Will you pay a premium for an iPhone 8 (X)?

People who wait for the iphone X may have a longer wait. Seems Apple is reporting supply issues with the new facial recognition projector/camera module. There was a brief announcement in financial news last evening where this production supplier snag may hold up assembly of the X for longer than expected.
I am extremely happy with my iPhone 8 plus. Used it the last two days in Chicago. Battery held up extremely well, in spite of no wifi most of the time, the camera is truly spectacular. I am really liking the 1x v 2x to instantly switch between the wide-angle and the 56mm lens.

And the portrait mode really does incredible stuff. I am taking shots that would normally require my Canon DLSR and a large aperture lens.

I took this at the Art Institute of Chicago this morning.

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Question for you, Rocky. When I was looking at the iPhone 8 in our Apple Store, I noticed a difference in the screen-to-frame seam between the left and right sides. The left felt seamless, but my finger noticed a gap or snag moving my finger from off-screen to on-screen. Both display iPhones I looked at had this issue, so I wondered if it was a case of early production issues or if the customer iPhones were better put-together.

I realize it's a moot point if you put your phone in any kind of a case, but the seam was better done than my iPhone 6, so progress, right?

Great shot, by the way. I noticed that my iPhone 6's camera looks slightly better with iOS 11. Here's a quick shot (with HDR) I took of my Escape:
Question for you, Rocky. When I was looking at the iPhone 8 in our Apple Store, I noticed a difference in the screen-to-frame seam between the left and right sides. The left felt seamless, but my finger noticed a gap or snag moving my finger from off-screen to on-screen. Both display iPhones I looked at had this issue, so I wondered if it was a case of early production issues or if the customer iPhones were better put-together.

I realize it's a moot point if you put your phone in any kind of a case, but the seam was better done than my iPhone 6, so progress, right?

Great shot, by the way. I noticed that my iPhone 6's camera looks slightly better with iOS 11. Here's a quick shot (with HDR) I took of my Escape:

I have not noticed any difference in the seam. I have an 8 Plus, and. yes, it is in a case, but I has been out of the case, and I did not notice anything.

I know a lot of people are just waiting for the X, but I have to say, I have never been happier than with this phone. Battery life barely drained 15% today, now it got occasional little bits of juice (in the car, since CarPlay requires a lightning connection), but it is maintaining battery extremely well. Heck, both the Apple Watch 3 and phone are just blowing me away with minimal battery usage. 82% battery on the watch at 8:30pm? Unheard of. My Watch 0 would be around 40%.

And I have a cheap wireless stand in my bedroom. So nice at night to just set it on it, and not have to maneuver the phone into the lightning adapter on my clock radio dock.
Glad to hear that it might be the early or pre-production models on display with the seam issue. I haven't seen any mention of it (I think the swelling iPhone 8 LiIon batteries in a couple of cases is more exciting to the press) so I would feel comfortable getting one.

Here's something to try, Rocky. See if your ?Watch Series 3 charges on your Qi pad. Reports are that the Series 3 is fully compliant with the Qi Wireless standard and not looking for the Qi-ish version that Apple used for the previous generations of wireless chargers.
Glad to hear that it might be the early or pre-production models on display with the seam issue. I haven't seen any mention of it (I think the swelling iPhone 8 LiIon batteries in a couple of cases is more exciting to the press) so I would feel comfortable getting one.

Here's something to try, Rocky. See if your ?Watch Series 3 charges on your Qi pad. Reports are that the Series 3 is fully compliant with the Qi Wireless standard and not looking for the Qi-ish version that Apple used for the previous generations of wireless chargers.

I have tried 3 Qi chargers, and the Watch 3 does NOT charge on any of them.
And thinking of watch and phone battery. It is noon. Watch at 99%, phone at 94%. What is this some sort of alternative universe where technology just goes and goes and goes? I'll take it!! :)
Are you tracking your hours? I hit 76 hours on watch3 going from 100% to 10%. On charger again for the new 4.0.1 update. As I see an average of 3 days of run time on a charge, I plan to just begin to put on charge every 3rd night. My original watch was every other night. Can't complain at all. Wore it swimming last Friday too. Having a reliable water proof watch for when I go in the water was my #1 reason to upgrade.

I still don't know what to do with my original. Was thinking of giving it to a relative but he may be disappointed as it is not water proof as he goes surfing a lot. I should try to see what price they sell at used.
Are you tracking your hours? I hit 76 hours on watch3 going from 100% to 10%. On charger again for the new 4.0.1 update. As I see an average of 3 days of run time on a charge, I plan to just begin to put on charge every 3rd night. My original watch was every other night. Can't complain at all. Wore it swimming last Friday too. Having a reliable water proof watch for when I go in the water was my #1 reason to upgrade.

