Will you buy an Apple Watch?

Will you buy the first version of the Apple Watch?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 57 79.2%

  • Total voters
Here's a nice touch from Apple on your Birthday:
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I'm holding off on wOS 10 until I get familiar with iOS 17. One thing at a time. :)

I suppose if the Ultra 2 arrives Friday as Apple said, I may get it sooner than I want.
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Initial impression on wOS10 is I'm not happy with how some of my apps have changed. I guess it is better but I had some of them set up the way I like and now I need to learn all over again how to reconfigure the app.

For example the weather app now just tells me it's raining or not. I used to get a clock circle with the rain prediction and probability. Can't find that now. If I select chance of rain today it switches to current wind speed.
I don't like the OS 10 on my AW. It requires more steps than before to accomplish the same task. Examples: changing watch face. Opening and closing workout session. Why?

I really don't understand why OS makers do stuff like this. An example on my iPhone. When I answer a call, the screen is similar but the selections are in a different place. I'm used to clicking on the upper right tab to use speakerphone, now it's upper left. I'll screw up a few times out of habit before I get the new location down. No new options for me, just have to get used to a new tab to click. Also, the screen color changed to a dull gray. Why make a change that serves no purpose?
They've already released 10.0.1 today.
Hopefully they fixed some of the awkwardness in some of the apps without breaking stuff that works fine. :rolleyes

Here a question for you Apple experts: Can two Apple watches be synced to a single iphone?

I decided for now to keep my Apple watch 6 as it is working just fine but would like to add the new Ultra2 when it arrives later today. Is this even possible? I will have all the most recent updates done before activating the Ultra 2. I have a feeling that Verizon will have a problem with the same phone number on both watches so I may need to add a $econd line for the cellular on the Ultra 2.
Ultra 2 is on my wrist! :)

Has a little trouble doing the setup with Verizon. My normal bill was $127/mo After adding the Ultra 2, Verizon claims my new monthly will be $297.

Only thing I can think of is they added protection insurance to all my 2 iphones and 3 Apple watches. I did not select that. Now I have to see if I can get that reversed. I may be forced to go to the Verizon store.

Anyway, aside from the huge increase to my bill the watch itself is obviously faster than my AW6. The resolution of the screen is noticeably higher and brighter. Only one of my watch face setups was added so I may need to do the others manually. Lots of app details needed to be added.
Ultra 2 is on my wrist! :)

Has a little trouble doing the setup with Verizon. My normal bill was $127/mo After adding the Ultra 2, Verizon claims my new monthly will be $297.

Only thing I can think of is they added protection insurance to all my 2 iphones and 3 Apple watches. I did not select that. Now I have to see if I can get that reversed. I may be forced to go to the Verizon store.

Anyway, aside from the huge increase to my bill the watch itself is obviously faster than my AW6. The resolution of the screen is noticeably higher and brighter. Only one of my watch face setups was added so I may need to do the others manually. Lots of app details needed to be added.

You should have been able to restore a backup from your old watch to the new one. Select Customize settings during the pairing process and you should be able to select which backup to use.
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OK, got the insurance scam cancelled at Verizon. What a difference! $155 less next month. The addition of the Ultra 2 on my account is now +14.99 with taxes.

You should have been able to restore a backup from your old watch to the new one. Select Customize settings during the pairing process and you should be able to select which backup to use.
That's what I was thinking but it's no big deal. Had to reapprove the wallet cards but Apple Card was automatic. Most of the apps data was transferred over. Only the custom faces I need to set up now.

Time to experiment with metal bands. The fabric one is comfortable but I sweat too much when working out and then that band will get saturated.
Only the custom faces I need to set up now.
A little research and I discovered all my original faces are there. The Ultra 2 has a different process to switch. I have to go into edit and then swipe left or right to see and select them. Never needed to go into edit face before.

Also figured out how to edit the action button from workout to Flashlight but I am still baffled on how to set up shortcuts to built a menu of actions on that button. The YT experts method isn't working. I wonder if it's my older iphone 11 even though I have everything on latest updates now.
Got the new Titanium watch band in today. I really like the design. Color matches the Ultra 2 perfectly.

I'm really happy with my Ultra 2 and I have both the old AW series 6 and the new Ultra synced to the iphone 11 Pro Max.

Only one at a time which is OK with me. The way it works is which ever watch I put on and enter my code will automatically shut down the other watch and all the data will update from the iphone in a few seconds. I just store the watch not in use on a charger so if I need to charge the one I'm wearing I can just switch them. Both work and can take calls and get text messages and the apps all work on either. Only the special Ultra watch faces are not available for the older series 6.

So far I am getting 3.5 days use on the Ultra 2 battery which is great. The old series 6 battery lasts for about 20 hours before it wants to go into low power mode.
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Battery charging habits:

Seems to be lasting all week now.
Charge to 100% on Monday morning.
Using sleep mode and wearing it while sleeping
I put it on the charger for about 10minutes while in the shower after morning workout for 90 minutes.
I should get to Sunday night with a couple % remaining. Then on the charger until Monday Morning.

This is with no phone calls. But several apps running such as the Tesla app, weather, message polling and Tesla stock price during the day, plus health monitoring.
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