.
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I've heard rumors that the 8 will be this expensive just for this year and when the 8s is released it won't be that much as the 8 is more a special edition iPhone .
I set my wife's 5SE to upload her pictures to the icloud as she got interested in shooting every day. So with the 99 cents per month icloud, the camera storage is no longer an issue. I use the iphone camera mostly for throw away photos, like a little notebook so the camera and storage on the iphone is not as important to me. If I plan on shooting video or stills, I carry a real camera. When traveling I always have my Panasonic 3D1 in a belt pack just in case I want a production quality 3D picture. Maybe the GoPro 4K camera as well. These pocket cameras work great for me.

I have heard rumors that a large screen iphone 8 will be upwards of $1400 now. But all these numbers are rumors. The way I look at it, I have to see what it does better than my 6+ and then decide if that "better" is worth $1000-$1400. Most likely not.

I just added up the hardware cost for my next computer upgrade in 2018 and it is exceeding $6600 before I add the 4K OLED monitor. No room for an unnecessary iphone.
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I guess you could say the problem with a $1,000 iPhone is it allows other vendors to price their flagship phones equally high. Although the Samsung Note 8 can cost close to $1,000, it's expandable, has the S-pen, more RAM, and if you bought a Note 7, you can get hundreds off that price. But the iPhone 7s will (likely) not cost more than the iPhone 7 it supersedes in the product lineup.

It's weird that all the rumors have been around the iPhone 8/Pro/Edition/X and nada peep about the 7s or a refreshed SE. But this is the iPhone 8 thread, so I guess I'll let it drop.
I guess you could say the problem with a $1,000 iPhone is it allows other vendors to price their flagship phones equally high. Although the Samsung Note 8 can cost close to $1,000, it's expandable, has the S-pen, more RAM, and if you bought a Note 7, you can get hundreds off that price. But the iPhone 7s will (likely) not cost more than the iPhone 7 it supersedes in the product lineup.

It's weird that all the rumors have been around the iPhone 8/Pro/Edition/X and nada peep about the 7s or a refreshed SE. But this is the iPhone 8 thread, so I guess I'll let it drop.

It is a good point. The lack of discussion about the 7s/7s+. So much attention given to the premium device. Lots of rumors that the 7s will have wireless charging.
I'll match an iPhone head to head with my LG G3 (QHD screen) at 1/8th the cost. I do not get the fascination with over-priced, mediocre performing, iPhones. Tangled charger wires? Really? Hint, it's not really wireless if the charger is plugged in anyway so for the sake of not having to plug in one little USB wire you'd pay through the nose for that gimmick? Seems kinda silly, I have better things to spend my money on. :rolleyes:
A benefit I see to wireless charging is that you dont have to worry about buying charging cords that will go bad. The charging port could be eliminated altogether.