I still don't know what to do with my original. Was thinking of giving it to a relative but he may be disappointed as it is not water proof as he goes surfing a lot. I should try to see what price they sell at used.

Nah, I still put it on the charger when I go to bed. I've never got more than a day on my old one. But right now, after a full day and a 15 mile bike ride, 83%. Kind of crazy.

I put my original in the classifieds for $100, but no bites so far. I suspect if I can get $75 for it I'll be lucky.
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Updates- I gave my watch0 to a relative and he is thrilled for it. Wanted one but with limited income just could not afford it. Mike- you may do better just giving it to a person you know will appreciate it and return far more than $100 of happiness.

I saw Bloomberg News generated a fake story to harm Apple stock today. They claimed that Apple instructed it's manufacturer to cripple the facial recognition in the iphoneX to speed up production. Apple said the story was a complete lie. Bloomberg has just moved on like it never happened. The iphone X goes on sale for preorders this Friday. 12:01AM PT. 3:01 EDT
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Yeah I was thinking of just giving it away.

Because my iPhone 7 (now my wife's phone) is on the Apple Upgrade program, I have been getting lots of emails from Apple this week, probably could have had an iPhone X with no problem if I wanted it. Would have been worth just buying it to sell. But too much of a hassle.
I saw Bloomberg News generated a fake story to harm Apple stock today. They claimed that Apple instructed it's manufacturer to cripple the facial recognition in the iphoneX to speed up production. Apple said the story was a complete lie.
The truth is undoubtedly somewhere in the middle. The Wall Street Journal broke the story about Romeo and Juliet four weeks ago. A missing component is a show stopper for production and the fact that it is taking longer suggests that there's lots of hand work and/or the fabrication setup is weak.

The happy part is most of the humiliating iOS 11 bugs should be squashed by the time the iPhone X is shipped.
I was planning to go for the X until Apple released what was in it, the weird screen pixel count and aspect ratio. Not the notch as I didn't care about that. But I had my backup plan which was the Sony Xperia XZ Premium and I am very happy with that purchase for less than half what the X would have cost. It works great tethered off my iphone 6+ so I don't even need the T-Mobile service. The only downside is what I wanted is not all in one package. A phone plus a 4K native screen. Maybe next year, Apple will make a X+ with a 4K native screen in a plus size phone, then I will upgrade from my 6+. I recognize that my interest in this upgrade is highly unique and not even 360VR fans are thinking like me on this.

Should be interesting to follow the delivery saga and even more interesting to see all the negative stories that will surface from the revolutionary innovations in the X such as facial recognition. I expect to see many "It doesn't work" stories. Meanwhile, I've added lots more Apple stock to my portfolio in anticipation of continued growth of the company plus the added benefit of repatriation of it's off shore cash. One thing I continue to bank on is the very strong cult of dedicated Apple fans that will keep buying Apple. Use the negative stories that will surface with the X over the next 2 months as an opportunity to buy Apple stock.

So Ilya, are you going to order the X? I plan to stay up to 3AM ET just to see what's happening.
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I've already got my alarm set. From past experiences with iPhone pre-orders the entire process should take less than 5 minutes though the Apple Store app and I will be back to bed.
So Ilya, are you going to order the X? I plan to stay up to 3AM ET just to see what's happening.
Yes, I am planning to order it. I need it for business purposes: testing our own apps. Especially because of its odd shape and features.
Maybe next year, Apple will make a X+ with a 4K native screen in a plus size phone, then I will upgrade from my 6+.
Given that Apple hasn't released a standard pixel matrix since the iPhone 3GS (480x320), be glad Sony wasn't afraid to go there as Apple chooses some really funky matrices. The one saving grace is that the + phones are at least a 16:9 aspect ratio (everything needing to be upconverted by 15%). A movie on the iPhone X seems likely to be a smaller image dimensionally than it is on the + models due to the unusual ratio (and of course the notch being wasted).

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Besides Don, how many people actually watch movies or TV on their phones? Complete non-issue for me anyway.

I'll be upgrading my 8 to whatever the follow-on to the X is a year from now.
When I did my watches, I was able to have the whole process set up ready to execute the moment the second hand said it was time. But the web site didn't open for at least another 20 seconds. If it misses and gives you that pop up telling you the preorder isn't available yet, you will need to redo everything. I set up 3 computers with order set up for the final click so if I jumped the gun, just move to the second login and hit again in a couple seconds.

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